investment property in South East

Below is a long blog post about 7 key things that you need to know when buying or renting an investment property in South East Queensland. Whether it’s for your first home, retirement plan, holiday house or pure capital growth strategy; there are some important factors to consider before diving into the market and purchasing any property – whether this be residential, commercial, industrial etc… For those of us who haven’t purchased real estate within our own city (and therefore not had as much experience) here are my top tips on what to look out for: Firstly, I would recommend visiting each suburb/area where you want to purchase prior to committing to anything else so you can get a feel for the area & surrounding amenities which may affect price points in relation to rental returns etc.…
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comments are welcome So my

Below is a long blog post about 3D printing for the home. I hope you enjoy it and, as always, comments are welcome! So my last few posts have been focused on 3d printers because that’s what was really interesting to me at Maker Faire this year. But after seeing so many people excited by these machines (even though they didn’t know much more than “it prints stuff!”), I realized that there might be some folks out there who don’t quite understand how cool of an idea it is: printing your own things in your house without having to send them off to China or anywhere else.…
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and more importantly how it

Below is a long blog post about 401k. I am hoping to find out what you think of the content and, more importantly, how it applies to your own situation (especially if you are over age fifty). If I can help in any way please feel free to contact me or leave a comment at this link here on my site. The article below has been edited slightly for space but otherwise remains unchanged: The following information comes from an excellent book by David Foster Wallace entitled “Brief Interviews with Hideous Men” which was published in hardback edition in 2009 (although all references herein refer to the 1st paper back printing published January 3rd 2012): A young man named Roger came into the office where Tom Cox worked as assistant manager.…
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that it makes for an

Below is a long blog post about 3D printing in the context of education and teaching. I’ve got to say that it makes for an interesting read, even if you aren’t too interested in the topic (I am though). For me this whole thing comes down to one big question: how much are we willing to invest into technologies like these? Will schools embrace them or will they be something used only by hobbyists at home?…
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work on my second book

Below is a long blog post about 10 things I learned in the last two years. I am starting to work on my second book, which means that it’s time for me to reflect upon what I have been doing and learning over these past couple of years – since I started writing “The Rise Of The Anti-Social Web”. Here are some thoughts: Continue reading → Below is a long blog post about 72 different ways to do things, but it’s really just one thing: As I continue to explore my own creativity and passion for photography (and life), I am noticing that there are many ways of doing the same thing.…
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my website thats for readers

Below is a long blog post about 50,000 words. I was going to put it in the other section of my website that’s for readers and writers but since there are so many people who read this site every day (more than anyone else) and also because the content relates more directly here with everyone being authors or aspiring ones myself included, then here we go! I have been thinking about writing something like this on the blog for some time now as you can see from how far back these ideas go by looking at the date above.…
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here since January and this

Below is a long blog post about 2016 from the perspective of an American living in Spain. I have lived here since January and this was my first experience with New Year’s Eve, so it gives you some insights into how different things can be when there are multiple cultures involved. I would like to start by saying that even though we were not expecting to celebrate NYE at home (or anywhere else for that matter) because the kids had school on Friday…we did end up going out!…
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general This was written by

Below is a long blog post about 3D printing, the future of manufacturing and how this will affect companies in general. This was written by my boss at MakerBot Industries Inc., Bre Pettis as he takes us on his journey through history to show where we are now with technology and what it means for our future. When I first started working at the Center for Bits & Atoms (CBA) back in August 2010, one day during lunch break, after talking over some ideas that had come up while discussing them amongst ourselves earlier, Nick said: “You know what would be cool?…
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have worked at this college

Below is a long blog post about 100 years of history in the San Diego City College Photography Department. I have worked at this college since January 2006 and it has been one hell of an amazing ride! In August 2005, I was hired as the Art Instructor for the Photo Program (which had previously included Graphic Design). After my first year teaching there we merged with Fine Arts to become Visual Communication/Graphic Media where I am now the department chair.…
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sure many of you will

Below is a long blog post about 15 things I learned while being an unpaid intern for the summer. I’m sure many of you will be familiar with this scenario: You just graduated, and in addition to finding a job (which can take months), you have to find a place where they are willing to let you do it without paying you anything. It happens every year at universities all over Canada; hundreds of students graduate each spring hoping that by fall they will land one of these coveted positions.…
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