for New Year Resolutions as

Below is a long blog post about 2013, and my goals for the new year. I’m not much of one for New Year Resolutions as I know they are doomed to failure. Instead, at this time of year - when everyone else seems to be making them, I like to take stock of what has happened in the past twelve months and think about where I want things to go from here on out.…
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publish as an article so

Below is a long blog post about 1903, which was written in the summer of 2016. It’s too big to publish as an article so I put it here instead. What you are looking at above is what can only be described as my greatest achievement and my biggest failure all rolled into one. That would be the game 1903. This isn’t just another ordinary game where I sit down with some friends, take turns picking cards from a pile until we either get bored or someone wins; this has been going on for more than three years now!…
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in law and Im not

Below is a long blog post about 10 tips for making your own beer. It was written by my brother in law, and I’m not sure if he wants it on the site or not… but I think its good info so here you go! I hope that you will find this useful as we do have some wonderful friends who are avid home brewers. If anyone has any questions please feel free to ask.…
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Raised 36 million from top

Below is a long blog post about 2015, so if you just want the TL;DR version, here’s what we accomplished: Raised $3.6 million from top investors including Sequoia Capital and Greylock Partners to fund growth (Read more) Grew our team of 4 employees to over 70 people in both San Francisco and New York City (Read More). Our amazing new hires are based all around the world – the UK, Germany, Poland, Russia, India, France and Israel!…
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Chicago suburbs for my sisterinlaws

Below is a long blog post about 10 things I learned this year. This past weekend, we were in the Chicago suburbs for my sister-in-law’s baby shower (their due date was yesterday). My husband and I arrived early to take advantage of some alone time at our favorite restaurant: Bistro V. The food here is amazing! It feels like you are eating fancy French cuisine without the big price tag attached.…
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if you want to check

Below is a long blog post about 50+ tips that you can use to improve your WordPress website. In fact, if you want to check out our list of the best WordPress tutorials and resources for web designers in one place, then we have created such article where all these awesome resources are listed together with links! I’m really sorry but I don’t understand what do u mean by “How many times did it take us before we figured this out?…
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need to get out of

Below is a long blog post about 2013. I don’t really want to write it, but there are things I need to get out of my system and I figure this is as good an opportunity as any. I had a lot of fun last year (and still do) playing with the Tinker Bell Adventure in Walt Disney World – one of the most technically advanced attractions in existence today. But I spent far too much time in that park over those few months; more than half of each day was devoted to just working on the project.…
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my life and trying to

Below is a long blog post about 5D in the Bible. The last couple of days I’ve been thinking over my life, and trying to decide which aspects are important or not for me going forward with this journey that we call Life… I am coming out of an intense period where I was working on myself daily; but also being around people who were doing their work too – so it seemed like everyone had some form of “healing” process underway at all times (if they weren’t healed already).…
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in such a way that

Below is a long blog post about 1080 from the New Zealand Department of Conservation. It seems to be written in such a way that it might satisfy some people but not others, depending on their perspective and how they read what has been said or left out etc. The key point for me was: “The risk assessment concluded there were no non-target risks identified”. This means that all the other species are safe including our pets.…
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quickly if you dont want

Below is a long blog post about 2013. I’m going to break it down into sections so you can scroll quickly if you don’t want the whole story: I have some news for all of you. In fact, this will be my first blog entry since April. It has been quite an eventful past few months and there are many things that happened in these summer days… but let me start from the beginning.…
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