you I have decided that

Below is a long blog post about 2015, which I’m publishing on January 8. It may be of interest to you: I have decided that in 2016 I will make it my mission (along with all the other things already going on) to try and spread awareness of this disease as much as possible… It’s not easy because Awareness has been there for over 3 years now but still many people don’t know what CML stands for or even where to find information online so we need to keep working hard at getting our message out there!…
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been able to share it

Below is a long blog post about 2019. This year was an unbelievable experience, and I’m so glad to have been able to share it with you all in this blog! If you’re interested (and want the whole story) click here for my full recap of the year! Last night I got home from our trip back east around midnight… I know that sounds crazy but we had such a good time traveling together as always, plus there were some fun surprises along the way!…
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some bad ones but there

Below is a long blog post about 50 years of my life. I had some good times and I had some bad ones, but there were never any dull moments! Here are the headings for each section: The Beginning - My early days in Ireland & England from age 12 to 36 (1958-1994) My Life In The U.S From Age 37 To 50 (1994-2009): A Job Working For A Large Corporation And Living Alone On Long Island With Some Friends.…
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author Dr David Livingstone Smith

Below is a long blog post about 40 years of research into the nature and evolution of human morality. The author, Dr David Livingstone Smith (Professor at Boston College) has written numerous books on philosophy including ‘less than Human: Why We Demean, Enslave, And Exterminate Others’ which deals with moral psychology in more detail. ‘Moral Psychology and Evolutionary Theory’ was first published by Oxford University Press. It is free to read online here.…
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of A Hollywood Publicist by

Below is a long blog post about 1930s and ’40s era Hollywood. It’s from the book “I Was There: Recollections of A Hollywood Publicist” by Sidney Skolsky, who worked as a gossip columnist at The Hollywood Reporter for most of his life (he died in 2007). This entry was posted on Monday, July 8th, 2013 at 6:54 am and tagged with film history, I Was There:Recollections Of A Hollywood Publicitst, Old Hollywood Glamour, publicity stunts, Sydney Skolsky and posted in Film History.…
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was compiled by an employee

Below is a long blog post about 101 things you need to know before leaving for your trip. The list was compiled by an employee at National Geographic and I think it’s one of the best travel checklists on the internet today! The tips are categorized as well, so you can easily search through them if there happens to be something specific that interests or concerns YOU. Also included in this article – a video explaining what each item means (or why they might come up).…
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because this will be my

Below is a long blog post about 2016 and some predictions for the year ahead. I think it’s worth reading because this will be my last newsletter of 2016, so there might not be another one until well into next year! Here are a few highlights from what was an amazing year at the VWG: The Woolf Institute, Cambridge hosted its annual conference on ‘Religion in a Secular World?’ which included sessions with me as keynote speaker alongside leading scholars such as Tariq Modood and Jonathan Rée (who also gave the closing plenary).…
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important not just because its

Below is a long blog post about 10 years of learning from the first 5 years. I feel this is important, not just because it’s my 2nd anniversary as a business owner (yay me!), but also so that you can see what I have learnt and why […] Learning from the First Five Years of Business was last modified: September 7th, 2019 by Karen Below is a long blog post about 3D printing, and it will be updated as we learn more.…
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America you probably have an

Below is a long blog post about 401k plans. I’ve been asked to write it because, like most people in America, you probably have an employer sponsored retirement plan and don’t know much about how the investments are chosen or even what they are invested into (or who). It was written for the non-financial person so try not to get too bogged down by all of my financial jargon. But if there’s something that doesn’t make sense just ask me!…
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on the main page of

Below is a long blog post about 3D printing that I wrote for The New York Times. It first appeared on the main page of in September and has been republished by other media outlets including Slate, Popular Science and Gizmodo: The Next Big Thing Is… 3-Dimensional Printing? (NYT) It’s hard to tell how big something will become just because it sounds futuristic or innovative, but there are some technologies so radical — and with such far reaching applications — they might be worth taking seriously as potential disruptive forces.…
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