hundreds if not thousands but

Below is a long blog post about 4 of my favorite books. I’ve been reading for years and have read hundreds if not thousands, but these are four that I love to re-read every now and again or when I need some inspiration (or distraction) from the daily grind! The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand: This was probably one of the first novels that really got me thinking in high school…I just loved it so much at age seventeen!…
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or what the benefits are

Below is a long blog post about 401k and IRA contributions. A lot of people don’t know how they work or what the benefits are, so hopefully this helps to clear things up for you! The first thing that I want to address here is why we should contribute to these retirement accounts in the first place? The answer can be found by asking yourself if your employer matches any amount contributed towards either account.…
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has announced that they will

Below is a long blog post about 10 reasons why you should be excited for the new Apple iPhone. Apple has announced that they will release their next generation of phones on September 9th and it looks like there are many improvements to this phone over previous versions, here’s what I think… The first thing we need to know is how much money do these devices cost? The cheapest version costs $649 which isn’t bad at all but if your looking into buying one then its probably worth spending another hundred dollars or so in order to get more storage space as well!…
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been writing since I was

Below is a long blog post about 47 years in the making and some of my favorite moments. I have been writing since I was old enough to hold a pencil, but it wasn’t until college that anyone told me I might be good at it. My first short story won an award from the university magazine for best fiction submission (it got me $50). That money went into buying a new typewriter so I could keep on submitting stories.…
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quite got around to posting

Below is a long blog post about 2013. Much of it was written in November and December, but I never quite got around to posting the whole thing… until now! It’s well worth reading if you have an interest in what happened at Cisco during 2013 – or even just want to see how my writing has improved over time (I hope so anyway). Enjoy :) My first day on the job as part of EMC It was January when I started working with EMC.…
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and because of that it

Below is a long blog post about 10 Reasons I’m Voting for Obama. I am also voting with my heart, and because of that it may be better to call this “Reasons To Love Barack.” These are not reasons why he will win the election – although some could certainly help him do so (and others would hurt his chances). But these ten points aren’t really about electoral strategy; they are simply things I love about our candidate.…
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company and product If you

Below is a long blog post about 15 different ways to find out what people are saying online about your company and product. If you don’t have time for that, here it is in list format: Checkout the main website of your competitors. See who else links back to them (and if they link back). This can be done with Majestic SEO or any other web site search tool such as Google.…
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late than never In January

Below is a long blog post about 2015. I know it’s been several months since the year ended, but better late than never! In January of last year I started writing down my goals for each month and then at the end of December I wrote up how many were accomplished. It was fun to look back on what I had done throughout the past twelve months instead of just looking forward to next year.…
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her website at httpwwwlindseybremnercomblog I

Below is a long blog post about 21st Century Learning. The post was written by Lindsay Bremner and appears on her website at I have edited it for brevity, but most of the links in this version are not active as they were when posted there originally. Below is a long blog post about 529 plans. I wrote it for my son, so that he can have an understanding of what they are and how to use them when the time comes (for him or his own children).…
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to read the entire thing

Below is a long blog post about 3D scanning, and what can be done with it. If you have time to read the entire thing, I’d really appreciate it! I was recently asked if I could scan a sculpture that my son had made for his father-in-law’s birthday. It turned out quite well, but there were some challenges along the way which may help others who are thinking of doing something similar in the future.…
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