and the World Wide Web

Below is a long blog post about 5 important steps you should take to protect your online privacy. The Internet, and the World Wide Web, are one of humanity’s greatest achievements in history: a single medium where millions upon billions of people can communicate with each other instantly from around the world at any time of day or night. It has brought us together like nothing else before it. But along the way, we have had some significant losses as well; namely our personal data that used to be kept private by default (in face-to-face conversations), but now gets collected automatically when using many services on the web – thanks largely to companies such as Google who built their businesses out of collecting this information for free advertising purposes without explicit consent!…
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stories It also gives me

Below is a long blog post about 10 years of the 3D Printing Industry website, and it features some fantastic stories. It also gives me an excuse to tell you that we are changing our name from TCT Magazine International to 3D Printing Industry. The magazine will continue as TCT International. I started this site because I was fascinated by what people were doing with additive manufacturing technology (aka 3D printing).…
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be successful The blog will

Below is a long blog post about 10 of the most popular types of e-commerce businesses and how they can be successful. The blog will focus on both B2B (business to Business) and B2C (Business to Consumer). The differences are explained in more detail at the end, but essentially: with B2B you’re selling to other companies or government bodies; whereas with B2C it’s individuals buying from your website directly without any intermediaries involved like wholesalers etc.…
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are things that I already

Below is a long blog post about 4 new features in the newest version of Google’s Chrome. The first two are things that I already knew about, but it was interesting to read how they were done (or not). The third one sounds very useful, and something we should use more often. If you have been following this blog for any length of time you know that most all my posts are written using WriteMonkey as an editor - a plain text editor with no formatting options at all!…
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I wrote many articles on

Below is a long blog post about 2018, but I also wanted to share the top posts of this year: I wrote many articles on my personal site and there are some that had more attention than others. Here’s how it went in terms of views (thanks for visiting!): Here are the most-read ones from this year: Announcing my book “Code as Craft” – It was published on April 3rd, after two years of writing time and months spent editing by O’Reilly Media.…
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of stuff for you to

Below is a long blog post about 1850s-style clothing. It’s very detailed, with many photos of patterns and finished clothes–lots of stuff for you to look at! I haven’t had time yet to go through it in detail myself. But I thought you might enjoy reading it anyway. (And if anyone does want to spend the day perusing this site thoroughly, let me know how much fun you have!) The author seems to be fairly knowledgeable on these issues…and there are some interesting comments from readers too, so that can provide an additional perspective as well.…
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for you because I think

Below is a long blog post about 10 things that are happening in the world of publishing. I’ve written it for you, because I think some people need to know what’s going on and others might not be aware of these issues at all (especially if they don’t read many books). These are my opinions as an author who has been published by traditional publishers and self-published. They are also based off experiences from talking with other authors and editors both online and in real life!…
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if youre impatient then just

Below is a long blog post about 10 Things I Learned In The First Week Of My Teaching Job, but if you’re impatient then just read this: As a person who has worked with children in the past and as someone who spent some time teaching abroad, my expectations for my job were high. However, after only one week of working at my school it was clear that things would be different from what I had expected them to be like - especially when it came down teaching English!…
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in the real world import

Below is a long blog post about 3D printing. This video describes how to create a digital model of something in the real world, import it into a computer program that can use and manipulate it (in this case SolidWorks) then export it from the program as an STL file which can be printed with a 3-d printer. It also shows the If your name seems to pop regularly to the police report column for drug dealer charges there will more probability to land on you for charges of druganbu in Australia but one of most common criminal law offencies of this country especially after making several charges as drugs.…
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to write and then revise

Below is a long blog post about 3D printing. I hope you enjoy it, because it took me three weeks to write and then revise the entire thing (plus add some of my own photos). I decided to take on this task after reading many articles that all sounded like they were written by people who are new to 3d-printing or people who don’t have access to good information sources locally where their 3d printers reside…and sometimes even from those with access but haven’t done any research themselves yet so just parrot what everyone else has told them without taking into account how much it really applies in real life scenarios which might be different for each person depending upon individual circumstances etc.…
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