we might need it sooner

Below is a long blog post about 5G. I’ve tried to explain what it means for the future and why we might need it sooner rather than later (if ever). The full post can be found here: I’m not going to pretend that this isn’t technical but if you want an overview of how things work, then read on! If you don’t care much about technology or just like pictures with no words in them… well at least there are plenty of those below too :) What will make 5G faster?…
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because they are inspiring and

Below is a long blog post about 5 of my favorite photographers. I want to share their work with you because they are inspiring and beautiful. I am constantly inspired by other artists, musicians, writers etc that have made me fall in love with what I do even more so than before! So here goes…these five people will be the ones getting all the praise for today’s post!! Enjoy :) !…
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to share with you all

Below is a long blog post about 10 ways to improve your health. I thought it was interesting and wanted to share with you all! When you’re young, living a life full of vigor seems like the easiest thing in the world. But as we age, our bodies start betraying us. Aches here and there become commonplace, weight gain becomes more prevalent and even simple things such as getting up from sitting can be difficult at times.…
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whole year since I started

Below is a long blog post about 15 things I learned during my first year of university. It’s been one whole year since I started studying at the University of Nottingham and it feels like just yesterday when we all walked on stage to receive our degrees (which, in fact, was last summer). It has truly flown by! In today’s blog post I will share with you some lessons that I have learnt throughout this past year.…
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or scientists my knowledge of

Below is a long blog post about 4D. I have to confess that, like most people who are not engineers or scientists, my knowledge of physics begins and ends with Newtonian mechanics (F=ma). As such, some of the following may be hard for me to understand even as an engineer but I’ll do my best in any case… The article below comes from Discover magazine. It was written by David Shiga at http://www.…
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its the best thing I

Below is a long blog post about 19th century French writer Jules Verne. I wrote this for a class and it’s the best thing I ever did in my life. It was written, revised, edited (by me), published (on the internet) and read by people all over Europe. I think you should take some time to read it too! Below is a long blog post about 14 things you can do to make your life more enjoyable.…
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on this site that address

Below is a long blog post about 12-step programs and their use in treating alcoholism. There are many more articles on this site that address the topic of recovery from addiction, including my own book “The Recovery Book: An Authoritative Guide to Alcohol & Drug Abuse Treatment.” Please feel free to contact me for further information. There has been much talk lately regarding how well the twelve step program works when it comes to helping individuals with an addition find lasting sobriety.…
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be the year of the

Below is a long blog post about 2013, I hope you like it. Happy New Year to everyone! 2014 will be the year of the Horse and hopefully this horse will give us all more luck than we had in 2013!! This coming weekend marks two years since I came back from my trip around the world where I took over 57k photographs so I thought I would write another post with some thoughts on how that went….…
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because it highlights the power

Below is a long blog post about 3D printing and the future of manufacturing in general. It’s interesting to me because it highlights the power that new technologies have on our world, especially how they are changing manufacture (which has always been one of my favorite topics). As we all know from history class: “Change happens” and it can come quicker than expected… which brings us back around to this article and some insightful predictions for where things will be at by the year 2019.…
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around your money Ive been

Below is a long blog post about 4 different ways to help you get rid of the fear and anxiety around your money. I’ve been working with clients for over ten years now on this topic, so there are many techniques that have worked well in my experience as an integrative life coach […] Money Coaching: Fear & Anxiety About Your Finances? How To Get Unstuck! (2019) Below is an article by me published at Elephant Journal called The Dark Side Of Making More Money In 2021 If You Don’t Do This… Here it is: One thing that has become abundantly clear since 2020 began is how much we take our lives for granted.…
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