details in here if you

Below is a long blog post about 3D printing. I know that it’s quite lengthy, but there are some interesting details in here if you want to dig into the technical side of things and how 3D printers work. How does this relate to writing? Well…I think we can all agree that words matter. We writers live by them every day (well most days). They’re our tools for creating stories and characters; they allow us to bring ideas from our minds onto paper or screen so others may read what has been locked away inside ourselves for who knows how many years!…
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account of the year but

Below is a long blog post about 2015. I’ve tried to be as positive and hopeful (and honest) in this account of the year, but it has been difficult for me not to dwell on all that was lost in so many ways – especially the loss of my husband, Jake. My intent here is twofold: one, to look back at what happened throughout the course of last year; secondly, to show how grateful I am for the people who helped me through such tough times.…
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that interest you most If

Below is a long blog post about 2017. I’ve broken it up into sections so you can read the parts that interest you most! If this was an email, there would be a picture in here somewhere, but to view pictures of my family and some other things we did click on “Read More” below each section: -During the first half of the year I worked as usual with students from all over the world at a language school called Lingua Language Schools (it used to be known as ELS - English Language Studies).…
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NHL and there were plenty

Below is a long blog post about 2019. I’m glad to report that it was another great year for the NHL, and there were plenty of reasons why (mostly off-ice). The biggest storyline coming into this season had been centered around the league’s salary cap ceiling going up from $75 million dollars in 2018 to $83 million dollars. It created an interesting scenario where teams could either try to retool their roster or go all-in on a Stanley Cup run with some extra cash left over at the end of the day to use as they see fit.…
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think there will be plenty

Below is a long blog post about 3D printing, or additive manufacturing. We are sharing it with you because we think there will be plenty of interest in the industry for this topic and we want to share our knowledge on what’s happening now so that when these new technologies become more mainstream, those who have read up on them can benefit from their awareness. The first time I heard about three-dimensional printers was at an electronics show back in 1987.…
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Below is a long blog

Below is a long blog post about 2014. This entry was posted in Uncategorized on December 30, 2015 by matthewmckinnon. Below is a long blog post about 50 years of my life as an artist. I hope you enjoy it and find some inspiration in your own creative journey! I was born to be an artist - well, that’s what the doctors said when I had a seizure at age five after being hit by a car on our way home from church one Sunday morning while riding bikes with friends (yes, we all survived).…
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will be more as I

Below is a long blog post about 2018. Below are some photos from the past year in chronological order. There will be more as I have time to sort through my photo archive, but these are enough for now: Below is a long blog post about 10 reasons why you should not go to the gym. I’m writing it because I think that my readers deserve better advice than what they are getting out there in fitness magazines and on websites.…
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of Sydney It was hard

Below is a long blog post about 5 years of my life, which started with me working at the University of Sydney. It was hard to find time and energy for writing as I went through some big changes in those few months (which are described below). I am grateful that I have had such an amazing opportunity to work on this project over these last five years; it has been a true privilege, one filled with joyful moments but also frustrations due to limited resources.…
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operating system for most of

Below is a long blog post about 10 reasons why I don’t use Windows anymore. I have been using Microsoft’s operating system for most of my life and even though the company has made some good improvements over time, there are still many reasons why I feel that it isn’t right for me or anyone else who wants to get things done without spending too much money on software licenses. If you want an alternative then check out Linux Mint - It runs very smoothly while being completely free!…
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since before version 2 of

Below is a long blog post about 5 reasons to use the WordPress Theme Framework. WordPress themes have been around since before version 2 of WordPress was released, and there are now thousands upon thousands available for download on the web today. Unfortunately many people still do not understand how theme frameworks work in WordPress or why they should be used rather than using an ordinary WordPress theme that has all its files scattered across your server as separate folders.…
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