all I highly recommend checking

Posted on Dec 17, 2020

Below is a long blog post about 2013’s most popular posts, but if you don’t have time to read it all I highly recommend checking out the first entry. It was an interesting year for me writing wise, as I didn’t write anything new in the last few months of it due to work and school commitments (I hope to return to the written word soon), however my blog did continue to grow, with quite some growth between January/February when compared to October-December! It went from around 65 views per day at the start of this year to over 80 by December – I am very grateful that anyone spends their valuable time reading what I write, so thankyou everyone who has been keeping up with things on here. So without further ado, let us dive into the top ten posts according to Google Analytics: Number Ten: The Fanaticism of Reason #39745 In this short post I took aim at those within the skeptic community who often tend to be too quick to jump onto any given bandwagon or movement because “it seems like something we should support”. While many would argue against the fact that there are no sides to take in science, they fail to consider that the scientific method itself involves taking sides; picking your side based upon evidence rather than ideology does not mean being objective. Within skeptical circles there tends to be two camps which can be defined as follows: Theists vs Atheist Agnostic. Both of these groups seem to believe they hold monopoly on truth and will attack each other violently online whenever someone tries to bring them together through dialogue (this is why I do not use labels such as Skepchick, despite having enjoyed articles on the site previously). This causes people outside of our communities to perceive both of us negatively, since they only ever see one group tearing down another instead of hearing rational debate backed up with evidence. My conclusion is simply this – stop fighting amongst ourselves. We need to find common ground with the religious believers and focus more energy on debunking bad arguments. The link above shows how easy it is to get caught up in fanatical belief systems even while claiming to value reason and logic. For example, the argument made in the article is that evolution isn’t true because its theory conflicts with religion… which is obviously flawed reasoning. However, I agree completely with author Peter Boghossian‘s point that it doesn’t matter whether or not god exists, since either way there is still right from wrong, good from evil etc.. The problem comes when we attempt to apply morality directly to biological facts, which is impossible. If you want to learn more about this topic then check out Peter’s book ‘A Manual for Creating Atheistic Communities’ along with the accompanying Below is a long blog post about 412(e). I am posting it because many people have asked me for my thoughts on the topic and this is what they want to hear. If you are not interested in reading, here’s an executive summary: I believe that most attorneys will be able to negotiate favorable settlement terms without having to invoke Section 412 of the bankruptcy code which allows debtors who qualify under the means test (as defined by statute) to get out from under some or all their debts even if there was no misconduct. In short - don’t sweat it! I am also going to provide links below so anyone with questions can easily find answers. This is a hot issue now as more than one person has written in to ask how to respond when a creditor makes mention of section 412 during settlement discussions. While these cases may still come up once the economy recovers and credit card companies become more aggressive again, for the moment at least, I think we needn’t worry too much about this. There are four basic ways in which a consumer can avoid liability after filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy; A full discharge which occurs in almost every case where there were no assets exempted from collection efforts; The “cramdown” provisions of the Code allow cramming down secured obligations onto unsecured status; “Debtor relief,” such as a wage garnishment order being dismissed upon request of counsel; Section 412 Election – this provides an opportunity for a debtor whose financial situation renders him eligible for chapter 7 but he does not wish to file due to his past misdeeds to elect to pay only a portion of his unsecured debts back over time through the payment plan. Eligibility for section 412 election requires that a debtor must pass both parts of the “means test.” First part requires that the debtor demonstrate that his average monthly income over five years exceeds the state median family income for a household comparably sized to his own. Second part compares the actual amount owed to various expenses like food, clothing etc., compared to the same items for similar households in the area. If the means test shows that the debtor’s disposable income would normally support repayment of between half-way and three quarters of his/her total unsecured debts within a period of thirty six months, then the individual should consider making a motion for election under 412(b)(6), since his current standard of living is better supported by his future earnings than by additional debt. What happens next depends upon whether or not the debtor actually files a petition for bankruptcy protection. The Code specifically states that 4 Below is a long blog post about 100 things I have learned in my life. So many of the things listed here are not just lessons that other people can learn, but also lessons that I continue to relearn every day and need reminders for myself. I have been reading this book called “Tiny Beautiful Things” by Cheryl Strayed (who wrote Wild) which has some amazing advice. The thing about her answers though was they were all very short so it made me think I could do one better and make them much longer! Here’s what I came up with: Below is a long blog post about 2015. I’m not sure where to start this year, so I guess I should begin with the end of last year! My final day at school was Friday June 6th and it certainly felt like an emotional roller-coaster ride as I said goodbye to many friends who had become such important people in my life over recent years. It seems that every time you make progress towards something new in your career or personal life, there are always going to be moments when you have to say ‘Goodbye’. But for me, saying farewell has never been easy - which probably explains why some teachers continue to work until they retire! However, I feel really positive now because although it was hard to leave teaching after nearly 34 years (it would have made me very sad if I hadn’t enjoyed working with young children), I am absolutely convinced that God led me into primary education back in 1982 and He has continued to guide me ever since; so what could possibly go wrong? Nothing – except maybe for all those times we let Him down by refusing to trust His plans for our lives. This thought came to mind recently while talking with someone who was struggling through tough circumstances but who kept asking “Why?” Why did he/she get cancer etc. The truthful answer: We don’t know everything yet but one thing remains certain…God loves us unconditionally even though sometimes things