murder in England Wales

Below is a long blog post about 100% of the 2449 people who were convicted and sent to prison for murder in England, Wales & Northern Ireland between January-June 2016. It’s an unedited version so it might be a bit dry, but I hope you find some useful information here! I haven’t been able to access data on how many people are currently serving life sentences (who committed their crime before 1st April 2015) because it isn’t available online yet - however I will update this when that happens as soon as possible!…
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some readers may find this

Below is a long blog post about 10 years of work in the field. I have included it here as some readers may find this information useful or interesting. In recent years, there has been much discussion on how to improve accessibility and usability for people with disabilities using technology (the ‘Assistive Technology’ community). This includes computer applications that enable users to interact directly with their devices by manipulating them physically rather than through keyboards/mice etc.…
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interest to you and if

Below is a long blog post about 10 things I’ve learned as an entrepreneur. I hope it will be of interest to you, and if so please feel free to share it with others who may benefit from its content! I’m currently in the process of raising capital for my startup company – BreezeTrip - which means that almost all day everyday I am thinking about fundraising (and the challenges involved).…
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are still seeing more and

Below is a long blog post about 3D printing, but I thought you might enjoy it. I’m glad that we are still seeing more and more people interested in the benefits of this technology! Below is a long blog post about 2016. I started it on January 8, and then I couldn’t stop writing because every time my brain slowed down enough to start making sense of the words that were coming out of me, another thought would come along and interrupt everything.…
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dont usually allow very large

Below is a long blog post about 10.3, but I’m not sure if it will get posted here as we don’t usually allow very large posts on the front page (and this one contains lots of code snippets). But for those interested in what’s going into this release — and I know there are plenty out there who aren’t! :-) — you might want to read through it… Below is a long blog post about 3D printing in the classroom.…
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it informative The first thing

Below is a long blog post about 1080p video, 4K ultra HD and other things. I hope you will find it informative. The first thing to understand about these resolutions is that they are not the same as their television size counterparts of the same name. The 50 inch TV version of 720i for example is 960×540 pixels while its computer equivalent is only 720 x 480 (a little over half).…
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supposed to be more indepth

Below is a long blog post about 2016. We have been working on this blog for months, and it was supposed to be more in-depth than what we usually write here. I even had an outline of things that I wanted to say! And then the year ended…and with it went most of our plans (that’s how life goes sometimes). But as much as possible, I want to share my thoughts before the end of the month.…
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this page and then scroll

Below is a long blog post about 2013. You may have to click on “Older Posts” at the bottom of this page, and then scroll down until you see it (if not in your email). I hope you enjoy reading! Below is a long blog post about 5280 Magazine’s annual “Best of Denver” issue. I was included in the list for best food writer, which is awesome! Here are my favorite parts: The photo shoot involved eating pizza at the original Pizzeria Locale (I didn’t get to eat all four slices), and drinking beer at De Steeg.…
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paragraphs but if you are

Below is a long blog post about 32-bit floating point arithmetic. I will try to summarize it in the following paragraphs, but if you are interested please read through all of this article. There’s an old joke that computers are like people; they do exactly what we want them to as long as we understand their limitations and work within those limits. Most programmers don’t really think about this when writing code—they simply write whatever seems reasonable at first glance without considering how arbitrary details might cause problems downstream.…
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ten years now and there

Below is a long blog post about 10 years of the game industry. I’ve been working in games for over ten years now, and there are certain things that have changed significantly since I first started out. There are also some big changes coming up on the horizon too! So here we go: how has it all gone? Let me know what you think by commenting below or tweeting at @gamasutra_uk – would love to hear from people who share their experiences as well if possible (I hope they don’t mind).…
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