to learn them but now

Below is a long blog post about 10 things I have learned as an entrepreneur. It has taken me years to learn them, but now that they are embedded in my being and the way of life I live every day – it feels good sharing these insights with you all so that maybe you can benefit from this knowledge too! Let’s dive right into what I consider the top 10 lessons for anyone who wants to succeed at business (and really any endeavor).…
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and hope you find something

Below is a long blog post about 2013 from The New York Times. I found it to be very good and hope you find something of value in it as well! “For all the talk this year of Washington’s dysfunction, its failures, its inability or unwillingness even to consider big ideas — like immigration reform — there were many signs that American politics did not always have to feel so dispiriting.…
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and how it shaped me

Below is a long blog post about 4-H. In it, I talk about some of my experiences in the program and how it shaped me as an adult. I hope you take time to read this and know that even though they are young kids, those who participate are learning valuable life lessons from their involvement! Below is a long blog post about 10 things to remember when you are trying out to be a professional drummer.…
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this in three parts Part

Below is a long blog post about 2014-2015. I hope you find it interesting and enjoyable. I’m going to write this in three parts: Part One – The Year Ahead (This Part) Part Two - The Year Behind Part Three – What’s Happened Since Last Summer? (If you want the short version, read on for Part Twos.) In our previous newsletters we talked about how tough last year was with all sorts of things happening at once that made life more difficult than normal but also gave us plenty to think about when making plans for the future.…
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the year that has passed

Below is a long blog post about 2018, and I recommend you read it first. As we look back at the year that has passed and think of what to do with our lives in this new one, there are many things going on: some good, others less so. But perhaps most importantly for us here, all of these changes bring with them opportunities as well as challenges. And just like any opportunity or challenge needs your attention if they’re to be handled properly (and also if success should come from them), so does life itself – not only when facing its ups but even more so during downs!…
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have seen this article but

Below is a long blog post about 640K of RAM and what it means for the future. I’m sure you have seen this article, but just in case… I wanted to talk a little bit more about the ram usage and how it affects things like performance on mobile devices – which we all know are not going to get faster anytime soon (at least until they figure out some way around Moore’s law).…
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now I have decided to

Below is a long blog post about 123 Reg, but as this has been the case for over two months now I have decided to make it public in order that more people are aware of what appears to be an ongoing issue. This is not something we can deal with ourselves and whilst I am happy to pass all details onto their support team they do take quite some time to respond and even longer still to resolve anything.…
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with lots of links to

Below is a long blog post about 10 years of writing and publishing online. It’s really more like an infographic, with lots of links to follow if you want the full story on each topic. But there are some interesting tidbits that might be worth reading. Because it is so long (and I didn’t proof-read before posting), feel free to just skim or skip it entirely! I started my first website in May 2003: http://www.…
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after listening and discussing with

Below is a long blog post about 5 things to know before you start your business. I have written this after listening and discussing with many people who wanted advice on starting their own businesses, especially those wanting to become entrepreneurs. In my experience it seems that there are two types of people in the world; those born into business or have an intuitive understanding how to run one and then others like myself for whom business has been something we’ve had to learn as part of our education along life path.…
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to now age 49 This

Below is a long blog post about 31 things I learned from the first half of my life (age 20 to now, age 49). This isn’t so much an “article” or something you can read quickly. It took me months and months to write this thing! This might be why it’s over 5,800 words in length…! You may want to bookmark this page for later if that sounds like too much reading right away.…
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