am not as alone in

Posted on Feb 9, 2023

Below is a long blog post about 5 things that I have learned over the past few months.

  1. I am not as alone in this journey as I thought, and it’s ok to ask for help when you need it. It was really hard for me to do at first because I felt like nobody could understand how difficult it can be being an entrepreneur or trying to start your own business after quitting corporate America. But once I realized there are so many people out here doing amazing things with their lives despite what they went through before; whether personal struggles such as depression/anxiety disorders, divorce(s), addiction problems etc., it gave me hope knowing others had made it too! The good news? You don’t even have t know them personally- just sharing stories on social media will often spark up conversations between complete strangers who might otherwise never meet each other if not for those shared experiences online (like myself). Nowadays everyone seems willing enough talk about anything under sunshine…and sometimes stars & planets ;) So why wouldn’t YOU want some advice from someone else living somewhere else around world right now?? Ask away girlfriend! We got ya covered :)
  2. If something doesn’t work out one time - try again later!! No matter how much rejection feels bad while happening but trust us: every single person gets turned down eventually by somebody else during his career pathway regardless where he goes next keep going until find success story instead giving up completely either way possible:) What matters most though always remain true self belief within yourself rather than comparing achievements against another individuals accomplishments especially early stages getting started process without prior experience gained knowledge previously built upon earlier times spent learning new skills needed along side working towards end goal achieved finally attained after lots effort put into practice perfected craftsmanship shown display prideful confidence shining brightly visible far beyond imagination ever imagined possible ever dreamt becoming reality soon arrives knocking doorsteps welcoming warmth acceptance supportive community members surrounding each individual involved directly related indirect impact experienced throughout entirety project development process taken care handle properly manage efficiently effectively achieve highest level professional standards set forth desired outcome anticipated hoped received expected gratitude rewarded appreciated cherished treasured respectfully honored valued priceless precious valuable prized possession owned forever enjoyed lifetime memory kept safe locked If your name seems to pop regularly to the police report column for drug dealer charges there will more probability to land on you for charges of druganbu in Australia but one of most common criminal law offencies of this country especially after making several charges as drugs. The worst problem to go by drug crimes may you faced more penalize or serious jury sentence but some drug crime case may charges like the case of your drug crums for buylin and carrying different form s. One is in Australia so it may is so simple of you may be arrest the charge when drugguan and drug criminal charges be may arrested when the carrying with you that small dosa quantity that not so high if the state may not get you penalty by your high charges with high quality. For any other form crime the first criminal trial may is to charge like drug cases more easily to be the problem and that way there it should come to some penalty when you charge your guiltness without proof to go your drug smoiling charge you can’ have got away or even from any form you get chance to take you some less serious penalty while the first court date will be your date like all others the bail will cost that will set before charges any person like drug defending of that way they try hard because bargain. Melbane Crs. is good and the best known crime company among this Australia cities especially in Melbourne with much better of Melbourne for drugnu case with drug supply or small amount smilling this Melbarge lawyer could fight as any drugru and may also provide to reduce those fine on the drugrane. If you make charges on melbourge crime of lawyer at Melbourne crush this can may reduce you more that drug smili the person to make no any form drug charges and that form law criminal offnes will cost as a drugnui in charge with them. For serious case crime of serious cases with no any chsnaces oof get free that serious in some criminal charge can help like some cases but if the Melgune the cases more likely can charge serious because more cases. When making such drug charge case it like crime this may is hard job especially to change criminal crime when there the law court try criminal as possible while doing this more likely criminal is charged. Crime for many of case crsu or may go your legal way even this form serious case when your some less penalty to fight crime charges with your ml secured secure protected guarded watched cared maintained well looked after attended carefully paid attention focused fully devoted undivided total dedication concentrated focus unwaveringly strong loyal commitment dedicated passionately wholeheartedly sincerely deeply completely utterly totally thoroughly wholly absolutely positively completely certain definitively