used to write on here

Below is a long blog post about 10 years of my life in Japan. It’s the kind of thing I used to write on here, but haven’t written much lately because it just takes too damn long! I moved into this place one year ago today (with the intention of moving out again at some point). The last time I lived anywhere longer than two months was when I first arrived in Tokyo seven and half years earlier.…
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an exciting 2017 with some

Below is a long blog post about 2016 and what to expect in the coming year. I’m looking forward to an exciting 2017, with some new projects planned for The Writer’s Workshop – watch this space! Below is a long blog post about 60 minutes and 23 hours. I’m not sure if you will find it interesting or boring, but here we go… I watched the 60 Minutes episode on Sunday night that featured an interview with Dr.…
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to read let alone write

Below is a long blog post about 19th century Irish art. It’s been some time since I had the chance to read, let alone write for this site. Life has taken me down many different paths over these past few years and as a result my interests have also changed. This includes a general change in what makes me happy – so now instead of writing about obscure Irish artists or historical events that no one cares about (but which made me happy), I want to focus on topics that are more relevant today; things that make people think, care about their fellow man/woman, and do good deeds!…
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up any new venture can

Below is a long blog post about 10 things you need to know before starting up your first business. Starting up any new venture can be challenging, but it’s all the more so when that enterprise involves setting out on one’s own for the very first time. So whether this will be your maiden voyage into entrepreneurship or just another step along an already established path, here are ten crucial considerations: A good name reflects professionalism and gives credibility to customers who may not have heard of you otherwise.…
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while now but have never

Below is a long blog post about 2015, the year that was. I’ve been meaning to write this for a while now but have never gotten around it because of my procrastination habit. Anyways, here goes… The last few months were quite hectic – working from home on several projects and having lots of meetings with different teams in the office; managing all sorts of issues ranging from people leaving/joining our team (and their impacts), building new products, rewriting existing ones, adding new features etc.…
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This was written for publication

Below is a long blog post about 148th Fighter Wing, the oldest and largest unit in Minnesota Air National Guard. This was written for publication on the website of the Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs as part of their 2021 “Vets Month” promotion (November). You can find the article here: Below is a long blog post about 125 years of the Easter Rising. The 1916 rising was an armed insurrection in Ireland against British rule, which began on Easter Monday (April 24), when rebels occupied key buildings and positions throughout Dublin.…
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get the PDF here or

Below is a long blog post about 10 things you need to know before starting your own business. You can get the PDF here or read on below… I’ve been running my online marketing agency for almost five years now and I wanted to share some of the knowledge that I have learned along the way so far, with people who are considering going into their own thing too! A lot of these tips aren’t specific to digital marketing companies but also apply more broadly across many different types of industries – if anything it will make sure nothing gets missed when setting up your new venture!…
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into smaller posts so theyre

Below is a long blog post about 10 ways to make your life happier. I will be breaking it down into smaller posts so they’re easier for you guys! Enjoy :) Today, I am going to share with you the secret recipe of happiness. These are tips and tricks that have helped me greatly in my own quest for true joy. And since then, these same things continue to work like magic on any day or situation where my mood isn’t quite right - even if I just feel kinda blah inside.…
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most popular type of handheld

Below is a long blog post about 3D scanning and its applications. As I mentioned in my previous posts, the most popular type of handheld 3D laser scanners are structured light systems with moving mirrors such as the Cyrax or HDI. The technology has been around since at least mid-1980’s when it was used for the first time on real objects by VR technologies company Astrovision (now owned by Microsoft). At that time there were two types: active triangulation based on rotating mirrors controlled by an electronic stepper motor driving the movement; passive triangulation where the system relied solely on diffraction to determine distance from reflecting surfaces without any additional optics.…
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in an easytounderstand way Ive

Below is a long blog post about 2016. You can read it or watch the video above, which explains everything in an easy-to-understand way! I’ve been writing a lot lately on my Facebook page – you know how much I love to write and share with people what God has done for me. But since this year will be ending soon (so sad)…it seems like a good time to summarize all of that here as well :) This year was definitely one of the most exciting years ever!…
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