and figured Id pass this

Below is a long blog post about 3D printing. I have never done it, but plan to do so soon and figured I’d pass this along: Today I went on an excursion with my friend Nate who wanted me to see his 3-dimensional printer (I call them “printers” because that is the name of what they are called by people like Nate). He has one from Dimension and he was very excited for me to see how it works.…
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maybe even to learn something

Below is a long blog post about 2016. It’s an attempt to make sense of the year that was, and maybe even to learn something from it too: In July I had a near-death experience when my truck hit some trees on the side of the road (it took me months to recover). In October I nearly died again after falling down a staircase in San Francisco (I made it through unscathed but now have a bad knee).…
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Printing or even if you

Below is a long blog post about 3D printing and its many applications. If you’re interested in 3d modeling, 3D Printing or even if you want to learn more about the future of additive manufacturing please check it out! Below is a long blog post about 50 shades of gray and why I chose not to read it. I was recently asked by one of my friends if I had ever heard of the Fifty Shades trilogy, which has been wildly popular since its publication in February 2012.…
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have to read the whole

Below is a long blog post about 3-D printing, but I’ve broken it up into short posts so you don’t have to read the whole thing at once. I recently saw an episode of Modern Marvels that was about the history and science behind plastic injection molding machines (see below). The show mentioned how some people were trying to create cheap machines for making things out of plastics or other materials using similar technology.…
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will be worth your time

Below is a long blog post about 1984 by George Orwell. It’s not an easy book to read, but it will be worth your time and effort in the end if you stick with me here! The novel was written as a warning against totalitarianism and dictatorships around us today (and even back then), so please do take this into consideration while reading my thoughts on how these ideas could relate directly or indirectly within our society right now - especially given what happened last weekend when Donald Trump won his election victory over Hillary Clinton….…
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book published but Im not

Below is a long blog post about 2017. My goals for 2018 are: To get at least one more book published, but I’m not sure which of the three manuscripts in progress will be chosen next (I just finished rewrites on my mystery novel and am working on edits to both The Greatest Showman fanfic novel AND the sequel). Get my first tattoo! My sister got her first last year so it was time that I did as well… Make new friends/get out there socially again - this goal includes taking better care of myself physically by exercising regularly instead of waiting until after eating too much or being sick before going for walks outside; also including making an effort towards meeting people who share similar interests with me like reading/writing novels etc.…
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seems to pop regularly to

Below is a long blog post about 401(k) retirement plans and their pitfalls. Please read it, especially If your name seems to pop regularly to the police report column for drug dealer charges there will more probability to land on you for charges of druganbu in Australia but one of most common criminal law offencies of this country especially after making several charges as drugs. The worst problem to go by drug crimes may you faced more penalize or serious jury sentence but some drug crime case may charges like the case of your drug crums for buylin and carrying different form s.…
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two reasons 1 I enjoy

Below is a long blog post about 70s rock music and the bands that influenced me. I’m writing it for two reasons: (1) I enjoy sharing my musical preferences, as well as some of my influential thoughts on music in general; but more importantly…(2) I think this information will be useful to you if your goal is to learn how to write better songs! My first step toward becoming an accomplished songwriter was learning how to play guitar – so naturally, my favorite part of learning to play was listening to tons and TONS of great songs by other artists.…
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shared on here before but

Below is a long blog post about 30 things I’ve learned from living with MS. Some of these have been shared on here before, but many are new and some of them may be slightly controversial to people who don’t live with the disease. It took me quite a while to write this down as it was so hard for me at times…but hopefully you will find something useful in there somewhere!…
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it or make any edits

Below is a long blog post about 2013, mostly in the form of photos. I am not going to edit it or make any edits - so this will be as raw and true (and personal) as you can get! I started the year off with the usual craziness that comes around New Year’s Eve… The countdown to midnight was just a blur for me; I was watching my brother-in-law play his drum set while everyone else danced on top of their seats and sang along to “Happy Birthday” after we had already been singing it all night, only to be followed by screaming people and fireworks from the ball drop at Time Square.…
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