will read it but at

Below is a long blog post about 5 ways to make your website faster. I’m not sure how many people will read it, but at least now you know that there are five things you can do for free and instantly improve the performance of your site! When we first built this site back in September 2018 (we did have a few previous iterations), one of our main goals was speed: we wanted every user to be able to load the site as quickly as possible without any hassles or frustrations due to slow loading times caused by images being too large etc… This article talks specifically about making WordPress websites perform better than ever before – so if yours isn’t already optimized then here’s what needs doing next time around!…
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it short to let you

Below is a long blog post about 3D printing. I have written it for a specific purpose, and will keep it short to let you read the whole thing without getting bored. Why do we need 3d printers? Because of things like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzU4LbT6I8A (you can find more here) which shows how 3d printed prosthetic hand works with muscle control. That’s awesome right? Well there are many other great applications that I am sure are coming in near future.…
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of technology goes one thing

Below is a long blog post about 3D printing and how I made my own. As far as the future of technology goes, one thing that always stands out to me are things which allow us to do what we would normally have to go through an intermediary for. The most prominent example in modern times has been the computer. Computers let you input data at any time without having to get up from your desk or office chair and go find someone who can help you with it - they also make writing documents easier than ever before (think of all those word processing programs like WordPerfect) .…
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in an information age where

Below is a long blog post about 140, but it’s very interesting and informative. The author writes that we live in an information age where our lives are constantly changing, so how do we keep up? I don’t think anyone has the answer to this question yet – or maybe they just haven’t figured out how best to communicate with us (and ourselves). But I believe there will be many more discoveries made over time as technology becomes even better at providing accessibility for people who need help understanding what others mean when they say things like “this isn’t working”; because sometimes those words aren’t enough!…
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are some random musings on

Below is a long blog post about 5 things I learned in the first half of this year. So here are some random musings on what it has been like to be an early career researcher during COVID-19, and what we can learn from it all: I have written before that one of my favourite parts of being an academic is teaching students (and how incredibly rewarding it was when they get it!…
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for using the iPhone or

Below is a long blog post about 4 ways to use your smartphone as an audio interface. The first option for using the iPhone or Android phone in combination with GarageBand, Logic Pro X and other DAWs (Digital Audio Workstation) requires you have one of these apps on each device: iRig Mic HD2 ($59.99), iRig Pre ($139.00). Both require iOS Lightning Cable connection between devices and provide high quality microphones that can be used on either platform without issue.…
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because it shows how much

Below is a long blog post about 4 ways to make your own beer. I thought that this was interesting because it shows how much work goes into making some of our favorite brews and that we should appreciate the people who make them for us! If you’re looking for an easy way out, there are plenty available online or at local grocery stores like Whole Foods (where they sell kits).…
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been an excellent experience and

Below is a long blog post about 100 Days of Code, the program that I’m currently undertaking. Overall, this has been an excellent experience and one which I can wholeheartedly recommend to anyone who wants to learn how to code or improve their coding skills (especially if you already have some knowledge). The community on Discord is incredible; everyone supports each other unconditionally without fear of judgement for any reason whatsoever.…
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today because of the New

Below is a long blog post about 2013. I wrote this last night, but didn’t want to publish it until today because of the New Year and all that jazz (so I guess you could say that means my plan was to write an epic on NYE day). I hope everyone had great holidays! I did mine in Colorado with family – so much fun catching up with people I don’t get to see often enough when they are just mere minutes away from me nowadays.…
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allow some time for reflection

Below is a long blog post about 50 years of my life. I have written it in three parts to allow some time for reflection, and as an aid to understanding the complexity of the world we live in today. Part One: A Personal History – The First Half Century (1968-2017) Part Two: A Political Analysis of the UK Constitutional Settlement (The Second Half Century - Post Brexit Britain) And Part Three: Conclusion Below is a long blog post about 7-inch tablets.…
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