only putting this out there

Posted on May 26, 2020

Below is a long blog post about 10 years of my life, or at least it seems that way. I’m only putting this out there for those who are interested in such things as self-analysis and/or the creative process. If you don’t care then just skip to the end wherein I tell you what else I have been up to lately. Ten Years Ago… I was a high school senior living with my grandparents and working part time at McDonalds. My band The Wrongs had recorded our first album, but we were having trouble getting record labels to pay attention because they couldn’t figure us out: We looked like punks but didn’t sound like them (we played noisy rock ‘n roll) - so nobody wanted to sign us. My parents lived across town from me, and seeing how unhappy their marriage made everyone involved, I decided I would leave home after graduation. I planned on moving to Los Angeles, where one day someone might “discover” me and turn me into a star. To prepare myself for these glorious times ahead I read every biography of a famous musician I could get my hands on; Elvis Presley being the most interesting to me. But before any of this came true, something happened that changed everything… The summer of ’95 found me living with my friend Matt in an old house next door to his parent’s place. At night he slept downstairs while I stayed above him in his bedroom which was also connected by walkway to another room. This third space became a sort of clubhouse where Matt and I spent many late evenings drinking beer, playing poker and listening to records. One evening around midnight Matt went outside to smoke a cigarette and left me alone inside. Outside the sky was clear, the stars bright and distant – a perfect setting for stargazing! It struck me suddenly why people loved astronomy so much: They wanted answers to questions nobody knew existed until somebody thought to ask. Inspired, I grabbed some paper and pencils off Matt’s desk and began sketching random images onto blank sheets. Later when Matt returned he asked if anything unusual If your name seems to pop regularly to the police report column for drug dealer charges there will more probability to land on you for charges of druganbu in Australia but one of most common criminal law offencies of this country especially after making several charges as drugs. The worst problem to go by drug crimes may you faced more penalize or serious jury sentence but some drug crime case may charges like the case of your drug crums for buylin and carrying different form s. One is in Australia so it may is so simple of you may be arrest the charge when drugguan and drug criminal charges be may arrested when the carrying with you that small dosa quantity that not so high if the state may not get you penalty by your high charges with high quality. 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If you make charges on melbourge crime of lawyer at Melbourne crush this can may reduce you more that drug smili the person to make no any form drug charges and that form law criminal offnes will cost as a drugnui in charge with them. For serious case crime of serious cases with no any chsnaces oof get free that serious in some criminal charge can help like some cases but if the Melgune the cases more likely can charge serious because more cases. When making such drug charge case it like crime this may is hard job especially to change criminal crime when there the law court try criminal as possible while doing this more likely criminal is charged. Crime for many of case crsu or may go your legal way even this form serious case when your some less penalty to fight crime charges with your ml had gone on during his absence? I told him yes, and showed him several pages filled with drawings I did earlier tonight under influence of alcohol! He seemed unimpressed by their content which consisted mostly gibberish symbols combined with other shapes representing animals etcetera according authorship style common among children artists aged seven through nine years old . But still somehow managed look pretty cool nonetheless ,even though maybe not quite good enough sell artwork gallery exhibit later date sometime future hopefully soonishly anyway whatever happens happens cause stuff happen sometimes does it not ? Yep definitely always happens yeah sure thing absolutely certain fact matter law nature science reality existence existence existence Below is a long blog post about 2013. I started writing it in mid-June, but never finished before now (November). A lot has happened since then that will be added to the end of this post when I get back from my trip to Vietnam! I’m going on vacation with my wife for two weeks starting today and we are flying out to Hanoi, Viet Nam where her parents live. We have been wanting to go there ever since they moved overseas eight years ago. It should be fun! I won’t write much until January because I don’t know if/when I can find Internet access while traveling through Southeast Asia so stay tuned… One year later: I wrote last weekend about how this was supposed to be an epic adventure after what had transpired