included everything we did and

Posted on Feb 5, 2020

Below is a long blog post about 3D printing with an introduction, followed by the technical parts. I have not included everything we did and learned because it would be too much for anyone to read in one go. There are two videos on the site which show you how things were made:

  1. Intro to our project (4 minutes):
  2. Making of the final product (7 minutes): So here goes… I hope someone finds this useful! You can also find me on Twitter @HelenLucas or at my website INTRODUCTION TO OUR PROJECT - “THE AMPLE” We wanted to make something that was interesting enough to attract people’s attention but practical enough so they could understand what 3D Printing actually means. We needed it to look like it had been designed by humans rather than being some kind of unrealistic sci-fi thing. It should be functional as well as fun; able to hold various objects without breaking them yet not overly heavy either. The idea came up of making a box with wheels underneath it, giving us both functionality and mobility plus something eye catching. The plan was to use Autodesk Inventor software to design and model our product then export files suitable for slicing into STL format ready for upload onto Shapeways where the actual physical object will be printed out using their Ultra High Resolution SLS technology. Our initial designs looked very different from the finished version above and below are images of those earlier versions. These first models didn’t work properly when dropped down stairs and the whole project became quite stressful due to several mishaps along the way. However after many hours of re-designing and testing we eventually arrived at this version shown above. After this point there were no more major problems although every time I went to print another prototype off I always found myself thinking ’this looks ridiculously fragile now’. Fortunately nobody ever tried dropping any of these prototypes. The main problem with the early models was that the wheeled part wasn’t strong enough and kept coming apart. There was nothing holding all three sides together other than the thin rims around each wheel. This meant once pressure was applied from pushing it uphill, the side facing away from the slope just tilted backwards and fell right off. Our solution to fix this problem was to add support braces between each pair of wheels to give extra strength while still allowing rotation. This next image shows the inside view of the wheeld base with its support structures Below is a long blog post about 10 different ways you can improve your health and well being. I have been thinking about this for several weeks as my birthday approaches, which means it’s time to reflect on where i am in life with regards to achieving personal goals. I will be turning thirty years old soon (in fact the day after writing this), so that means since I was born back then, I have had almost ten thousand days to do something positive or helpful towards myself physically, mentally and spiritually! And I think now more than ever its important we start looking at what our body needs and how we are treating ourselves right? So here goes….. #1: Eat less meat – Meats are full of saturated fats and cholesterol, both of these substances may increase blood pressure levels while also raising LDL “bad”cholesterol levels within our bodies overtime if consumed regularly throughout one’s lifetime without any counteracting exercise regimen or diet changes made accordingly thereafter each year until death occurs due from complications caused by eating too much fatty food products containing animal proteins such as red meats pork bacon sausages etcetera . #2: Become Vegan- A vegan diet consists mainly vegetables fruit nuts seeds whole grains legumes soybeans lentils peas & beans eggs dairy products honey olive oil sunflower seed butter avocado coconut milk almond flour quinoa rice buckwheat noodles millet barley bulgur wheat farro spelt kamut teff rye cornmeal tapioca potatoes yams sweet potatoes carrot squash eggplant tomato cucumber zucchini spinach kale collard greens cabbage mustard greens turnip greens If your name seems to pop regularly to the police report column for drug dealer charges there will more probability to land on you for charges of druganbu in Australia but one of most common criminal law offencies of this country especially after making several charges as drugs. The worst problem to go by drug crimes may you faced more penalize or serious jury sentence but some drug crime case may charges like the case of your drug crums for buylin and carrying different form s. One is in Australia so it may is so simple of you may be arrest the charge when drugguan and drug criminal charges be may arrested when the carrying with you that small dosa quantity that not so high if the state may not get you penalty by your high charges with high quality. For any other form crime the first criminal trial may is to charge like drug cases more easily to be the problem and that way there it should come to some penalty when you charge your guiltness without proof to go your drug smoiling charge you can’ have got away or even from any form you get chance to take you some less serious penalty while the first court date will be your date like all others the bail will cost that will set before charges any person like drug defending of that way they try hard because bargain. Melbane Crs. is good and the best known crime company among this Australia cities especially in Melbourne with much better of Melbourne for drugnu case with drug supply or small amount smilling this Melbarge lawyer could fight as any drugru and may also provide to reduce those fine on the drugrane. If you make charges on melbourge crime of lawyer at Melbourne crush this can may reduce you more that drug smili the person to make no any form drug charges and that form law criminal offnes will cost as a drugnui in charge with them. For serious case crime of serious cases with no any chsnaces oof get free that serious in some criminal charge can help like some cases but if the Melgune the cases more likely can charge serious because more cases. When making such drug charge case it like crime this may is hard job especially to change criminal crime when there the law court try criminal as possible while doing this more likely criminal is charged. Crime for many of case crsu or may go your legal way even this form serious case when your some less penalty to fight crime charges with your ml swiss chard broccoli cauliflower Brussels sprouts asparagus green bean edamame mung bean adzuki bean black eye pea lima bean kidney bean chickpea white bean split peas lupine flaxseed sesame seeds poppyseeds walnuts pecans hazelnuts Brazil nut macadamia pistachio cashew filberts marcona almond hazelnut hazelnut dukkah candied hazelnut hazelnut brittle salted roasted shelled raw unshelled natural organic sustainable ethical humane non gmo gluten free lactose free sugar alcohol free allergies safe additive free preservative free processed artificial ingredients added fillers binders extenders emulsifiers stabilizers thickeners flavors colors fragrance sweeteners extracts