get this out there in

Below is a long blog post about 2019, what happened and why I stopped writing. It’s important for me to get this out there in the open because it will help me move forward with my life – both personally & professionally. I have been thinking a lot recently that people really need to understand how difficult it can be being an entrepreneur or freelancer. For those who are just starting on their journey of self-employment you may think things look glamorous but they aren’t always as rosy as we would like them to seem.…
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and have made lots of

Below is a long blog post about 3D printing for beginners. I’ve been 3D Printing now for over two years and have made lots of mistakes, but hopefully this can help people who are starting out! The first time you start using any new technology it always feels so alien at the beginning that its hard to know where to even begin! That was my experience when we started getting into 3D printing.…
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kinda rambling but it contains

Below is a long blog post about 5 years of my life, written by me and posted on Facebook. It’s kinda rambling but it contains some interesting details that I don’t often get to share with the world. I had no idea when we started this journey five years ago how much it would change us or our lives. We certainly didn’t think it through beforehand! But in retrospect I can see where God was leading us all along and what He wanted to accomplish…and we have been changed for good.…
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Canada Amazon This book provides

Below is a long blog post about 2017’s best e-commerce and marketing books. Book: Buyology by Martin Lindstrom, Random House Canada (Amazon) This book provides a fresh take on the psychological impact of branding in consumer products as well as how to create effective advertising campaigns that truly resonate with consumers’ subconscious minds. This is not just another book on consumer behavior but one which challenges the status quo and offers new insights into why we buy certain things over others.…
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read it here are some

Below is a long blog post about 4/20 by Cannabis writer Mike Adams. If you don’t have the time to read it, here are some highlights: 1.) The term “stoner” is used as an insult but actually refers to someone who has a high level of intelligence and creativity (see: Albert Einstein). “When people say they want more stoners in their lives, what they really mean — without realizing it themselves—is that they wish for higher levels of intelligence within society.…
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be nice if I could

Below is a long blog post about 10 tips to improve your self-care. I’ve been thinking lately that it would be nice if I could just snap my fingers and have everything in order, organized and done when I want it (and not half an hour later). For some reason this isn’t happening on any sort of regular basis, or even occasionally! The older I get the more I feel like life gets harder instead of easier because there are so many things demanding our attention at once with less time for rest than ever before…but what can we do?…
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printer If you are new

Below is a long blog post about 3D printing. The future of technology is here, and it’s called the 3D printer! If you are new to this innovative technology then I would suggest reading below for some basic information on how they work before deciding if one or more will be suitable for your home or business use in the near future.. There has been If your name seems to pop regularly to the police report column for drug dealer charges there will more probability to land on you for charges of druganbu in Australia but one of most common criminal law offencies of this country especially after making several charges as drugs.…
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status and how it will

Below is a long blog post about 3D printing. The first part discusses the history of this technology, its present status and how it will develop in the future; whereas in the second section I describe what you can do with your printer right now: some simple projects that are relatively easy to make but have considerable practical value. The first commercially available desktop 3d-printer was made by Chuck Hull from 1986 onwards (see Wikipedia article).…
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take this opportunity to share

Below is a long blog post about 2018, which you may wish to skip! Here it goes…. I’m going to take this opportunity to share my highlights and reflections of the year as well as some goals for next year. This past week has been pretty reflective on what happened in the last twelve months – and with Christmas almost here (I can’t believe how fast that came around), now seems like an appropriate time.…
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visit the original site wwwfinancialmentorcom

Below is a long blog post about 401(k)s and retirement planning. I’ve included it here so you don’t have to visit the original site ( There are two primary types of retirement accounts: Traditional IRAs, which allow tax-deferred growth on all investments made within them; and Roth IRAs, which provide after-tax contributions with no immediate deductions but offer future income free from federal and state taxes as well as required minimum distributions once you turn age 72.…
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