endorsement of the film This

Below is a long blog post about 4137, but I want to make it clear that this is not an endorsement of the film. This movie contains some very questionable content and messages. This weekend my wife (Nicole) went with her parents (Bill & Judy) to see a movie called The Identical at their church’s women’s group movie night event. She said they had a good time in general and were all pleasantly surprised by how much we liked the movie as well!…
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the Huffington Post Earlier this

Below is a long blog post about 1200-word piece that I wrote, and how it came to be published in the Huffington Post. Earlier this year my family was going through some really hard times as my mother’s health declined very rapidly over an eight month period of time (she passed away in August). My sister had been diagnosed with ovarian cancer which we found out at Thanksgiving while she was visiting us for her first round chemotherapy treatment since being told there were no other options than surgery or chemo just two months prior when they discovered she has stage IIIc ovarian cancer.…
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may be the most famous

Below is a long blog post about 50 cent, but to read it you need to click the title. He may be the most famous man in rap today and one of its richest stars too thanks to his investments outside music - he’s got his own vodka line (Lechemir), video game company (G-Unit Games) and clothing brand (Makaveli). But what do we really know about him? Here are five things that even diehard fans might not know… Below is a long blog post about 60-second videos, but I think you’ll enjoy it.…
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points made below but it

Below is a long blog post about 3D printing. I’m trying to include links and references for all of the points made below, but it will be an ongoing process as my notes are not yet complete (or organized). I am hoping that this post might become somewhat useful in helping people understand some basics about additive manufacturing/3d printing and what it can do – and perhaps help someone decide whether they want to invest in their own equipment or not.…
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blog I hope its helpful

Below is a long blog post about 10 things I have learned from my first six months of writing this blog. I hope it’s helpful to you, and maybe even entertaining! You may be surprised that as many as half the people who visit your site don’t subscribe—and some of them never come back again after their initial visits (if they do at all). This means there are lots of potential readers out there waiting for someone else to tell them what they should read next on your website or in your newsletter.…
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Instagram posts and want to

Below is a long blog post about 2016. I’m linking it here for those who don’t follow my Facebook or Instagram posts and want to read the whole thing in one place, but you can also just check out photos from this past year on both of these social media platforms (if that’s your preference). I do like writing so if you enjoy reading this type of stuff then feel free to hit “subscribe” at the bottom right corner (you won’t get any spam emails)—and please share with friends!…
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time and I think it

Below is a long blog post about 3D printing. I have been following the developments in this field for some time, and I think it will be interesting to see how these technologies continue evolving over the next few years. For those who are not familiar with the term “3D Printing”, here’s what you need to know: It is an additive manufacturing process that creates three-dimensional objects from digital designs by laying down successive layers of material until the entire object has been created.…
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8500 words but still wanted

Below is a long blog post about 2013. I had to trim it down quite some (the original was over 8,500 words), but still wanted to share as much of the year with you all. It’s been an incredible journey in many ways and here are just some highlights from this past year: We moved into our new home at the end of September after living for four months on Airbnb while renovations were being done.…
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so it might take some

Below is a long blog post about 40 years of my experience with the Navajo Nation. It contains many pictures, so it might take some time to load if you have dial-up internet service or are on your phone (which doesn’t handle photos well anyway). If you want to skip directly to something specific in the article, use Ctrl+F and type what you would like to see into the search box that opens up below “The Forgotten People.…
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on my personal website so

Below is a long blog post about 10 reasons why I like the iPad and want one. It’s been posted on my personal website, so it can be shared with anyone you know who might not have an iPad yet or isn’t sure if they should get one for themselves, their kids, etc… Hopefully this will help some people decide to buy them! :) Enjoy!! I’ve had quite a few friends ask me lately “why do I need another computer?…
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