This blog contains affiliate links

Below is a long blog post about 15 Things I’ve Learned After Being an Online Entrepreneur for Over A Decade. This blog contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links and purchase something from it (at no additional cost to yourself), then I will earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. This helps keep this site running as well as allowing me to continue with my work in creating great content for all of our readers!…
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blog was originally posted on

Below is a long blog post about 50 shades of grey, written by my friend and colleague at work. The blog was originally posted on the NHS Choices website but has since been removed for some reason so I thought it would be good to share here too! Enjoy! You may have heard that there’s been quite a lot in the news lately regarding a novel called “Fifty Shades Of Grey”.…
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I took this photo of

Below is a long blog post about 2019, but I wanted to start with some pictures. Here’s the first one: I took this photo of my parents and me last New Year in their backyard at sunset. It was such an amazing moment that it still makes me cry every time I think of it (and yes, we are all crying). My mom had terminal cancer for many years before she passed away in March, so seeing us together like this made everything feel right again – just as normal as if nothing terrible were happening around us.…
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the future looks bright for

Below is a long blog post about 3D printing and the future of manufacturing. I’ve written several times before that the future looks bright for 3D printers, but this article goes into more detail than any other I’ve read on the subject so far! The first paragraph starts with “A few years ago…” which makes me feel like it might be old news already? But nope, they are saying things that have only just started happening recently (at least in my opinion).…
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all to know how important

Below is a long blog post about 2018. It’s long because I have so much to say and want you all to know how important this year has been for me, my husband and our family. I also wanted to share the pictures that mean something special for each of us from last year! We were blessed in many ways by God during this past year – we got married (and went on honeymoon), moved into a new house with an amazing backyard (!…
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awesome guide for creating custommade

Below is a long blog post about 3D printing. The author, Aaron Franke (A.K.A. The Digital Chocolatier) has written an awesome guide for creating custom-made chocolate molds using 3D printers and CAD software like Autodesk Inventor Professional! So check it out – there’s some very cool stuff in this article… Below is a long blog post about 2016 and what I plan to do in the new year. It’s probably best read as part of a long commute or when you have nothing better to do, but if it’s too long for that then just skip down past the pictures at the bottom!…
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options out there but most

Below is a long blog post about 40 different ways to make money online. There are so many opportunities and options out there, but most of them don’t work anymore or you need a big following before it will even start making any real cash! I hope this helps clear up some confusion for anyone trying to get started with their own business at home as well as those who may already be doing something similar on another platform like YouTube/Facebook etc.…
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that most people dont care

Below is a long blog post about 12 hours of sleep. I was going to write it and then realize that most people don’t care, so instead I made this picture as an explanation: I got to the airport at midnight on Monday night after watching my favorite team get blown out by the Jets (forget the score – they had over thirty minutes left in regulation with four possessions). They started off strong but collapsed like a souffle under pressure from Sanchez and his receivers who were running into each other while not looking where their targets were before throwing them away or fumbling them.…
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minute Christmas shopping and lots

Below is a long blog post about 2013. There was the usual flurry of activity at the end, with last minute Christmas shopping and lots of socialising to get through as well as an extra dose of excitement for those who had children in their lives - whether they were on your side or not! I have tried my hardest this year (as always) but it seems that some people are just unable to let go and move forward, despite their own promises; and while they’re busy playing games, other people are getting hurt unnecessarily as a result… I can only hope everyone involved has learnt something from all these events, though there will be more to come later which will bring out even more drama than ever before.…
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the message behind this article

Below is a long blog post about 50 ways to be kind. But it is so good, and I love the message behind this article – that being kind is not as hard or time consuming an activity as we often think! Below are some of my favourite points from the article: 12) Send someone flowers. Not just for their birthday but because you want them to have nice things in life (their home too).…
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