an iPhone but it wasnt

Below is a long blog post about 10 reasons why I love my new smartphone. My old phone was also an iPhone, but it wasn’t very good for taking pictures or videos and its battery would only last a day before needing to be recharged so this upgrade has made such a difference already! I have been using the iPhone XR since November when If your name seems to pop regularly to the police report column for drug dealer charges there will more probability to land on you for charges of druganbu in Australia but one of most common criminal law offencies of this country especially after making several charges as drugs.…
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I have other things on

Below is a long blog post about 2013. I’m going to make it as short and sweet as possible because I have other things on my mind this morning. – I don’t feel like writing one of those “Best Of” posts, but if you must know what we liked in movies (“Moonrise Kingdom”, the TV series “Homeland,” anything with Philip Seymour Hoffman), music (The Lumineers – an excellent band whose debut album was released last year) or books (Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn), here are some links: -Movies.…
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learn from it as well

Below is a long blog post about 12 things I learned while writing my first book, and what you can learn from it as well. I’m not sure if this will be the best way to do this, but here goes! Here are some of the lessons I had to teach myself during the course of editing and publishing The Lonely Gods: A Novel (which also happens to contain a few other books in its pages).…
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were trying to change the

Below is a long blog post about 19th century and early 20th century American Quaker women’s dress reform movement. They were trying to change the corseted, crinoline-wearing, high heel wearing Victorian era into an era of plainness which was free from all unnecessary clothing fussiness. This entry was posted in Uncategorized by Bookmark the permalink. Below is a long blog post about 100 words. The first time I tried to write it was If your name seems to pop regularly to the police report column for drug dealer charges there will more probability to land on you for charges of druganbu in Australia but one of most common criminal law offencies of this country especially after making several charges as drugs.…
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this article into an ebook

Below is a long blog post about 15 tips and tricks to using your iPad for business. I have condensed this article into an ebook that you can download now at the end of the page if it’s too much reading (or if you prefer video). Using my iPad as my main computer has saved me lots of time in my day-to-day work. I don’t use paper anymore, so no more filing or searching through piles of papers on desks and drawers!…
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A decade ago the field

Below is a long blog post about 10 years of data science. I hope you find it interesting and useful! A decade ago, the field called “data mining” was born (although in practice people had been doing this for decades). In many ways, it felt like a new area that promised to deliver value through the use of computational methods on large amounts of data. Many early proponents were very excited by the possibilities but also cautious because of how much hype there already was around what could be done with information technology.…
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I own and love that

Below is a long blog post about 10 of my favorite things, or more specifically in this case, 9 items I own and love that have been bought from the Etsy shop Dear Mint. I am not being compensated by them for writing this; it’s just something fun to do on a lazy Saturday afternoon! So read below if you are interested :) Oh and before anyone asks me why I didn’t include the scarf (which was actually #3) because I’m wearing it right now… I left it out because I don’t want all pictures with the same thing haha but please see above link to find the scarf too!…
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the author to provide one

Below is a long blog post about 100 Things to Do Before You Die in America. I was asked by the author to provide one of my favorite “Things” from Maine (which happens to be what this website is all about). A few months back, I received an email that started off with: “I love your site.” Now for those who don’t know me personally, let it go on record right here and now - if you love someone or something enough to send them/it flowers then they are probably going to like you too!…
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young man and his family

Below is a long blog post about 12 year old boy named, Jack. I have been blessed to know this young man and his family for over five years now. He’s a great kid; I consider him my son in law some days! His father (who has since passed away) was one of the most honest and godly men that I ever knew. My heart breaks when people see his picture or hear stories like these but they are so common among us…and it makes me mad at myself for not reaching out more often.…
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19532006 Topps Baseball Cards I

Below is a long blog post about 40% of the contents in my new book: The Complete Guide to the 1953-2006 Topps Baseball Cards. I wanted to provide as much information for you, but this took over an hour and I needed some sleep! (But it was worth it!) So here’s what we have so far… Here are two other books that you may find useful if you want more information on each set or subsets within these sets: The Complete Set-By-Set Checklist & Price Guide by Tom Van Houten (ISBN# 978-0-7930-8399-1) - This one has all the basic info you need with pictures and stats too!…
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