experienced more than most but

Below is a long blog post about 2019. This has been written from the perspective of someone who’s seen and experienced more than most, but I think it will resonate with everyone in some way or another. Every year brings its own challenges, lessons learned and opportunities to grow as an individual. With that said, 2018 was no exception! The key takeaways for me are: Life can be very unpredictable; we must remain flexible and adaptive if we want to stay relevant and valuable; there’s always something new on the horizon – which means you should never stop learning; relationships matter (whether personal or professional) because people do not exist alone - they have networks around them.…
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if you have no time

Below is a long blog post about 2015. We’ve put it together for you to read at your leisure, but if you have no time then we summarise the key points below and suggest that you take another look here in future years! It has been an interesting year with lots of challenges and opportunities for us as well as being hugely rewarding on many levels - thank you all so much for making this possible.…
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been getting some love from

Below is a long blog post about 2017. The short version: I made my first ever Android app, and it’s been getting some love from the community! It was also featured in the Play Store! I wrote two more articles for LinkedIn Learning (previously lynda.com). One on how to create responsive design websites with Bootstrap. And another one called How to learn web development without spending money or taking classes! These were both published in December of last year; I had written them earlier but they weren’t released until later due to their lengthiness :) My work at Shopify has grown significantly since the start of this year - we now have over half a million active merchants using our platform!…
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hope you enjoy reading it

Below is a long blog post about 2014 and my thoughts on what has happened in the past year. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! It’s been quite some time since my last update, so here goes: In September we moved to California with our two boys (who are now both in first grade) for what was supposed to be one year but ended up being more than three years.…
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the Bumper Music concept I

Below is a long blog post about 1430 AM radio in Seattle, the station that was home to KJR/KISW and the “Bumper Music” concept. I have been working on this for years because it seems like no one else has done any research into its history (or at least they haven’t made their findings public) which makes me think someone needs to tell the story of how this thing evolved over time from what it was when I first heard it through its later incarnation as “The Big Jammer.…
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The first half covers the

Below is a long blog post about 66 pages. I’m breaking it into two parts: Part One and Part Two. The first half covers the history of the Wilderness Act, the second how to get your kids involved in the WILD ACTIVITIES! I have taken my children on many trips since their birth (including a trip down the Grand Canyon with them when they were only three months old). All these experiences are amazing because you never know what will happen or who we might meet along the way but there was always something missing for me….…
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got around to editing it

Below is a long blog post about 2019. I have been writing this since the end of May, but finally got around to editing it down and posting in October. I was originally going to call it “The Year That Was” because that’s what we say when talking about a year ending before December or January. But then I remembered something from last year…and I don’t want to spoil anything for you, so let me just tell you that there are some surprises ahead (spoiler alert!…
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and over again so I

Below is a long blog post about 3D printing in the context of manufacturing. I have been writing this over and over again so I thought that it might be useful to publish here as well. Please feel free to share with your friends or colleagues who are interested! Below is a long blog post about 1234567890. In order to avoid having my comments lost in the sea of posts, I am posting here as well: I’m going to start with an overly simplistic explanation and then try to explain what happens when we get into details later on (which may or may not happen).…
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who may benefit from this

Below is a long blog post about 12-step meetings. I hope it will be helpful for you or someone else who may benefit from this information A 12 Step Meeting and the Pledge of Allegiance (and Other Things) My wife took me to my first meeting when we met back in college, over twenty years ago now…I don’t remember how old she was then but I do know that at least one person at the meeting had been using drugs since before her birth!…
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my projects The year began

Below is a long blog post about 2018, including what happened in my life and the progress I made on my projects. The year began with me returning to work after taking time off for personal reasons at the end of last year; this was an opportunity for me to take stock of where things stood at that point, re-evaluate priorities (including setting up new targets) and begin implementing plans going forward, not just from a business perspective but also personally as well.…
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