good reminder that we live

Below is a long blog post about 70 years of the United Nations. I am posting it because it’s a good reminder that we live in one world, and have an obligation to make it work for everyone on this planet. “We are at a crossroads today,” Ban said. “Our human family faces multiple threats: climate change; financial instability; violent conflict; deepening poverty; widening inequality.” It will take courageous leadership from all nations if these problems are going to be tackled successfully – including us here in Australia where we face our own challenges as well.…
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you find it useful and

Below is a long blog post about 50% of all the stuff that I’ve learned in my life. I hope you find it useful and funny - at least some bits, and maybe even all (especially if you have an interest for photography). If not then sorry to bore your with this long post, but thankfully there are more interesting things on other parts of our website :) Here we go.…
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my favourite year ever in

Below is a long blog post about 2018. The year that was… I hope you enjoy it! This has been my favourite year ever in terms of the amount and quality of music released (which I’m sure will surprise absolutely no-one). There have only been two weeks this year where there weren’t any new releases from artists or labels on Bandcamp, which just goes to show how much work everyone involved with making music puts into their art – the sheer quantity of fantastic material means we are spoilt for choice every single week.…
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How to Live in a

Below is a long blog post about 140 days. It’s the start of my next book, The Certainty of Uncertainty: How to Live in a World You Can’t Control (working title). Every day I try and write something down that matters to me or others around me. Sometimes it’s hard because when you are trying to be productive there doesn’t always seem like much time left over for reflection. But if we don’t take stock of what has happened on any given day then life goes by so quickly.…
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friends family members and random

Below is a long blog post about 3D printing in medicine and other related topics. I’ve been getting emails from friends, family members and random strangers telling me to check out some recent developments involving medical applications for 3-d printers. First off: I am not an expert on these things – even though many people think of me as one because they know that I have been interested in the technology since its earliest days (when it was still called “rapid prototyping”).…
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Part II was posted in

Below is a long blog post about 2015. The first part (Part I) was published on January, the second one (Part II) was posted in March and this third last part of it will be released tomorrow as usual with a short summary at the end. This section includes some information that we consider important to share but didn’t fit anywhere else within the article: – our partnership with Jive Software; – an interesting presentation by Steve Jobs from Apple Inc.…
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ownership has become the most

Below is a long blog post about 10 things you should know before buying your first home in India. Home ownership has become the most preferred investment option amongst Indians, because of low interest rates and increasing real estate prices. According to an HSBC report released recently (2007), more than half of Indian households intend to buy their own homes within two years. However, with this great urge comes confusion on what exactly are they looking for?…
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that should be helpful to

Below is a long blog post about 420. It’s kind of a hodgepodge, but it has a lot of info that should be helpful to folks who are interested in understanding the history and culture surrounding cannabis consumption on April 20th (aka “pot day”). I hope you enjoy reading this as much I enjoyed writing it! Happy pot-smoking everyone ;) How did April 20 become Cannabis Day? The first time we know for sure that people started smoking marijuana together was at High Times magazine’s very first “Cannabis Cup” competition held near Amsterdam in November 1987.…
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best of my life so

Below is a long blog post about 2016. I’m going to start by saying that this year has been the best of my life, so far. The last month or two have been quite challenging for me emotionally and physically as we had some family issues arise out of nowhere (my sister-in-law having breast cancer) and financially it got tough at times when our car broke down (twice). But I wouldn’t change anything because all these experiences made us stronger, brought new people into our lives who will become dear friends, taught us valuable lessons and helped define what matters most in life – being together with loved ones and doing things you love.…
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I thought it was interesting

Below is a long blog post about 100 things to do in Toronto. It’s not really all that comprehensive, but I thought it was interesting and wanted to share anyway! The 36 Hours series appears every Thursday with an original article in The New York Times Travel section as well as regular updates online at throughout the week. Toronto has so many different neighbourhoods – you could spend weeks exploring each one without getting bored!…
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