even entertaining I had planned

Below is a long blog post about 2016, my year in review. I hope you find it interesting and maybe even entertaining! I had planned to write this post over the past week or two but decided that now was better as we are halfway through December already (can’t believe how quickly time flies). This post has been brewing inside me for months actually; I have wanted to sit down with myself at some point during these past few weeks of winter break, rewind what happened throughout the course of last year, reflect on it all, then put words together into something meaningful, which will ultimately turn out to be another piece of content shared online somewhere amongst millions of other posts written by hundreds of thousands of people worldwide every day.…
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it and maybe even learn

Below is a long blog post about 101 things I have learnt in the last year. I hope you enjoy it, and maybe even learn something yourself! Below is a long blog post about 10 reasons why the world economy may be better off with an economic downturn. The article suggests that the global financial system has too much debt, and the only way to bring this back into balance would require significant defaults on loans and some form of devaluation or inflation for those who retain their wealth in fiat currencies rather than commodities like gold.…
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one to be the best

Below is a long blog post about 5G. I’ve been reading lots of articles on the internet and found this one to be the best, so if you want to know more about 5G technology then read it here: https://www.huawei.com/en/what-we-do/five-g/overview?_=1487029635155#! It talks mainly about how HUAWEI are helping develop countries around the world build up their infrastructure for 5G, but also mentions some key parts of what we can expect from the next generation wireless network standard (Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments – WAVE).…
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Side Of Hope Im going

Below is a long blog post about 50+ things that I learned while making my first feature film, “The Other Side Of Hope”. I’m going to do this in sections because it’s way too much for one single post. Today: The story and screenplay. A good script can be turned into an even better movie – but only if the producer knows how! Don’t trust your screenwriter with final cut; you need someone on board who actually gets shit done… as well as being creative enough to improve upon what has already been written down.…
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out the key points for

Below is a long blog post about 5-year old Zahra’s death. I don’t know how to summarise it or pick out the key points for you, so just read on… Zahra was abducted and murdered in Afghanistan last year - her body has never been found. Her father recently released an open letter appealing for information as part of his campaign against child sexual slavery: “To whom it may concern. This message is from my little girl’s dad who is looking for justice.…
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over my shoulder at the

Below is a long blog post about 10 steps to starting your own successful online business. I was just looking over my shoulder at the “What’s new” page on this site and realized I haven’t posted here in almost three months! Oops, sorry guys! It has been quite an interesting time for me since we sold our house back in May: moved into a temporary rental until we find our next home; had to completely change all of my work hours (from teaching part-time while running my business full-time) because now that there are only two adults living here, no one can take care of the dog during school/work days… But things have calmed down lately so hopefully life will start getting more stable soon :) The other reason why it seems like such a long time ago when last updated posts were made is mostly due to spending most of June working on my ebook project which ended up being pretty much ready by July but then took a couple weeks longer than expected as far as final edits go before finally hitting Amazon Kindle & Smashwords around September or October… My name is Cynthia and you may know me from YouTube videos like “The Best Way To Make Money Online”, or maybe even my personal website www.…
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minute about how you should

Below is a long blog post about 60 different ways to make money online. But first let’s talk for a minute about how you should be thinking and what your mindset needs to look like if you want to make the most out of this post (and any other advice on making money). You will need an abundance mentality to succeed in life, especially when it comes to earning more income than just your average Joe or Jane.…
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2 some lessons learned Im

Below is a long blog post about 1) the process of creating a new website for my photography business, and 2) some lessons learned. I’m in no way an expert on WordPress or web design but I do know what works well with me as far as user experience goes so that’s why I decided to write this up — maybe it can help someone else out there who may be going through similar things when building their own site!…
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client who was struggling with

Below is a long blog post about 7 Ways to Deal with Rejection. I wrote this in response to a client who was struggling with rejections and wanted some strategies for dealing with them, as well as ways of handling her fear that she might get rejected if she submitted the work (which would be very valuable) but didn’t know how to deal with it. I have edited it slightly here so you can see what we talked through together – just swap ‘you’ for your name, or use someone else’s!…
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not too technical but it

Below is a long blog post about 5 ways to make your website more visible in Google Search Results. It’s not too technical, but it does include some tips on improving the content and structure of your site so that you can better connect with potential customers who are searching for what […] Posted byadmin March 26, 2014 April 8, 2019 Posted ingoogle search resultsTags: google search results Below is a long blog post about 14 Things I Learned at Leadership Summit.…
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