There are two stories that

Below is a long blog post about 6th grade, and I’m sorry for the length. The subject matter deserves it. There are two stories that have been haunting me this week: first there was the story of a little boy in the Bronx who died because his mother couldn’t afford to buy him lunch at school; then there were the reports of children from poor families being taken away by Child Protective Services after their parents brought them back home too late or on days when schools didn’t serve free breakfasts (a federal program).…
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I got married to the

Below is a long blog post about 2016 and its lessons. The year has been full of changes for me: I got married to the love of my life, moved into our first home together in November, quit work at a job that was not fulfilling any more after being there three years, launched this new business with my husband (this website!), started to write again on here… It’s definitely one of those years where it feels like you grow up as an adult, but also have some crazy moments along the way – such as learning how to set-up electricity and water bills, or having your wedding cake melt away while driving home from picking it up from the caterer, who forgot to freeze it (it took us half hour trying to figure out what we could do next).…
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websites so its probably not

Below is a long blog post about 101 ways to get your music heard. It has been shared on several websites, so it’s probably not new information for you…but I thought we might want to revisit some of these tips as well! If you are interested in hearing more about this book (or ordering), click here: Below is a long blog post about 2015 and what’s to come in the new year.…
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it here on the site

Below is a long blog post about 2018. This was written in December, but for some reason I never published it here on the site so far. I’m going to put this out there and say that we had an incredible year at The Art of Manliness! We grew our audience by more than half (now reaching over two million people each month). Our podcast has grown from just under one hundred thousand downloads per episode last summer to almost three times as many now—the first time ever we have passed the quarter-million mark with any given episode!…
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been reading a lot of

Below is a long blog post about 10 things to look for when you visit your local library. I have been reading a lot of posts by librarians (and some not) and this one really stood out as being worth sharing with the whole world. My own experience confirms that it’s true what she says, especially in Ireland where we don’t often get to see libraries outside of our cities or towns – so we don’t always know how good they are until someone tells us!…
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to write and I hope

Below is a long blog post about 2013, from my perspective. It’s not for everybody but it sure was fun to write and I hope you enjoy reading. I wanted this year to be different than the last few years of my life because so much has happened in those years that it would take volumes to capture all of them! So here we go….. The first thing I did on January 1st was to spend time with Jesus Christ as He leads me into another year of being His disciple – 56th straight year since becoming one at age five when I repented of sin (rebellion) against God by asking Him to forgive me.…
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of Google and it was

Below is a long blog post about 101 Ways to Learn. It’s based on my book, “Learning in the Age of Google” and it was written for my students at the University of Colorado Denver as they were getting ready for their final exam last December (2013). I thought that some of you might find something interesting in there too so here goes… If You Have Never Done Something Before Then You Are Doing A Lot Of Things For The First Time!…
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two posts because otherwise Blogger

Below is a long blog post about 50 books I read in the year. I’ve had to divide it into two posts because otherwise Blogger will just not let me publish anything longer than one post per day! I didn’t keep track of how many hours or days these took, but they were all worthwhile reads and I found them enjoyable as well as interesting on different levels - some quite academic; others more popular science/biography style titles.…
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not sure if this will

Below is a long blog post about 10 things I learned during my first year as an independent contractor. I’m not sure if this will be interesting to anyone other than me, but here goes nothing! Be prepared for everything to take longer and cost more money than you anticipated: There are so many unknowns when starting your own business that it can really mess with your head. Every time something comes up where the answer isn’t “no,” or at least isn’t obvious, it takes a lot of mental energy just trying to figure out how much effort (and therefore $$$) each thing requires in order to get it done right…even though most tasks won’t actually require any effort at all once they’re over because someone else has already taken care of them behind-the-scenes somewhere along their chain of command/responsibility/ownership - depending on who answers which question!…
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future of 3d Printing better

Below is a long blog post about 3D printing. It’s an interesting read, and it will help you understand the future of 3d Printing better than any other source I have found on-line: This weekend at Maker Faire in New York City there were some remarkable things going on with 3D printers—some that are already available to buy now; others not quite yet ready for market but showing up as working prototypes.…
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