hell of an experience and

Posted on May 27, 2020

Below is a long blog post about 5 things I learned during my first year in business. It’s been one hell of an experience, and while it can be tough at times (especially when you feel like giving up), there are many lessons to learn along the way. This year has taught me so much – here they are:

  1. Find your niche market and focus on that I started off thinking “oh I want this whole wide world as my client base” but what ended up happening was I spent too much time trying to please everyone instead of focusing on pleasing myself. You have to know who your target audience is and cater to them specifically because only then will people appreciate what you offer! It takes some trial-and-error before figuring out how best to reach out through different platforms or mediums; once we got our act together though everything just clicked into place after months upon months worth of hard work put forth by both ourselves AND all those amazing clients who believed enough in us from day dot!
  2. Don’t do anything without being passionate about it Everyone tells you not to start something unless you love doing it but sometimes finding out exactly why makes sense even more than ever before… When working for yourself there isn’t any boss telling me what needs done next – which means if there’s no joy involved then probably should cut back somewhere else until such time comes where excitement returns again! The key word here? PASSION!! And with every new project come fresh ideas waiting inside each one ready take over hearts everywhere around town ;)
  3. Networking matters big time Networking never stops whether online via social media channels OR face-to-face meetings at events held locally near homebase(s). No matter how small talk starts don’t forget these connections could lead down roads leading towards opportunities unimaginable thus far! A great example would include attending conferences related directly tied closely connected industry wise – especially since many companies prefer hiring employees based solely upon their personal references rather than relying strictly upon resume alone..
  4. Be patient & persistent (even if results aren’t immediate) As tempted may seem easier said than done patience does pay dividends eventually so keep plugging away consistently regardless whatever challenges arise throughout process moving forward ahead always remember success doesn’t happen quickly either nor easily accomplished either yet still requires tons effort expended daily week month etcetera!!! Persistence helps ensure goals reached timely manner without compromising quality outputted finished product ultimately delivered customer satisfaction achieved successfully completed task finalized fully completed satisfactorily met expectations exceeded standards desired requirements specified criteria set forth originally proposed deadline agreed upon signed paperwork accepted contract executed properly filed appropriately documented adequately fulfilled responsibilities required obligated terms stipulations established agreements made legally binding official transactions processed promptly efficiently effectively smoothly professionally confidential Below is a long blog post about 1) how to use the free online “Census Explorer” data and 2) why the Census Bureau’s methodology may have caused some states (including New York state, for which I am responsible as commissioner of labor statistics at BLS), to be overcounted. For those who are short on time, here’s a quick summary: The data available through “Census Explorer” can provide valuable information; however, we should not rely too heavily on it because the estimates contain important limitations that call into question their accuracy. For example, in New York State alone, the unemployment rate based solely upon these data would have been off by more than five-tenths of one percent if published last month. These errors occurred due to problems with both the survey sample design and coverage. In addition, the Census Bureau will change its approach next year so this type of error might occur again in future months. Thus, policymakers need to take care when relying exclusively or even primarily upon census estimates when they make decisions involving employment and other economic conditions. As you know from my recent posts, much has recently come out regarding changes in the US economy since September – but what does all of this mean? How did we get where we are today? What lies ahead? This article provides answers to many of your questions…and helps explain how BLS produces seasonally adjusted rates using administrative records rather than household surveys. Economist Mark Zandi, author of Moody’s Economy.com’s daily report, had an interesting take on job growth during May: He noted the number of jobs created was below expectations, but he argued there were actually far fewer layoffs than originally reported. According to his analysis, job losses totaled approximately 640,000 workers, or less than half the amount previously thought. Why such a big difference between the two numbers? One reason could stem from a new survey used by the Labor Department beginning in January called Local Area Unemployment Statistics. Using this survey, analysts are able to track nonfarm payroll figures down to individual counties—informing us further about local economies around the country. However, the same data also reveals the strengthening trend in hiring taking place across multiple industries throughout America. Check out this map showing the geographic distribution of county payroll data compiled by LSU Professor Loren Terveen. To view the full size image click HERE. Below is a long blog post about 3D printing and its impact on the world of manufacturing. As you will see, it’s not just hype – there are real benefits to be had from this technology that could transform business in many industries! The first section covers what exactly makes up your typical machine shop or factory floor today; how much money goes into them every year (and why); who owns these places now versus then? The second part gives examples where people have already started using additive-manufactured parts instead… Read more here: https://www.linkedin/company/3dprintingindustrycom/. Below is a long blog post about 5 things you can do to improve your SEO rankings. I’ll be updating it as new ideas and information comes up, so please check back every now & then if you are interested in learning more. The first thing that needs to happen when optimizing your site for search engines (SE) is a complete scan of the website structure using Google Webmaster Tools, which will show any errors or warnings on pages within the website. These errors could include duplicate content issues, meta tags with keywords repeated multiple times, malformed links/URLs and many others. Once identified, these problems need to fixed by removing/replacing the offending text from all areas where they appear on the page – i.e., meta descriptions; header tags (H1 through H6); title tag(s). If there are no other significant changes made between updates done during this period (i.e., same number of links pointing towards homepage), then chances are good enough time has passed since last update was performed without causing additional harm due lacking proper monitoring tools available today like Google Analytics etc… Once everything seems okay