in tears as I write

Below is a long blog post about 10 years of my life, but also the last couple months. I am in tears as I write this because it’s been such an emotional time for me and it feels like there are so many things to say… so much that has happened since April of this year. This is all coming out now after reflecting on these past few weeks and thinking back over my whole life since age 25 – where have those ten years gone?…
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TEDx Talks I am not

Below is a long blog post about 3D printing and the potential for its use in space exploration, posted on TEDx Talks. I am not sure if it will be of any interest to you or your readers but thought I would give you an opportunity to consider it! Below is a long blog post about 12.0, including the following sections: Updates to our API New and updated integrations with popular SaaS platforms such as Salesforce and Zendesk; plus new add-on services for Jira, GitHub and Gmail Improved reporting in our Analytics tool A few improvements we’ve made that you won’t notice but are important underneath the hood!…
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might be of interest to

Below is a long blog post about 10 things I learned while researching and writing my novel. I think it might be of interest to other writers, so here goes! If you want your book published by an established publisher (or indie), then the first thing they are going to ask for when considering whether or not to take on your manuscript – even if that’s all there is at present as far as content goes -is a synopsis.…
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who are just getting started

Below is a long blog post about 10 things you should know when making your first documentary. It’s for those who are just getting started, or people looking to get into the industry and need some guidance on how it all works behind-the-scenes. The article covers everything from planning out a project with an outline plan, understanding what kind of equipment will be needed (and why), shooting techniques that work well in this genre like B roll footage as opposed too close up interviews etc.…
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help you quickly find out

Below is a long blog post about 4 of the most popular questions I get asked. I’ve written this to help you quickly find out whether or not it sounds like something that could be right for YOU, and if so what steps to take next?! If your heart goes ‘YES! YES! YES!!!” then please reply with “YEAH” in bold letters on our contact page & we can arrange an online meeting!…
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reflection and planning before the

Below is a long blog post about 2016. I thought it might be helpful to take some time out for reflection and planning before the new year begins, so here goes: In late December I had a call with my coach where we discussed what has happened this past year (both personally and professionally) as well as plans going forward in 2017. She asked me if there was anything that stood out or really surprised me from 2016…and this question stopped me in my tracks because honestly everything stood out!…
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Eve This year like the

Below is a long blog post about 2013 (which I will be re-posting to my Facebook page on New Years Eve). This year, like the last two years before it, has been one of the most challenging in our lives. It’s strange how God allows us to face these things so we can grow and learn from them, but at the same time they are hard! We have faced many trials this past year, including financial struggles, family sicknesses & deaths, health issues with myself and children, stressful job situations, and more.…
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the year with a plan

Below is a long blog post about 10 things I learned in my first year as an entrepreneur. I started the year with a plan to do some serious personal development and learn from those who have achieved what it was that I wanted – financial freedom, independence (time-wise) and control over their life’s work. And I did this by joining a community of like minded people on Facebook. It was here where I got introduced to the concept of ‘doing things differently‘; something I hadn’t experienced before since moving away for university at age 23.…
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this one paragraph In the

Below is a long blog post about 2014. If you don’t have time to read it all, I suggest reading this one paragraph: “In the summer of 2013 I was in an uncomfortable place mentally and emotionally that led me down some dark paths with no end in sight. It took some hard work on my part but I eventually found myself again.” I’m not exactly sure when or why 2013 started getting out of hand for me; there were warning signs here and there prior to August-ish, but nothing major enough to tell me something might be wrong.…
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MOBI files to your Kindle

Below is a long blog post about 2100-2500 words. You can read it online or download as PDF, EPUB and MOBI files to your Kindle for $4.99 here: (also available on Amazon) A great book by the way! Below is a long blog post about 2015, the first year we’ve been here in Canada. It was written by our daughter and it captures some of what she saw when I took her to visit places that are dear to my heart (the Alps, Paris).…
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