all your support so thank

Below is a long blog post about 2019 and the work we did in that year. We are grateful for all your support, so thank you! Below is a long blog post about 2013. I did not write this, I just copy and pasted from someone else’s site (link below). But it was so good that I wanted to share with all of you as well! Thanks for stopping by my website!…
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world for better or worse

Below is a long blog post about 3D printing and its potential. The short version? It’s going to change the world, for better or worse; it will be everywhere in ten years time; you should learn how to use one if you can afford the time (or money). Below is a long blog post about 19th century English furniture. I’m writing this because it may be interesting for some of my readers who like to know more than just the price and dimensions when looking at antique or vintage items.…
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you do please feel free

Below is a long blog post about 2017, including my favourite things. I hope you enjoy reading it and if you do please feel free to leave me any feedback on the comments section below or contact me directly via email at So what was your favourite moment of 2016? Was it when you got that job promotion after working hard for years or maybe something more personal like finally getting married or having children?…
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own title and image so

Below is a long blog post about 2017. I’ve decided to break it up into three sections, each with its own title and image so you can click on the links if only one section interests you: My year in books (including what I read for book groups) I will also link my Goodreads page at the end of this post as usual but because there are lots of posts coming up that refer back to these books, I thought I would add them here too - see below under ‘What else have I been doing?…
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as an article on my

Below is a long blog post about 150 years of the history of our parish and church. I’ve posted it as an article on my website (here) which you can read, but this post will also be published in The Church Magazine from September if anyone wants to look at that for more detail and images. We are lucky enough today to have some historic records held by the Parish Council covering over 200 years, including minutes going back into the early days when the PCC was called ‘The Vestry Board.…
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see it contains a lot

Below is a long blog post about 50 years of progress in the field I work on. As you can see, it contains a lot of graphs and pictures that take time to load. You may want to read this article first before clicking here: Below is a long blog post about 2016, the last year of my 30s. I’ve had some other personal stuff going on this week and just haven’t felt like writing at all so it took me until now to get around to posting this.…
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my life but sometimes I

Below is a long blog post about 1970s movies and theater. I’ve never written anything this long before! I love my life, but sometimes I wish things were different than they are right now…and it seems like we all have those moments from time to time. But for me, most of these feelings come when I think back on simpler times or places that no longer exist in our society today.…
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to your career or your

Below is a long blog post about 10x. I don’t recommend you read the whole thing if it isn’t important to your career, or your job search. I have been thinking recently of how my personal experiences and opinions are shaped by who I am as an individual, what companies I worked at in the past, and most importantly where they were located geographically (either US East Coast or West Coast).…
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which eCommerce Platform best suits

Below is a long blog post about 6 things to consider when choosing an e-commerce platform. How do you decide which eCommerce Platform best suits your business? There are many options out there and it’s tempting to jump in with both feet, especially if you have a time pressure on delivering results quickly. But this approach can be risky as the wrong choice of technology will negatively affect how effectively your team work together – and how successful they become!…
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for quite some time to

Below is a long blog post about 15 books and what I learned from them. I have had this idea for quite some time to write short reviews of my favorite (or not so much) business or life-changing reads, but never got around to doing it until recently when I finally found the motivation while reading one book that changed how I think about success: The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fck by Mark Manson.…
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