Obama announced that he will

Below is a long blog post about 10 Things to Know About the Affordable Care Act. On January 23rd, President Obama announced that he will make his final push for healthcare reform by touring the country in an effort to educate people on what’s at stake if we don’t pass this bill and how it will help each of us get more affordable health insurance coverage than ever before. He also has promised not one dime from your tax dollars would go towards abortion services or subsidizing those who choose to have them.…
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first book Ive been working

Below is a long blog post about 5 things that I think are really important when starting to write your first book. I’ve been working on my own book for over two years now and there were many times where it felt like the most difficult thing in the world, but by using these simple tips, they made all of those struggles seem much more bearable! If you follow each step then you will be able to get through writing your very first draft faster than ever before without having any regrets or hindrances along with way – no matter how challenging it may appear at first glance!…
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too to help you get

Below is a long blog post about 150 of the best songs for dating. I have included some great videos too to help you get an idea as to why these songs are so good and what they mean in terms of dating, love and relationships…. The Best Songs For Dating - Part One (36-79) So here we go with part one of this epic list. Hopefully it will give you plenty of inspiration when it comes to making your next playlist!…
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been up since April of

Below is a long blog post about 2015. It’s the last one I will write for this site (it has been up since April of that year) and also it contains many things to do in this beautiful city, even if you are already here! So what was my first year as an expat like? Was it everything I expected or did some things surprise me? How do people feel when they visit Toronto after living abroad – how much does their perspective change on the place we call home?…
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months my life has changed

Below is a long blog post about 2017 and a lot of thoughts, experiences I had. In the last few months my life has changed quite drastically so this will be an interesting read for me to go back in time and remember everything that happened within such short period of time So what did happen during this year? Well there’s been lots of ups and downs but mainly good things haha!…
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doing some thinking on my

Below is a long blog post about 10 years of research and teaching experience in the field. I have been doing some thinking on my experiences over the past ten or more years, trying to figure out what I’ve learned that might be useful for others starting down their own path with SCRUM software development methods. There are so many different stories and opinions out there now it can feel like you need an encyclopedia just to get started, but it doesn’t always help if those references were written by people who had no hands-on experience themselves (or whose experience was limited).…
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to say the least As

Below is a long blog post about 10 things I learned in 2015. This year was definitely an interesting one to say the least! As always, I made my share of mistakes and had some ups and downs but for me this has been a great time to reflect on what’s important in life as well as focus on prioritizing certain areas that have fallen off track over the last few years (mainly work).…
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has I am not sure

Below is a long blog post about 3D printing. So what’s the big deal? It’ll change everything, and it already has. I am not sure if I should write this blog entry or put up an audio podcast instead… But here goes: This will be a very long blogpost with lots of photos! You are welcome to skip through all those pictures (and video) by using your browser “Back” button. Or you can just listen to my audio version on iTunes Podcast.…
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fiction Im going to break

Below is a long blog post about 300 words and 1,500 more on the topic of how to write good fiction. I’m going to break this up into smaller chunks over several posts because it got too long for one go around. The first part of this was originally written by Steven Pressfield in his book “The War Of Art” “When we sit down each day and do our work, power concentrates around us.…
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some but it contains too

Below is a long blog post about 5G and the Internet of Things (IoT). It may be very interesting to some, but it contains too many charts for me. It also includes a lot of information that I already know or have read in other places, so it’s not something you should necessarily go through from start to finish if you are like me – i.e., someone who has been reading on this subject for years now!…
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