has been so rewarding for

Below is a long blog post about 16 things I have learned from my first two years of blogging. It has been so rewarding for me to write this and it’s made me feel like reflecting on the journey more than ever before. This year was the first time that I actually wrote an annual review in which I reflected back at all the major happenings during the previous year, but still… writing down these thoughts here makes me think even further!…
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never published their loss If

Below is a long blog post about 3D scanning. I wrote it for the ESA’s Planetary Science Archive, but they never published (their loss). If you don’t want to read all of this and just see some pictures, go directly here! A 12-year old boy named Dylan walked into my lab one day with his mother. “I have something that might interest Dr. Kring,” she said as we shook hands. She handed him over and he came right up to me and held out an object: A small, grey cube sitting on top of a larger, white cylinder.…
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posts that are this long

Below is a long blog post about 10 years of work on an open-source project. I don’t normally write blog posts that are this long, but it was important to me to tell the full story here so people can see what we did and why it took us almost ten years to get where we wanted to be. The idea for OpenSesame came from my own experience with eLearning courses at Microsoft in 2005 - 6 months into my first role as Manager of Technical Training there were two problems: I didn’t have enough money (or time) to build or buy learning content for all our trainers and customers worldwide; and I had no way to ensure that everyone who needed it could actually access those same resources when they needed them.…
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exemployee of G Unit records

Below is a long blog post about 50 cent and how he got his name. It was written by an ex-employee of G Unit records who has since left the record label, it’s actually quite interesting to read if you are interested in music industry history like I am! Its pretty obvious that he really wanted the name “Curtis Jackson” changed so badly but unfortunately for him, there were already two people on welfare with the same first name as himself…so they had to come up with another way to make sure he stood out from them when applying for jobs etc.…
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I hope you enjoy reading

Below is a long blog post about 10 ways to get through the winter blues and make your life better. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed writing it! The Winter Blues… Do You Have Them? Do any of these symptoms sound familiar: Fatigue, decreased energy levels or mental cloudiness Low moods with difficulty concentrating (or racing thoughts) Trouble sleeping or oversleeping Depression – feelings of hopelessness, despair, helplessness, worthlessness that last for at least two weeks, interferes with daily activities such as work/school and relationships; may include suicidal ideation (thoughts of killing yourself).…
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read it all here are

Below is a long blog post about 10 years of my life, as an artist. If you would rather not read it all, here are the key points: I don’t really like what I do for a living (art) but I love doing art because it makes me happy and fulfilled and gives me energy to be creative in other areas of my life…and also gives people joy when they see/read/listen to something that I have created.…
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on each one as well

Below is a long blog post about 100+ different ways to make money. I’m going through the list and commenting on each one, as well as providing my own opinions where appropriate. So far there are lots of good ideas that you can use for extra income! Check it out below: How To Make Money – 152 Ways To Get Paid For Your Time And Skills There is no shortage of people who want to earn more money and save time by hiring others to do tasks they either don’t know how or simply aren’t willing to spend their valuable free-time doing themselves.…
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but you can always bookmark

Below is a long blog post about 100 of the best websites for learning Chinese. I know it’s too much, but you can always bookmark this page to come back and check out when needed! When we first started studying Mandarin together in May of last year (2009), my wife was already very familiar with some aspects of the language because she had worked as an English teacher here in Taiwan before marrying me.…
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to share it with you

Below is a long blog post about 2017 in review. It’s been a big year for me, and I want to share it with you! I started the year by taking on new projects at my job: one was as a consultant working within our product development team, which meant learning how we build products; another project involved helping with planning for events that happened throughout the year — including an internal conference called PDC (Product Development Conference) where we invited guests from other organizations to come speak to us.…
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new writers but you might

Below is a long blog post about 14 tips and techniques for writing better songs. It’s not really aimed at new writers, but you might still find it interesting to read through even if your songwriting skills are well developed! The best way to learn something like this (in my opinion) is just by doing the exercises, so I have put together some examples of how these ideas work in practice.…
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