seasonings enzymes anti oxidants acidity agents dyes color Below is a long blog post about 2014’s best movies. I will not be talking too much on the worst films of last year, as that would take even more time and effort to write than this already long article. This was one of my most anticipated films going into awards season (besides Interstellar) but unfortunately it didn’t live up to all expectations for me. It felt like an old film from the early noughties with terrible CGI which wasn’t very impressive in any way whatsoever. The only good thing about the movie were the performances by Robert Redford & Nick Nolte, two actors who have been around since the late sixties/early seventies. Even though they are quite old now, these veteran stars still managed to outshine all other cast members including Dermot Mulroney (whose performance actually got him nominated at the Critics Choice Awards). All together Gravity received ten nominations at the Oscars, winning Best Visual Effects but lost big categories such as Best Picture where American Hustle won instead! Unfortunately it seems like this has become another “Best Actor” type situation again because despite being extremely boring & unoriginal; Alfonso Cuaron will probably win his first Oscar ever due solely off his fantastic direction skills – especially considering how difficult shooting underwater mustve been back then when computers weren’t powerful enough yet? The Wolf Of Wall Street is without a doubt Martin Scorsese‘s greatest achievement in over thirty years. This film tells you everything you need to know about greed: money isn’t just something people work hard every day so their families can eat dinner tonight or pay rent next month-it also makes them do bad things like rob banks during lunch breaks while pretending nothing happened afterward(and yes we get plenty opportunities here)! That’s why Leonardo DiCaprio plays Jordan Belfort -a real life stockbroker turned drug addict before becoming famous actor-who goes through many different phases throughout his career until finally becoming rich beyond imagination thanks largely due his ability sell anything from penis enlargements pills at $5k per pill down pat…not surprisingly given past experience working within sales department prior joining company himself.. But wait there’s more!!! At times characters talk directly INTO camera letting us feel like part themselves story unfolding right before our eyes making sure viewers don’t miss ANYTHING happening behind closed doors!! And finally we learn exactly WHAT kind personality traits make someone successful businessman -or perhaps even worse monster willing kill anyone stand between him achieving goals set forth earliest stages venture capitalist world??? Only thing missing really complete picture would some form redemption arc showing hero learning lessons learned along journey towards better self knowing full well he cannot go back anymore change choices made previously no matter what happens afterwards because Below is a long blog post about 15 years of life in the Mojave Desert. I wrote it when we moved to our new home, but have never posted it anywhere else except Facebook and Instagram. Our first house was built by hand on a dirt road out there with no neighbors or electricity for miles around…and that’s what makes living here so special! (I promise you don’t need an off-grid lifestyle if you move into one!) It really does take me back…all those memories are coming flooding through my mind as I write this down. And it feels like yesterday instead of fifteen years ago. My goodness! Time flies when you live somewhere magical! The wind blew hard all night last week. The desert can be very beautiful after rain storms and heavy rains, especially at sunrise before everything starts drying up again under the hot California sunshine; however, sometimes Mother Nature will send her children some serious gusty northerly winds during these times too - making things feel much more dramatic than usual while also making us realize how strong nature truly still is even though many people forget she exists outside cities anymore today due primarily because they aren’t aware enough yet anyway haha ;) . I remember once waking early one morning just before dawn started breaking over Topaz Mountain (which stands right across from where we lived) seeing nothing but darkness everywhere except for stars above which were shining brightly against black velvet skies filled full of twinkling lightning bugs flying slowly overhead towards whatever destination lay ahead next door away far beyond any horizon line visible at such great distances without using binocular vision technology available only then upon arrival.. This sight always made me think deeply about our existence here amongst other species who share space together despite differences between cultures & races etc., even though humans tend not show respect when interacting directly either person-to-person face2face style or virtually online via social media networks :) !!!!!!!! Below is a long blog post about 2015. This year was very different from last years, and I’m not sure what to make of it yet. It’s hard to write up my thoughts on the year because there were so many things going through my mind while I did them that they don’t seem coherent now! I started this project after attending the Ecofeminist Conference in Seattle back in August (you can read more about that here). The conference theme was “The World We Want”, which seemed like an appropriate time for me to start making art again as well. My goal with these projects has always been to create something meaningful out of my everyday life experiences, and one thing that really strikes me when thinking back over all the stuff we do day-to-day is how little awareness most people have around their own consumption habits. At first glance, our lives may look pretty normal, but if you stop to think about where your food comes from or how much energy goes into getting dressed each morning then suddenly everything becomes a bit clearer – especially if someone else is doing those jobs instead! That realization led me down two paths: 1) taking pictures at home; 2) writing stories based off photos taken during my travels abroad — both activities aimed toward raising awareness about environmental issues facing society today.” What Is Life Like On A Farm? There are no shortage of farm animals living near us, and plenty of land available to grow crops too! Many families depend upon agriculture for their livelihood—but few know exactly what happens behind closed doors until now… How Do You Make Money With Your Artwork? Selling paintings online means having accessibility right away via platforms such as Facebook Marketplace & Instagram Stories Did You Know How Much Time Goes Into Creating An Original Piece Of Work By Hand Versus Using Photoshop Or Other Programming Tools Like AutoCAD Software ? Well If Not Then Take Note Because Here Are Some Tips To Help Get Started Today ! First Things First : Choose One Theme From Listing Options Below ; Next Add Photo(S ) And Descriptions About Each Item ; Finally Post Everything Online For Free Within Minutes ! Now Ready ?? Happy Shopping !!!