been to many countries but

Below is a long blog post about 14 days in Italy, including the sights of Venice and Rome. I have been to many countries but I still love coming back home again, especially if it’s my favorite place on Earth: Switzerland! Here are some pictures from our trip this summer – we visited Zurich and Grindelwald (a small town with a beautiful view over Lake Brienz) for a few days before heading off to Austria where we spent another weekend exploring the city of Salzburg and its surroundings.…
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share more details throughout the

Below is a long blog post about 2017. I’m going to break it down into smaller posts, so I can share more details throughout the year and in between my travels. There are some really exciting things coming up that we will be able to cover on here! This was one of those years where nothing went as planned… but everything ended great. Our New Year started off with a bang when our beloved cat (and only child), Tuxedo passed away at age 19 from kidney failure; he had been sick for several months before that which made his passing even harder because there were no warning signs or anything like that.…
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or to serve as an

Below is a long blog post about 2016 and the future. We’re re-publishing it here for those who missed it, or to serve as an archive of our work from last year. As we look back on what was a difficult time in history, let us not forget that progress cannot be measured by man’s standards but God’s; because “the Lord works out everything according to his own counsel.” (Proverbs 27:5) God has been faithful this past year – His mercy endures forever!…
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to be one of my

Below is a long blog post about 2014, and what I’m expecting for the new year. It was originally going to be one of my end-of-year wrap up posts, but in order to make it fit into a single page, I had to split things across three posts (this being part two). I think there are some interesting predictions herein — especially as we get closer to our 5th anniversary later this month!…
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I found this article very

Below is a long blog post about 5-minute exercise. I’m not sure if it will interest you or not, but I found this article very useful and interesting because of the amount of detail that has been put into explaining each part in such great details. As with anything else on my site, just skim through to see if there are any parts that might be applicable for your fitness goals!…
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have also written two shorter

Below is a long blog post about 50 Things I Learned from the 2nd Edition of The Rational Bible. We have also written two shorter posts, one on the book’s cover and another that introduces its table of contents. How to Become a Better Student: There are three general steps in becoming better at learning Torah (Bible). Firstly, you need the desire; secondly, you must be willing to put forth effort into acquiring knowledge (studying); thirdly, your efforts must not be fruitless but instead will yield results for which there should then come an appreciation for what was learned (Torah).…
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be doing any New Year

Below is a long blog post about 2015, my goals and plans for the year ahead. As usual I won’t be doing any New Year Resolutions but instead will set myself some new goals that are realistic to achieve. This means they can be reviewed at any time during the year without having to wait until January again! You may notice that there aren’t many specific fitness related items on this list as I have found over recent years that by focusing more of my energy into running I haven’t actually been able to focus enough on other parts of life.…
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are not up for some

Below is a long blog post about 52 Things I learned in 2013. It’s pretty heavy stuff, so if you are not up for some deep thinking on the meaning of life and your place in it…skip this one. I hope that these thoughts help each person to think more deeply about what they value most as well as how best to use their time here while we still have breath in our lungs and blood coursing through our veins.…
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the draft of this post

Below is a long blog post about 2015, and how things have been going for me. As I was writing the draft of this post (on New Years Day), it occurred to me that people don’t like reading long posts on the internet anymore, so hopefully you will forgive my self-indulgence in sharing these reflections with you! One year ago today, at the end of December 31st, 2014 – we were sitting around our house waiting for the midnight bells to ring… and then suddenly we heard them all together: “Happy new Year!…
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reading if you are at

Below is a long blog post about 3D printing in medicine, by Cory Doctorow. It’s very good and well worth reading if you are at all interested in this emerging technology. I have written on the topic before but only briefly (here). Below is a long blog post about 10 of the most common mistakes that newbie copywriters make when they first start out. But don’t feel sorry for yourself because I’m going to tell you how to avoid making these mistakes in future!…
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