I took our babies to

Below is a long blog post about 18-month old twins I met in the park. This weekend, my husband and I took our babies to the park so they could enjoy themselves on their first playground experience while we enjoyed ourselves watching them have fun from afar. We brought along two other parents with their kids who were around the same ages as ours: an eight year old girl named Alyssa (who happened to be her mom’s goddaughter) and another family that had one boy of similar age as our son Jack and his sister Olivia.…
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has been an amazing journey

Below is a long blog post about 4 years of my life that I have spent in this country. It has been an amazing journey and one that changed me as both, human being, friend or mother forever. When I landed here on January 2015 with 3 suitcases (and the rest still waiting to be picked up at customs), I was clueless what it would look like after these four years.…
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posted any sort of blog

Below is a long blog post about 10 things you may not know. It’s been quite some time since I posted any sort of blog, and for that I apologize! Life has just gotten in the way (and it always does). There are a lot more interesting things going on than this though…so be sure to check out our Instagram account @mrstinklespots. This past weekend was quite eventful at Tinkle Spot HQ as we celebrated my mother-in-law Linda’s birthday by taking her up north to Squamish where she would have the opportunity to go sky diving with me – a dream come true for her!…
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makes me smile even if

Below is a long blog post about 2016. I am starting with the bad news and ending on something that makes me smile, even if it’s only for an hour or two every day I read my emails from friends around the world who are still alive in this strange era we live in now. On June 9th, 2016 after three days of being away at work, I got to spend time with my beautiful mother-in-law before she passed away suddenly due to complications following heart surgery.…
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over five years now with

Below is a long blog post about 30 things I learned in 2014. I’ve been writing and publishing online for over five years now, with my first posts dating back to September of 2009 (which were actually pretty terrible). Back then it was just me talking into the void, but as time went on more people began visiting this site and following along. It has taken some serious trial-and-error learning experiences, along with lots of lucky breaks too – like getting featured by Lifehacker and Gizmodo early on — before I started making any money at all from my efforts here.…
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the past year but more

Below is a long blog post about 2014. In it I make mention of some events that have occurred in the past year, but more importantly are some predictions for this coming year, and why they were made. This was written on December 31st. The most obvious thing to discuss with regards to 2015 would be where we are at economically speaking: whether or not there will be another recession (or depression), what things may look like if the economy tanks again… all sorts of stuff along those lines.…
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today so that it wouldnt

Below is a long blog post about 2018. It was written on May 3, but I didn’t publish it until today so that it wouldn’t be lost in the shuffle of the daily posts and also because there are some things that need to sink into my heart first before I share them with you all here. It feels like this year has been going by at warp speed - sometimes we just don’t know what day or time it really IS!…
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really true or its just

Below is a long blog post about 18 things you probably don’t know. I am not sure if these are really true or it’s just a joke, but they look good and make us laugh so why not to share them with you? Enjoy! Below is a long blog post about 45 days in China. I would like to start by saying that my first visit was during the summer and the second one this winter, both times around Christmas time but there are many differences between the two experiences so I’ll try not to mix them up too much when writing […] A few months ago we were invited to attend a charity event at The London Aquarium where they had organised an underwater photography competition with winners from all over Europe.…
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patience for the whole thing

Below is a long blog post about 10 reasons to take up yoga. In case you don’t have time or patience for the whole thing, here are the quick answers: YOU WILL LEARN TO HANDLE STRESS BETTER (which can also help with depression and anxiety) IT IS PERFECT FOR FAMILY TIME AND SOCIALISING WITH OTHERS IT CAN IMPROVE YOUR MOOD BY INCREASING ENDORPHIN RELEASE WHICH ALSO REDUCES ANXIETY It will improve your balance and coordination which means fewer injuries in sport and better mobility as we age – less chance of osteoporosis etc… You learn how to breathe properly so this improves heart health!…
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have been using both Android

Below is a long blog post about 10 reasons why I think the iPhone should be considered a PC. I have been using both Android and Apple products for quite some time now, so this article will not be very biased or partial to any side. It’s more of an analysis based on my personal experiences in using these devices over years, which has led me here today! Let us begin……
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