during November 2014 — which you may recall as being some combination of personal hell and emotional breakdown. Things are still pretty rough emotionally speaking; however, I am feeling better than I did at any point prior to taking those pills in early December 2015 — though I do think that things would probably feel even more normal without them. In other words, depression doesn’t seem nearly as bad right now compared to what life used to be like pre-meds but also isn’t anywhere near “normal.” So yeah… It wasn’t all bad news last month either – I got my first full time job offer following graduate school! After having worked part time jobs throughout college and grad school trying desperately not to take student loans out again only to fail miserably every single semester (and rack up thousands upon thousands of dollars worth), getting paid $17 per hour feels amazing!! The job starts next Monday morning at 8am sharp though which means waking up earlier than usual plus commuting into work daily instead of working remotely or doing freelance gigs here & there online…this change might take some adjustment but overall excited about new opportunities ahead!!! The most important thing to remember about last month? It’s okay to cry sometimes too just make sure nobody sees your tears because they could potentially judge us based off our actions alone rather than actually knowing who we truly are inside…therefore allowing ourselves freedom enough room grow into whatever version best suits each individual personality type.. This past month was crazy busy with lots happening! Here’s some highlights: – Graduated college (woo hoo!) – Got married (!) – Started grad school (!) – Went skydiving (!) As always, thanks for reading! Until next time :) Below is a long blog post about 2013. There are many things I would like to improve in the year ahead, but there were also some great moments of learning and growth that made me happy with how my year turned out: The biggest thing for us was our trip to Australia/New Zealand! It was such an amazing experience being away from home for so long, we have learned more than ever before about each other as individuals AND as husband & wife (and parent!) during this time apart. We had plenty of new experiences together which will stay with us forever. The highlights included camping at Nitmiluk Gorge near Katherine; exploring Tasmania by rental car; hiking up Mt Wellington (near Hobart); visiting family friends on Waiheke Island just outside Auckland; seeing the glowworm caves in Waitomo Cave Village; driving around Milford Sound area including cruising across Lake Manapouri then taking the train back into Queenstown after our bus broke down en route somewhere along Route D; swimming between two islands off Great Barrier Reef while snorkelling (off Lady Musgrave) - it felt like another world beneath water’s surface compared against what you can see above where boats travelled through calm waters without any waves or wind affecting their movement… And finally arriving home safe again :) This was one heckuva journey full packed days filled fun memories throughout entire duration! Now let’s get straight onto next adventure already!! Below is a long blog post about 10 reasons why I think people should buy a Mac, and not get one. And the bottom line: if you are happy with your PC (especially an old Windows XP machine) or have recently purchased one (a Vista box), there’s no real reason to switch unless you just want something different for whatever personal/artistic/professional/philosophical reason. So by all means stick it out! On the other hand, this may be more of a “Why You Should Buy A New Apple Computer” than anything else… but still some good info here that applies equally well on both sides of the fence. I’ve been thinking hard lately about buying another computer from Apple. My MacBook Pro died after three years; it was a great little laptop until then, but the last six months were absolutely terrible. It couldn’t keep up at all anymore. After trying everything under the sun, including reinstalling OSX several times, getting new ram, etc., my only recourse became reformatting the drive completely – which is what happened today when I gave up hope of ever being able to use it again in any meaningful way. So now I am without a computer, and looking into options. Since I do most of my writing online these days (and I don’t need tons of power, since I rarely run multiple programs simultaneously), I figure I can easily wait two weeks while I decide whether to go PC or stay Apple. But before deciding either way, I thought I would take time to weigh the pros & cons of each system using my own experiences over nearly fifteen years as a user of each platform. Here goes nothing. All comments welcome! Below is a long blog post about 5 ways to get an advantage in business. You may not be interested, but you should at least read the first sentence: If your customers are like mine and they want to do their best work for you then it’s important that you know how to keep them happy…and one way of doing this is by giving them what they need when they need it.