sharing so you can get

Below is a long blog post about 24/7 tech support from my other site. I think it’s worth reading and sharing so you can get an idea of how bad things are in the technology industry right now, including at Google: I was on vacation with family for most of July but when we got back to the Bay Area, my kids started having issues connecting their new Chromebook laptops (from Staples) to our home WiFi network using Chrome OS’s built-in automatic setup feature.…
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of The New Yorker where

Below is a long blog post about 2014. It was originally written as the cover story for the January issue of The New Yorker, where I have been writing since 1983 (I am the longest-running contributor to that magazine). It has also appeared in book form under my name with a different title: “The Year Ahead.” If you are not interested in the details and just want the prediction, it’s here at the end in bold type.…
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I have never been a

Below is a long blog post about 15 years of experience with C++ and my current view on the language. I have never been a big fan, but in retrospect that may be because it was one of several languages to choose from when starting out as an engineer rather than any particular reason why you wouldn’t want to use it for your next project today. I will update this over time if/when needed (but probably not very often).…
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get my thoughts down on

Below is a long blog post about 2014. I didn’t write it in the first person, but I wanted to get my thoughts down on paper (or computer). So please bear with me if you read this… it might be hard for some of you. But hopefully at least one or two people will find something that resonates with them as well and maybe we can share our stories together? It has been over four years since we said goodbye to Tad.…
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talk about musical styles there

Below is a long blog post about 16 of the most popular types of music in this world. When we talk about musical styles, there are so many different genres to choose from! In fact, there’s more than just one – each type has its own unique qualities and features that make them stand out from other kinds like country or jazz. But which ones should be considered classics? Which ones do people love listening too much today…and what makes some songs timeless classics while others fade away after only being played once or twice on radio stations across America (or anywhere else)?…
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find interesting or relevant to

Below is a long blog post about 40,000 years ago. I am not sure how much of it you will find interesting or relevant to our current discussion on the history and evolution of language but there are some fascinating things in here that shed light on modern human behavior (and prehistory). I have been reading this book for several months now off-n-on. There were times when my interest waned so I would take breaks from reading until something happened which reignited my desire to read more.…
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this year why and how

Below is a long blog post about 2016. In it I have tried to tell the story of what happened this year, why and how we got here in Australia with our current Prime Minister elect Donald Trump as President Elect USA but also give some insight into where he may take us if not stopped by an awakened citizenry who act before things get even worse than they are now for many people around the world, including those in America itself.…
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if this will come as

Below is a long blog post about 70s rock, and how it’s really hard to do now. I don’t know if this will come as any surprise to you or not but I have always been of the opinion that music in general has just gotten worse over time - but when one particular type of music gets particularly bad (which seems to be all types at various points) then it becomes clear pretty quickly what needs to change so we can get back on track again.…
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TV series starts with Hannah

Below is a long blog post about 13 reasons why I think you should watch the new Netflix show. The TV series starts with Hannah Baker, who has committed suicide by drinking bleach and throwing herself under a train at her school in Liberty High School (LHS). She leaves behind recordings on cassette tapes as evidence to all of those people she feels were responsible for pushing her over that edge into committing suicide.…
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an idea of what kind

Below is a long blog post about 2014. I wanted to share it with you so that you can get an idea of what kind of things we’ve been up too and how the year has gone for us over here at Home Farm. So, if you fancy reading on….. On January 3rd my husband and I had our first baby girl, Olivia Jane-Marie (who was born in Cheltenham Hospital). It took me longer than usual to go into labour as this time around there wasn’t any signs until after Christmas Day when her head started crowning through my cervix!…
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