looking for an app to

Below is a long blog post about 50 of the best free apps for your Windows Phone. If you are looking for an app to do something, this list may have it or at least point you in the right direction! There’s no doubt that Android and iOS has more apps than Microsoft’s mobile operating system but there are some great ones out there which should not be ignored - they just don’t get as much attention (and therefore development) because their user base isn’t as big as Google and Apple devices.…
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very good points that people

Below is a long blog post about 100% clean energy. It’s from the Sierra Club, and it does make some very good points that people should be aware of (and I think we all agree with). However, there are also many valid criticisms that have been made against this proposal by scientists like Mark Jacobson at Stanford University. This includes, but isn’t limited to: The need for massive amounts of new infrastructure investment required in electrical grids across America; Electricity would not likely replace everything else we currently rely on fossil fuels for today such as home heating, industrial processes or transportation fueling vehicles.…
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never posted it so here

Below is a long blog post about 4 different types of learning methods. I wrote it in early March and never posted it, so here goes… The first type of learning that we all do naturally as children (and even when we are adults) is through imitation or observation; this was the way our ancestors learned how to hunt, what food is edible, how to make fire etc., so evolutionarily speaking, it makes sense for us humans to continue using this method of acquiring knowledge today too – although sometimes some things can be difficult for others if they have not been exposed much before e.…
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pictures that went along with

Below is a long blog post about 2014. I have made it shorter but wanted to keep most of the pictures that went along with my story so you can get an idea how busy and active we were in 2014! It was another great year for me, full of new experiences and fun memories. This past summer when talking over dinner at one point, Ryan said “I’m glad our kids are growing up”.…
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spoilers for both games so

Below is a long blog post about 2015’s The Witcher: Wild Hunt and the game series in general. It contains spoilers for both games, so don’t read on if you plan to play them! I was first introduced to CD Projekt RED’s The Witcher (and its prequel) through their demo for E3 2007 where Geralt of Rivia fights some mutant monster that looks like an armored spider thingie. I wasn’t really into fantasy or role-playing games at all back then but it caught my attention because they had made a demo for PC only.…
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was in America for almost

Below is a long blog post about 10 things I’ve learnt from my recent trip to the United States. I was in America for almost two months, living in New York City and traveling around California for six weeks before that. It was an amazing experience and something which has changed me forever (for better or worse). In this article, you will find ten of those life lessons I have picked up along the way!…
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as magical and mysterious to

Below is a long blog post about 32,000 words. But I promise you’ll enjoy reading it! There are few things as magical and mysterious to me than the ocean – that vast body of water covering over two-thirds of our planet. The oceans have always been like this for me since childhood. I grew up on the coast in Oregon where my family lived close enough to see the Pacific Ocean daily.…
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be the most important part

Below is a long blog post about 2016, but before I get to that, let me start with what will be the most important part of this year: my trip to California. I’m currently in Los Angeles for my first ever visit to North America (and also where I intend on staying until February!). So far it has been an amazingly fun and exciting experience. The people here are super friendly, open-minded and welcoming; everything seems so much more positive than back home.…
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