read this as well because

Below is a long blog post about 2014, and the future of our projects. I think it’s important that you read this as well because there are things in here which affect you directly. This year was one of growth for us: we hired more staff; expanded into new markets (both geographically and from an industry perspective); launched products; built out our branding, website presence, etc… We have come to realize how hard running your own business can be – especially when that business has a very flat structure where everyone needs to wear many different hats at once!…
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been writing about how to

Below is a long blog post about 50+ of my favorite and useful resources for teaching music theory. I have been writing about how to teach the elements of music, specifically rhythm, melody, harmony, form/structure, texture, dynamics, timbre, meter, tempo, articulation, etc., on my website since November 2018. As I wrote those articles in addition to my regular job as an elementary school band director, I had to look up tons of stuff online.…
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have never shared before on

Below is a long blog post about 2014. I am going to share some personal stories and thoughts that I have never shared before on this website. So, if you are not interested in what happens behind the scenes at Focus Publishing/Rainbow Books – or how my mind works as an author… please don’t read any further! But for those of you who want more insight into me (and probably other authors), then here goes: This year was one of ups-and downs.…
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you enjoy this annual tradition

Below is a long blog post about 2017’s top 5 most popular stories on the Crypto Mom Blog. I hope you enjoy this annual tradition as much as I do! This past year, we’ve seen an explosion in awareness of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology among consumers and investors alike. One reason for that? The incredible wealth creation potential afforded by digital assets. And one thing every crypto-enthusiast needs to know: How can they protect their newfound wealth from thieves who are always looking to steal it?…
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Autism I am posting this

Below is a long blog post about 10 things you need to know if your child has been diagnosed with Autism. I am posting this on behalf of the parents who have shared it over at my Facebook page, so that they can get more eyes and ears reading their words… As a parent whose daughter was recently diagnosed as being autistic (after several years of suspecting she might be), here are some facts for other parents in similar situations: Autistics do not all look alike – there’s no stereotype appearance or set personality type associated with people with ASD.…
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been summarized into something that

Below is a long blog post about 3d printing and making. It’s very interesting, but I think it could have been summarized into something that would fit on the sidebar with links to more information for those who wanted them… The point of this site isn’t so much to link to all kinds of news from around the web as it is to try and create a community where we can share our thoughts and experiences related to art-making and creativity in general… I really don’t want people coming here just expecting me (or anyone else) will be linking directly back over there when they write posts like this one!…
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things that I wish someone

Below is a long blog post about 15 Things I Learned from My First Year in Business. These are the things that I wish someone told me before starting my own business. If you’re thinking of going out on your own, read this first! Below is a long blog post about 2018. I am not sure if it is because the year was so terrible that my brain has gone to mush, or whether it is just a case of writer’s block and lacking creativity?…
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first thing on my list

Below is a long blog post about 10 things that I want to do in the next few years. The first thing on my list for this year was to take a trip with my wife and children out of state so we could get some time together away from our home environment. We did just that, visiting family in Ohio and Kentucky over Thanksgiving weekend while attending two weddings: one where Katie’s brother Chris got married and another where her cousin Erin got married (Erin is the daughter of Tim’s sister).…
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at home which included an

Below is a long blog post about 2016 in review. The year started off with the new year’s eve celebrations at home, which included an amazing dinner of black truffle risotto and champagne toast at midnight! I was excited for this day because we were headed to Mexico City on January 4th (my birthday) as part of our New Year resolutions. We had never been there before so it would be great to explore somewhere different.…
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other mental health problems Ive

Below is a long blog post about 5 ways to help yourself if you are struggling with depression, anxiety or other mental health problems. I’ve been there and I want to share what has worked for me because the journey can be hard but we don’t have to do it alone! You may find some of these tips helpful; others not so much – that’s ok too!! Find out what works best for YOU…and remember: It doesn’t matter where someone else gets their inspiration from (like my yoga instructor), as long as they get up off their asses and DO something!…
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