in the subject matter itself

Below is a long blog post about 3D printing. It’s not very well written, and I have no real interest in the subject matter itself (I know nothing about it), but there are some great ideas expressed here that might be useful to someone trying to write for an audience of people who don’t already care deeply about what they’re writing about. Much like with the previous post on Pixar, it’s basically just talking about how to tell stories: “Here’s my message,” she says at one point; later: “The key lesson is this.…
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It was originally written in

Below is a long blog post about 10 things that I have learnt from my experience of running a business. It was originally written in June this year for the National Business Awards and then published on LinkedIn, but as it didn’t seem to go too far or gain much exposure (perhaps because most people don’t read articles which are longer than 5 minutes) so we decided to publish it here also I am very proud today – not just because the company won an award at The National Business Awards last night; but more importantly because we did well enough for me personally to be nominated for Young Entrepreneur of the Year!…
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part of the Favorite series

Below is a long blog post about 4 of my favorite movies. I had originally planned on doing this as part of the “Favorite” series, but that series has been put off indefinitely since I’ve already done two posts and have yet to write one for The Fault In Our Stars (which will be released next week). But hey, it was fun while it lasted! So here are four more of my favorites: Up, District B13 Ultimatum, How To Train Your Dragon, and Avatar… with comments/spoilers below each movie review.…
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are How to Make Sense

Below is a long blog post about 2018’s most popular posts. I hope you enjoy! The two most popular posts are “How to Make Sense of Your Year in Review” and “5 Minute Writing Exercise: The Good, the Bad & the Ugly.” Both were written by me (Melissa). There’s so much that can be said about both topics. They go hand-in-hand because if we don’t reflect on our year at least once per year then it will become difficult for us to grow as individuals from one moment to another.…
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some insight into what it

Below is a long blog post about 10 Things you should know before starting an app. I want to give some insight into what it takes to build and maintain your own mobile app, as well as the benefits of doing so. I think apps are great for businesses with a unique product or service that they would like to offer their customers on-the-go in a convenient way (such as checking availability online).…
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read it below or you

Below is a long blog post about 40+ ways to improve the performance of your web applications. You can either read it below, or you could download and save this PDF version. In the past few years we have been lucky enough to work with some very interesting clients from around the world who are committed to their online businesses success; in fact these days most companies view themselves as an ‘online’ company.…
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Lindsay of The Crafted Life

Below is a long blog post about 10 things you don’t know about me. I was tagged by my friend, Lindsay of The Crafted Life to write one and then pass it along to other people in the Blogosphere. Here goes! I have a degree from USC (University of Southern California) where I majored in Speech Communication with an emphasis on Mass Media Studies. It has come in handy for many reasons but primarily because I am able to use it as evidence that I can read (it says so right there!…
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on their albums I wrote

Below is a long blog post about 60s-70s era music and the various artists involved, with some of my thoughts on their albums. I wrote this in March 2015 for another website; it was originally much longer but was edited to fit into that site’s format. I am not sure if anyone else will find this interesting or useful (and I certainly hope there are other people out there who would like something similar), so feel free just to ignore me!…
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instead httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv7Wl3FoZHbU I have no

Below is a long blog post about 2016, but you can read it in its entirety. Or watch this video instead: (I have no idea why I chose this music.) The video will be much more fun to listen to than the text below! You may also want to check out my New Year’s Resolution here on January 4th of last year for an interesting comparison! The 2015 version was all over the place and not well received by many, so if you didn’t like that one or thought some things were missing from it then please know that there are improvements planned for next year, even though we still won’t get everything we hoped for.…
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or you might prefer downloading

Below is a long blog post about 2016. You can click on the link to open it in your browser, or you might prefer downloading and reading later by clicking here to download the PDF version of this post: Download the long blog post below as a PDF file Below is a long blog post about 6 reasons to use Google Classroom. I have been using it with my students since the beginning of this school year and it has worked well so far!…
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