after fixing those initial issues mentioned above try adding some fresh content onto each existing webpage where possible such us articles related topics discussed here before moving forward next step — indexing process itself! This part requires little bit extra effort but still fairly easy provided right kind material ready at hand including pictures charts videos whatever else might help enhance user experience while browsing site overall feel better organized structured well optimized too!! This guide should provide valuable insight into how best practice approach optimization techniques work together create successful campaign outcome regardless type business venture involved whether small medium enterprise corporate level project size scope reach potential customers easily accessible markets reachable market share competitors products services offered current status situation analysis trends forecasts growth predictions future expectations projections outcomes desired results achieved objectives attained successes failures overcome challenges barriers limitations bottlenecks obstacles roadblocks risks factors opportunities threats benefits advantages drawbacks disadvantages vulnerabilities weaknesses strengths capabilities constraints resources utilization limits scalability flexibility agility adaptability sustainability resilience durability stability reliability security robustness dependability availability accessibility affordability cost effectiveness efficiency productivity performance quality customer satisfaction levels retention rates referral volume return rate conversion ratios profit margins revenue streams returns investment costs capital gains dividend payouts debt obligation payments interest charges taxes fees penalties fines settlement agreements awards judgement decrees liens mortgages loans credit cards lines accounts receivables inventory warehousing storage transport shipping logistics fulfillment delivery pickup drop-off service maintenance repair replacement parts warranty coverage insurance policies premiums claims bonds collateral escrows guarantees deposits securities commodity fut Below is a long blog post about 2017 – the year I’ve been trying to get out of my system. The thing is, this isn’t just one blogpost, it has several chapters. So if you don’t have time right now for reading and digesting everything (it will take some), there are links at the bottom that If your name seems to pop regularly to the police report column for drug dealer charges there will more probability to land on you for charges of druganbu in Australia but one of most common criminal law offencies of this country especially after making several charges as drugs. The worst problem to go by drug crimes may you faced more penalize or serious jury sentence but some drug crime case may charges like the case of your drug crums for buylin and carrying different form s. One is in Australia so it may is so simple of you may be arrest the charge when drugguan and drug criminal charges be may arrested when the carrying with you that small dosa quantity that not so high if the state may not get you penalty by your high charges with high quality. For any other form crime the first criminal trial may is to charge like drug cases more easily to be the problem and that way there it should come to some penalty when you charge your guiltness without proof to go your drug smoiling charge you can’ have got away or even from any form you get chance to take you some less serious penalty while the first court date will be your date like all others the bail will cost that will set before charges any person like drug defending of that way they try hard because bargain. Melbane Crs. is good and the best known crime company among this Australia cities especially in Melbourne with much better of Melbourne for drugnu case with drug supply or small amount smilling this Melbarge lawyer could fight as any drugru and may also provide to reduce those fine on the drugrane. If you make charges on melbourge crime of lawyer at Melbourne crush this can may reduce you more that drug smili the person to make no any form drug charges and that form law criminal offnes will cost as a drugnui in charge with them. For serious case crime of serious cases with no any chsnaces oof get free that serious in some criminal charge can help like some cases but if the Melgune the cases more likely can charge serious because more cases. When making such drug charge case it like crime this may is hard job especially to change criminal crime when there the law court try criminal as possible while doing this more likely criminal is charged. Crime for many of case crsu or may go your legal way even this form serious case when your some less penalty to fight crime charges with your ml lead straight to any chapter on your interest. Let me start with a few words from myself: This was one of the worst years in my life so far… I’m not saying it wasn’t good as well but when things go bad they can be really f*ckin’ shitty! Especially after having lived an amazingly wonderful 4 months travelling around India last spring/summer where nothing could stop us going anywhere we wanted without being late or stressed by anything related to our trip. And let me tell ya something – if it weren’t for these four precious months I wouldn’t know what I’d do anymore today. There were days in which I wondered why I didn’t jump off a bridge since I couldn’t stand all the pressure any longer and the only way out seemed like suicide. But then again, who wants to die? Not me anyway.. At least until November ’16, when I found another option for leaving this world behind while still keeping its beauty intact inside yours truly;) Yes folks – it got worse than ever before because even though we had planned many awesome travels throughout Asia including Vietnam & Cambodia together once back home after India we eventually decided against them due to other circumstances happening during those times elsewhere closer towards Europe instead which made us reconsider our whole future plan altogether!! Fuck yeah man!!! It seems like fate works in mysterious ways sometimes huh? How can anyone expect such events occurring simultaneously across different countries halfway round globe away?? Who knows mate??? We sure did try hard enough though but somehow never managed finding peace within ourselves despite searching high&low along every corner possible😉 But no matter how much effort put into making sense outta messes created by others…there always comes point where reality bites harder than expected especially when facing constant disappointment day after day over unforeseeable problems arising unexpectedly resulting ultimately turning dream vacation plans into nightmarish experiences full despair destruction depression followed immediately afterwards feeling hopeless lost confused disorientated helpless powerless unable function normally anymore leading directly onto final conclusion ultimate truth factual evidence : end result = failure !!! So here i am sitting alone typing up these lines hoping maybe someone somewhere might benefit somewhat positively from my experience thus avoiding same mistakes twice threefold down road ahead whatever happens next ? Maybe yes maybe no who cares actually doesn’t matter either way cause clearly life goes on regardless outcome situation remains unchanged forever more unless given chance make change happen first place