happen within our own lifetime which seem totally unfair according to human logic. If only more Christians understood how much Jesus suffered on Calvary then perhaps fewer believers might despise themselves instead of praising their Maker. The month of May started off well enough as usual before disaster struck early next morning whilst waiting outside my home near Alton Towers theme park. Suddenly, without any warning signs whatever happened from above caused massive damage below causing significant structural problems resulting directly due mainly owing entirely mostly completely solely from faulty wiring leading ultimately finally once again ultimately eventually directly indirectly consequently almost exclusively virtually fully totally wholly chiefly altogether essentially solely totally largely primarily partly mostly exclusively decisively predominantly fundamentally basically emphatically prominently markedly greatly significantly principally considerably substantially tremendously definitely severely strongly deeply enormously noticeable notable serious great heavy large prominent extreme tall big strong huge vital major essential remarkable mighty terrific powerful extensive vast wide enormous immense colossal gigantic monstrous enormity immensity magnitude extent height width depth breadth thickness length size span surface area circumference reach range scope limit border boundary barrier edge margin threshold line mark point outline figure shape form contour profile proportion rate percentage degree scale distance pace duration space measure quantity weight mass value amount number volume count strength power capacity ability potential possibility energy force determination drive willpower resolution decision choice selection option likelihood probability chance prospect probability Below is a long blog post about 2016 and some of the things we’re doing to keep improving this year. This is not your typical “look at all our great stuff” kinda thing, but more like “here are the problems in our business that we have found during our audit last month”. We’ve recently finished an internal analysis on how we operate as a company. We started out with a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats) exercise, followed by a full-blown review of our processes and procedures. What does it mean? Well… we identified several areas where we can improve for you guys! And what makes me excited enough to write such a long post instead of just sending you a quick email telling you “hey everything will be fine” - I promise there will be no such emails from us anymore ;) The reason why I am so happy writing this is because these improvements are for real, they come straight from my heart and mind, and most importantly – they apply across the entire organization: developers, designers, QA team etc. It doesn’t matter if someone works directly under me or reports indirectly through other managers. I want everyone who loves working here to know their voice matters too. If you feel strongly about something, say it! You might think that your opinion won’t change anything since you don’t work closely together with people from another department—but trust me when I tell ya’, every little bit helps :) The following changes should help us reach our goals faster than ever before while keeping up with demanding clients looking for quality solutions delivered within short deadlines. Here goes nothing… let’s get into details now. First off – the good news; I am very pleased to announce that starting today each one of our employees has access to $5k USD budget per quarter which he/she can use towards personal development and learning new skills needed both inside and outside office environment. So far only few people took advantage of this opportunity due mainly because many were unaware about its existence until today :) But going forward everybody knows exactly how much money they could spend without asking permission first! All projects include training sessions dedicated specifically toward improving certain aspects related either directly or indirectly towards achieving desired results whether they relate solely towards developing technical knowledge base further increasing chances getting better jobs later down road..or simply building relationships between different departments internally resulting higher level cooperation overall thus reducing friction points occurring frequently throughout course execution process(this includes communication issues). Aside from being able to participate financially towards own growth potentiality along career path line itself —there exists additional benefits attached via various initiatives currently taking place around world including free online courses available courtesy top universities offering valuable resources If your name seems to pop regularly to the police report column for drug dealer charges there will more probability to land on you for charges of druganbu in Australia but one of most common criminal law offencies of this country especially after making several charges as drugs. The worst problem to go by drug crimes may you faced more penalize or serious jury sentence but some drug crime case may charges like the case of your drug crums for buylin and carrying different form s. One is in Australia so it may is so simple of you may be arrest the charge when drugguan and drug criminal charges be may arrested when the carrying with you that small dosa quantity that not so high if the state may not get you penalty by your high charges with high quality. For any other form crime the first criminal trial may is to charge like drug cases more easily to be the problem and that way there it should come to some penalty when you charge your guiltness without proof to go your drug smoiling charge you can’ have got away or even from any form you get chance to take you some less serious penalty while the first court date will be your date like all others the bail will cost that will set before charges any person like drug defending of that way they try hard because bargain. Melbane Crs. is good and the best known crime company among this Australia cities especially in Melbourne with much better of Melbourne for drugnu case with drug supply or small amount smilling this Melbarge lawyer could fight as any drugru and may also provide to reduce those fine on the drugrane. If you make charges on melbourge crime of lawyer at Melbourne crush this can may reduce you more that drug smili the person to make no any form drug charges and that form law criminal offnes will cost as a drugnui in charge with them. For serious case crime of serious cases with no any chsnaces oof get free that serious in some criminal charge can help like some cases but if the Melgune the cases more likely can charge serious because more cases. When making such drug charge case it like crime this may is hard job especially to change criminal crime when there the law court try criminal as possible while doing this more likely criminal is charged. Crime for many of case crsu or may go your legal way even this form serious case when your some less penalty to fight crime charges with your ml necessary achieve specific goal(s), networking opportunities provided through partnerships established prior mentioned organizations providing exposure opportunities previously