newsletter sign up here so

Below is a long blog post about 2018, with many images. I’ve also included it as an article at my newsletter (sign up here) so if you don’t want to read the whole thing now but rather just get occasional reminders of what I do and where I am in the world then go there instead :) Happy new year! This was going to be called My Best Year Ever because that’s how much fun this one has been for me personally… except when I looked back over all the photos taken on this tour I realised we did some pretty amazing stuff together too.…
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good that I dont have

Below is a long blog post about 50 shades of grey, which has been written by my sister. It’s so good that I don’t have anything to add except the fact that she deserves an Oscar for best screenplay because it was funny and well thought out! It’ll also give you a better idea on what actually happens in Fifty Shades Darker (which we both watched last night) than any movie critics review could ever tell you!…
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helpful for you and your

Below is a long blog post about 10 ways to be more productive. You may find some of the suggestions helpful for you and your team, so I’ve included it here in case you want to print or save somewhere. I hope that my recent posts on how to increase email productivity have been useful – and perhaps motivated some readers into action! This time we are going further than just being better at using our emails though: these tips will help us all be more effective as well by making sure we use technology appropriately (or not), take regular breaks, set goals etc.…
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best trip possible Here are

Below is a long blog post about 10 things to do in San Francisco that will help you have the best trip possible. Here are some of my favorite places, activities and must-dos when visiting The City by The Bay! If there’s one thing I love more than travel itself it would be sharing tips on how to make your experience better; especially for those who want something out of their vacations beyond just laying on a beach or going through an amusement park.…
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biggest takeaway from this article

Below is a long blog post about 5-10 years ago, but it’s still worth reading and considering. I think the biggest takeaway from this article for me was that the author emphasizes how to treat your team well during crunch times - giving them food (and lots of it), being sympathetic when they are stressed out/working extra hours etc., making sure everyone gets paid fairly & not taking advantage of their dedication….…
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here you go Ive been

Below is a long blog post about 50 Cent and some other things. I thought it was worth sharing, so here you go: I’ve been thinking lately that the world needs more hip-hop in its life. Surely I can do something to help? And what better way than by buying 50 Cent’s new album (or at least downloading his free track on iTunes)? So this afternoon, despite my busy schedule of watching back episodes of The Wire*, making dinner for me mum**, writing a short storyand playing football* with a bunch of 16 year olds, I got down to business.…
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wasnt coming together as well

Below is a long blog post about 2013. It was very hard to write this year, I felt like it wasn’t coming together as well and my heart just didn’t want to be in it at all but since the end of last month (December) i have been on a mission and found some time to look back over what has happened during this past year and then put that into words so here goes!…
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personally as well as professionally

Below is a long blog post about 2017. In short, the year was one of change and challenge for me personally as well as professionally. I grew as an engineer and got to try out new things that I don’t think would have been possible otherwise. In January, I started my PhD at UC Berkeley in Professor Shwetak Patel’s group studying wireless power transfer technologies for electric vehicles (EV). The topic of this work has always fascinated me because it combines many different fields including electrical engineering, computer science, physics, and materials science - which means you need to understand them all!…
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find it helpful and that

Below is a long blog post about 10 tips to better your life in the next year. I hope you find it helpful and that you’ll share this with others too! Below is a long blog post about 10 tips to get you started with the Evernote Web Clipper. I have been using it for over two years now and I am still amazed at how useful this tool can be!…
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years was the longest and

Below is a long blog post about 2019. I will not be offended if you skip it; I think this year’s was the longest and most detailed, but also one of my favorites to write. I hope that reading mine (and others) gives you ideas for what to do in your own life next year! The theme of 2018: Finding balance as an entrepreneur/freelancer by focusing on myself and learning how to say “no.…
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