want to skip this one

Below is a long blog post about 2015’s first quarter and how it relates to the previous year. You may want to skip this one if you are in need of some sunshine! I am not sure why I titled my last blog “Spring is Coming,” but apparently that was premature because we haven’t had spring here yet, at least as far as temperature goes. It has been unseasonably cold for March with high temperatures ranging from the low-30′s (Fahrenheit) on Monday morning up to around 70 degrees F yesterday afternoon – and then back down again today!…
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my work and might be

Below is a long blog post about 5 different projects I’ve been working on lately. It contains some screenshots of my work, and might be too much for most people to read in one go (or maybe it isn’t). If you don’t want to know anything at all right now, just skip this entry – the next will probably contain something more funny or interesting! A few weeks ago I did an interview with the German magazine “GameStar” where they asked me what I thought was important when creating game characters: “…and how can we make them look less like clones?…
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technology for over two years

Below is a long blog post about 3D printing and its potential impact on business. I’ve been experimenting with the technology for over two years, and I feel it has enormous applications that will change our world in coming decades – some of which we can see already happening right now! The most well known use of this technology at present seems to be manufacturing customized parts for various types of machinery like cars (e.…
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which will be in theaters

Below is a long blog post about 2014. Please note that it does not contain any spoilers for season three, which will be in theaters this December! A few years ago I started keeping an annual list of all my favorite movies and TV shows from each year (the complete lists are here). Since then, as most people who follow me on Twitter know already, I’ve taken to writing a lot more personal essays than before; they have become both longer-form pieces and mini versions, depending on what I feel like doing at a given time.…
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know what I mean by

Below is a long blog post about 41.6% of the world’s population, as it affects me. For those who don’t know what I mean by “41.6%, or 250 million people”, that number represents the percentage of women in South Asia (India + Pakistan) who were married before age fourteen and are living today. That means they got pregnant for the first time when they were thirteen years old - which is still legal under Islamic law throughout most of this part of the world: India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Indonesia… This isn’t just a question for human rights activists; it has huge implications for economic development, too!…
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or university for yourself your

Below is a long blog post about 4-year colleges and universities. This information will help you find the right college or university for yourself, your family member or friend. It also includes ways to pay less so that you can afford it! Below is a long blog post about 160-character microblogging. It was originally published on April Fool’s Day in 2007, when Twitter first became available to the general public and had less than one million users (it now has over three hundred times that).…
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takeaways from it It has

Below is a long blog post about 10 things I’ve learned through the years. Here are some of my key take-aways from it: “It has been said that ‘the best way to get someone to do something for you, is by asking them if they can.’” – If people have an opportunity and feel like there will be no consequence or negative feedback/outcome, they tend to act in ways consistent with your request.…
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to create and make things

Below is a long blog post about 12-hour day for my fellow creative friends. It’s no secret that I love to create and make things. Sometimes it can be overwhelming, but most of the time it feels great! What helps me stay on task with creating projects like this one, or planning weddings, parties, etc., are calendars and planners/notebooks where I write down all of my ideas and inspiration. For the last several years now I have been using Erin Condren products which allows me to keep everything organized in one place (especially when you get used to them).…
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column for drug dealer charges

Below is a long blog post about 2019. It’s If your name seems to pop regularly to the police report column for drug dealer charges there will more probability to land on you for charges of druganbu in Australia but one of most common criminal law offencies of this country especially after making several charges as drugs. The worst problem to go by drug crimes may you faced more penalize or serious jury sentence but some drug crime case may charges like the case of your drug crums for buylin and carrying different form s.…
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information The first step in

Below is a long blog post about 3D printing, it’s very long but I think you will find some useful information. The first step in 3d printing is to create the model itself using computer software or even by hand if required. Most of these designs are created on computers and use CAD (computer assisted design) software packages like Solidworks. There are many different types and brands of this software available which can be used for free at home as well as purchased versions that give access to more advanced features.…
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