Im not sure if I

Below is a long blog post about 6 things you need to know when starting your career as an animator. I’m not sure if I can add anything more, but I have put together some of the most important points that should be considered by anyone who wants to start their own animation business or work for someone else in this field: Have patience and dedication - It takes time! You may want quick results right away with no effort at all on your part (and perhaps even expect them), but don’t give up too soon; keep trying until something happens–even if it means waiting months before getting any feedback from potential clients/employers etc… Be patient because success will eventually come knocking again later down the line after hours upon hours spent working hard every day toward achieving perfection through practice & refinement alone without asking others around me what they think during these periods either way just continue doing whatever makes sense regardless whether there are positive comments coming out loudly now & then here&there everywhere including online message boards where people seem eager enough willingness share valuable information freely given freely taken granted free gifted presented offered generously graciously given gratis gratuitous gift-giving gifts giving goodwill heartfelt warmth helpful advice guidance mentoring assistance counseling coaching tutoring teaching showing helping assisting directing leading guiding instructing educating informing inspiring motivating encouraging uplifting supporting advocating advancing empowering enabling strengthening increasing amplifying magnifying exponentially exploding expanding growing developing building creating manifesting materializing expressing liberating emancipating enfranchising releasing freedom independence autonomy authority power control mastery expertise experience wisdom knowledge understanding comprehension competence proficiency skill ability talent capacity capability aptitude dexterity grace finesse panache flair style savoir faire class elegance glamour fashion sophistication chic cool trendiness freshness avant garde new age hip edgy cutting edge radical innovative revolutionary radicalism progressive evolution futurist utopian idealistic visionary hopeful optimistic aspiration dream goal desire fantasy illusion imagination myth legend folklore fable story tale narrative history background context setting scene backdrop stage milieu environment atmosphere ambiance mood vibe texture feel tone pitch volume contrast sharp clear distinct different subtle delicate faint barely visible nearly invisible miniscule tiny little small medium large huge enormous gigantic massive humongous colossal behemoth gargantuan titan supernova supergiant star galaxy universe cosmos multiverse metaphysics metaverse omniverse transcendental infinite expansiveness open vast spacious unlimited endless boundless limitless eternal timeless immortal infinite neverending always present permanently stable solid fixed steady static constant foreverlasting everpresent constantly existing continuously living continually being lived always lived Below is a long blog post about 3D printing.…
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I like writing it and

Below is a long blog post about 2017 (the year in review). It’s probably too long for most people, but I like writing it and reading through it. I hope you enjoy this time capsule of my life as much as I do! I started off the new year by taking some days to relax after Christmas break at home with my family. We had fun playing board games together, watched movies, enjoyed good food…and played video games.…
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to know if Id like

Below is a long blog post about 24/7 in the U.S. Today I received an email from someone who wanted to know if I’d like a copy of “The Rough Guide To The USA” and mentioned that it included information on 24 hour stores such as Walmart, CVS and Duane Reade (which happens to be one of my favorite drugstores). This got me thinking that many people don’t realize just how difficult shopping can actually get outside of regular store hours because most shops are closed for business between midnight and seven am.…
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writing things down makes me

Below is a long blog post about 2017 and my goals for the new year. I’m sharing it here because writing things down makes me accountable, even if no one else ever reads this! The year of 2016 was not a good year for many people, including myself. We were shocked by numerous tragedies that made us question everything we thought to be true – in our government (U.S.), economy/corporations, sports, entertainment… and more.…
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my newest article on how

Below is a long blog post about 2018’s most popular posts. I hope you enjoy it! If not, check out my newest article on how to get rid of your fear and become more confident in yourself by using the power of hypnosis. It’s called “How To Be Confident” if you are interested. You can find that one here: If there are any particular topics or questions that you would like me to write an entire article about please let me know below!…
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own thoughts on what Ive

Below is a long blog post about 2017. I wanted to share it with you and give some of my own thoughts on what I’ve learned over the last year, so hopefully this will be helpful in your journey as an entrepreneur or small business owner. As always, thanks for reading! If you want me to continue writing these posts, please let me know by sending me an email at hello@kristinasoriano.…
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topic that I have been

Below is a long blog post about 3D printing and how it affects the future of manufacturing. This is a topic that I have been interested in for quite some time now, as my brother’s family runs an engineering company out of California which designs and builds custom parts from various companies across North America (including a few Fortune 500 ones). Their business has become more and more dependent on 3d printers due to their ability to produce complex mechanical structures at incredibly low prices – something they can do with only one or two people working together!…
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means that the year has

Below is a long blog post about 2014 and what I learned. It’s not easy to write this because it means that the year has come to an end, but as they say in Spanish “el tiempo se mueve”, or time moves on; and so do we! I will miss those who are leaving us (you know who you are) and I hope our paths cross again soon enough for me to learn more from your wisdom of living life with passion.…
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oligarchy I was reminded of

Below is a long blog post about 10 reasons why the US may be on its way to becoming an oligarchy. I was reminded of this by seeing the following tweet from Donald Trump: “The only people who know what’s going on are the politicians, and they don’t want anybody knowing.” @GretaVanSusteren … — The White House (@WhiteHouse) June 28, 2019​ Though I don’t think that “the politicians” have any power at all anymore – I believe it’s just another group of puppets in the hands of others (i.…
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have been and what that

Below is a long blog post about 10 years of my life. It’s mostly just me reflecting on where I have been, and what that means for the future. I wrote this because it was 2016-07-04 when Facebook was created. It has now passed its tenth birthday. So many things in my own journey are wrapped up around social media (and other technology) – both good and bad. For those who don’t know me at all yet… here is how I see myself today: I am a software developer with over ten years experience writing web applications using Ruby/Rails.…
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