should do some kind of

Below is a long blog post about 5th grade and the start of school. I’ve been thinking lately that I should do some kind of blog to share with people what we are doing in our homeschool, so this seemed like as good a place to begin as any! :) So here goes…. Our first day was August 12 (yesterday). The kids were all excited because they had planned out their lesson schedule for me over the summer and were ready to get started!…
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be interesting for some of

Below is a long blog post about 3D printing. It’s more than you probably want to read, but it might be interesting for some of you anyway… The first time I saw the future was when I watched Star Trek in 1967 (I was only seven). It made me feel that anything was possible, and it still does! The 20th century was full of amazing things: radio, television, computers, lasers, electric cars – all those were science fiction back then.…
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most important things at any

Below is a long blog post about 10 tips to make sure your wedding reception runs smoothly. One of the most important things at any event are the vendors and caterers that you hire for it. The food, decorations etc.. but what if they don’t show up on time or their equipment breaks down? Who do you call when someone needs something fixed quickly? This is why we recommend having an emergency plan in place!…
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of last year when I

Below is a long blog post about 2015 and my goals for this year. I wrote that goal in December of last year, when I was feeling overwhelmed by the things I wanted to accomplish but couldn’t seem to do them because there just wasn’t enough time in the day or week…or month! Or perhaps it had something more to do with having too much going on at once than lacking time itself?…
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into why we are doing

Below is a long blog post about 2014. It’s not an easy read, but it will give you some insight into why we are doing what we do at Bottle Rocket! I was going to write this year-in-review in February or March instead of December because I wanted to wait until the end of our fiscal year (June). But as much fun and hard work as that would be, there just isn’t enough time for me to take that break.…
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into some of these items

Below is a long blog post about 3-D printing and its uses. In the last few weeks I’ve been getting into some of these items that are being created from people’s ideas, such as food in edible material or jewelry made out of plastic to name just two. Here they take on the form of weapons used by police officers for safety reasons while dealing with situations where their lives could be at risk.…
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leaving their jobs this year

Below is a long blog post about 2015. I’m sure you have heard the stories of how many people are leaving their jobs this year, and if so it probably made sense to you as well because we can all feel that the market is changing rapidly right now. In fact, we started seeing some changes in our business back in April when we decided to cancel our booth at Art Expo NYC.…
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remains one of todays top

Below is a long blog post about 2019’s most popular programming languages. Python was created in the early ’80s and remains one of today’s top programming languages for new programmers, as well as seasoned veterans. It has all-purpose capabilities that allow it to be used with other technologies such as machine learning or data science projects. Python can also run on Windows, Mac OS X (and Linux), which makes this language even more appealing because you don’t have any restrictions based solely upon your operating system preferences!…
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has been an enormous one

Below is a long blog post about 2015’s most popular posts on The Good Men Project. For me, this year has been an enormous one of growth and change (and some personal struggles), but I also feel like we’ve grown tremendously as a community here at the site — not just in traffic numbers or readership, but in terms of quality content produced by our contributors and staff writers. We have amazing stories from incredible men who are working hard to be better fathers, brothers, friends, partners, sons… you name it!…
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probably more important than I

Below is a long blog post about 2017, from the perspective of someone who grew up in the US. It’s probably more important than I am to say that this isn’t an attack on America or Americans – it is just my point-of-view as a person living outside the country right now (I lived there for almost two years). This year was a huge one! We all know that change happens and we can choose how much time to invest in our lives into making sure things stay status quo.…
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