revolution I have been fascinated

Below is a long blog post about 3D-printing, the future of manufacturing and why it might be the next industrial revolution. I have been fascinated by 3d printing since I first saw an exhibition at London’s Science Museum in 2015 where they had a 3D printer that could print out food (basically you put some ingredients into this machine which then uses 3D technology to shape them together). Since then, there has also been articles on Facebook from the BBC showing how people can now buy houses for $40k using these machines and even how it was used by NASA to build something in space!…
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but I was so excited

Below is a long blog post about 1800s New Orleans and the history of Voodoo. There are some spelling errors, but I was so excited to find this information that I thought it would be better for you guys than nothing! Also please note: if you ever have any questions or concerns while using my service, don’t hesitate to contact me at . If anyone needs assistance with their spell work or ritual practice, we can always chat via email!…
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who might be interested and

Below is a long blog post about 6 years of working on the film. I’m posting it here for those who might be interested, and not as part of my daily blogging habit (although there will probably still be some movie-related posts in this space). I started writing down notes and ideas for the documentary after watching an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm with Larry David that made me think “why don’t we have more films like that?…
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activities but you may not

Below is a long blog post about 100 Things To Do In Brisbane. Brisbane has so many awesome attractions and activities, but you may not know where to start! This list will give you inspiration for places in the city that you might never have heard of before – whether it’s an offbeat museum or a secret lagoon near the CBD. Get out there & explore this beautiful city we call home by taking on some new adventures today!…
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Here we are again at

Below is a long blog post about 2015, I hope you find it interesting. Hello there and Happy New Year! Here we are again at the end of another year but also an opportunity to take stock in what has happened over the last twelve months. It’s been quite eventful here on my part with several highlights including a successful first half of the year for The Jumpers For Goalposts Podcast – which celebrated its one-year anniversary this month (yay!…
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that this isnt just an

Below is a long blog post about 3D printing, and how it can affect your life. It’s important to note that this isn’t just an opinion piece; there are lots of facts behind what I write below! If you want more information on any part please let me know in the comments section at the end… What do we need? The answer: not much! We only require three things for our project – some cardboard boxes with lids (which cost around £5), glue sticks and paper clips/pins etc.…
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son Jake got sick and

Below is a long blog post about 5 things I learned in the last week. Slow Down: When my son, Jake got sick and had to be admitted to Children’s Hospital for dehydration from vomiting/diarrhea he was hospitalized on Thursday night at around midnight, Friday morning we were told that they needed to do surgery immediately because his intestines weren’t functioning properly. This meant he would have no food or liquids until afterward which could take upwards of 24 hours (if all went well).…
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to my life I dont

Below is a long blog post about 4 of the best books I’ve read this year and how they relate to my life. I don’t know why I like reading so much, but I do! This summer I started going through some old favorites with new eyes – including The Hobbit & Lord Of The Rings (which were also great), along with A Wrinkle In Time by Madeline L’Engel, which had been on my “to-read” list for years.…
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who has been around for

Below is a long blog post about 40878. I have written it from the perspective of a newbie and someone who has been around for many years in case you are wondering why there might be two voices on this topic that sound quite different. I am not writing as an expert, but rather from what feels like my heart. Please also note that all opinions expressed herein will represent only one person’s viewpoint (mine).…
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the topic lately trying to

Below is a long blog post about 3D printing. I have been reading a lot of articles and papers on the topic lately, trying to figure out where things are going and why it will matter to me in my career as an architectural designer/fabricator. I am very interested because there seems like so much potential for what could be done with this technology but not sure how that translates into usefulness or practicality yet, especially at this point when most people aren’t even aware it exists.…
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