know the one The one

Below is a long blog post about 7/10, but first I want to point you over at CJ’s place. You know the one? The one that has been doing nothing BUT posting on 8/29? Well she had some more things today and it was SO good! And not just because of what happened in her classroom (although THAT part totally made me laugh). She also talks about other stuff going on this week with her family which was sweet.…
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generation my parents and their

Below is a long blog post about 40 years of music history, but it’s also an ode to the “greatest generation” (my parents and their contemporaries) that helped build this country. And I hope you enjoy some great old songs! Today we celebrate our nation’s independence from Great Britain with fireworks, parades, barbecues – and lots and lots of live music: rock concerts featuring artists such as Bruce Springsteen; classic rock acts like Chicago or Styx; pop/rock groups including KISS or Earth Wind & Fire; and dozens more.…
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download this as an infographic

Below is a long blog post about 12 important trends for 2015 in the world of eLearning. You can also download this as an infographic to share with your friends and colleagues! In terms of technology, expect to see more emphasis on mobile learning – including microlearning through apps; new ways to integrate gamification into training (including games that are played outside of classroom time); innovative uses of augmented reality/virtual reality; wearable devices like Google Glass or smart watches being used as platforms for information delivery; interactive videos to engage learners better than static video content alone; etc.…
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in understanding what they are

Below is a long blog post about 500px, the photo-sharing site. I hope you will find it interesting and helpful in understanding what they are doing! I’m really enjoying using Flickr these days after having been frustrated with Picasa Web Albums for quite some time – but there was still one thing missing… photo printing. With 123Print I can now get my photos printed anywhere from A4 size up to large wall decorations and even cushion covers (which sounds strange to me at first hand).…
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it into a pdf file

Below is a long blog post about 60 years of the B&O. I’ve gotten requests from several people to make it into a pdf file, but that would require cutting and pasting all those links which is too much work for me right now (I am trying to get ready for my trip). Maybe you can read through this first version… The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad was formed in 1827 by merging three smaller railroads: The “Baltimore” part of the name came from its original route between Washington D.…
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the very best for this

Below is a long blog post about 2018, but before we get to that, I want to wish you all the very best for this Christmas. As always, it has been an incredible year of growth and change in so many ways as we continue our journey together on The Journey. I have created a new page called Inspiring Women with some lovely interviews from women who are inspiring me right now.…
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media for several years and

Below is a long blog post about 40 year old singer songwriter Kip Moore. I’ve been following him on social media for several years, and decided to check out his music when he announced an album release date of February 1st (today!). I had heard some of the singles from “Wild Ones” which was released in September but didn’t really connect with them at first listen. However, this past weekend while driving around LA listening to music via Sirius XM Hits One channel, I found myself liking what I was hearing – so much that I pulled up iTunes as soon as we got home and purchased it.…
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disclaimers The below are just

Below is a long blog post about 10 things I have learned while writing this series of posts. First, the disclaimers: The below are just what I think and feel at this point in time — they may change with time. Also note that there might be some minor spoilers for those who haven’t read “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes” by Arthur Conan Doyle. Before we dive into this post, let me give you an idea on why this blog post exists… A few months ago, I picked up reading short stories written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.…
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know Ive been involved in

Below is a long blog post about 5G, the Internet of Things (IoT), and machine-to-machine communications. What you may not know: I’ve been involved in some way with all this since before it became fashionable to talk about IoT. In fact, my first involvement was as one of those who helped make it possible for AT&T to provide cellular service to remote areas where DSL would never reach. That’s right – when we lived out on our rural mountain top, there were no phone lines or electricity nearby so we had to get creative.…
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find it helpful Its been

Below is a long blog post about 10 ways to keep your sanity as an aspiring writer. I hope you find it helpful! It’s been two months since I started writing, and in that time my life has gone from chaos into a steady rhythm of words on paper (well, laptop screen). It hasn’t all been smooth sailing though – there have been times where the voices in my head were louder than anything else going on around me.…
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