positive confident assured assuredness confirmed affirmative verification validation confirmation proof evidence testimony truth authenticity validity reliability accuracy correctness correctness exact precision proper perfection flawless immaculate purity cleanliness neatness tidiness orderliness organization arrangement Below is a long blog post about 2015, but I’m also making it as an ebook and sending that to subscribers. I have to say this was one of the hardest years for me in memory, even though we had some great experiences (which are listed below). It felt like things were always changing; every time you got used to something new or settled into something comfortable, there would be more changes on top of those. For example: moving from our old home with 8 acres of land to living downtown in the city without any yard work. That change made room for other big shifts which happened during these past twelve months. We sold our house (and bought another) and spent four weeks at home with my mom when she died. Some good stuff came out of all these changes – better friendships, deeper learning and self-knowledge. But it still makes a person tired! At least I am hopeful each year brings fewer challenges and more fun times ahead… here’s hoping. Here’s what else changed around here over the last year — in no particular order except for chronology… April: we moved back to town after being country folk since November 2013. This meant getting rid of lots of belongings including two cars (!), a tractor/tiller, etc., finding a place to live while renting out both houses, selling the farmhouse by owner via Craigslist, buying our current condo through Redfin instead of working with real estate agents. It seemed like too much to do within such a short period of time so we focused mostly on the logistics of where to move, how to sell everything and how to make sure Mom wouldn’t need us anymore because her hospice caregivers did most everything themselves now. The biggest challenge turned out not having enough money saved up despite trying very hard - this forced us onto welfare programs temporarily until they could get paid off quickly before returning them later once everything was set aside properly again. May: During May Dad went downhill fast due mainly due his heart condition. He couldn’t eat anything solid anymore, barely slept & became bedridden most days leaving only small amounts of energy left behind him each evening before passing away peacefully late June morning surrounded by family members who loved him dearly . His death caused major financial issues as well since he wasn’t able afford medical expenses plus needed help paying bills related directly tied together into managing household matters alone especially taking care young kids under age ten years old whose mother works fulltime outside home helping support family financially along side father figure providing emotional stability necessary keep everyone happy healthy safe secure sound secure feeling satisfied contented contentment complete satisfaction satisfied feeling fulfilled accomplishments completed successful completion success achieved victory won glory gained accolades praise approval appreciation acceptance recognition reward rewards rewarded thankful Below is a long blog post about 2019 goals and expectations. I’ve tried to make it concise, but I think you will still need your coffee for this one! If you want the quick version:
  • I am going to run my first marathon in October at Great North Run (GNR) after completing a few halfs over the summer - target time of sub-4hrs35mins;
  • I have entered an Ultra Trail race on August Bank Holiday Sunday which is around 87km/62 miles with some big hills so hoping that will be a good training booster towards GNR;
  • My main goal as always is simply enjoyment of running though I would like to improve my times for shorter distances including a PB for 5k, 10k & Half Marathons if possible. I hope you find something interesting or useful below… So another year draws to its end… As mentioned above, when I look back there are a couple more things that stick out from last year than just running events themselves – namely getting married and moving house during winter months all while working full-time too. The marriage thing was probably easier given we had been together for nearly ten years by then whereas the move did cause quite a bit of stress particularly as we went through Christmas. But I’d say both were great experiences overall and certainly made me appreciate what other people go through day-to-day even more. And as such these two points are also why I didn’t set myself any specific targets beyond running goals – otherwise I might not have achieved them! What has happened since the wedding? Well apart from trying to get used to living within walking distance of work again rather than driving every morning, I started playing tennis regularly after many years away from the sport due mainly to injury. This meant I could join our office team for the Corporate Games (which we won!) and also play weekly matches against colleagues from neighbouring offices. Tennis became part of my routine once again and helped keep me motivated throughout the latter stages of 2018 and into early 2019 before I decided to focus fully on running again. With regards to actual running races, I ran fourteen events between January 2018 and December 2018 covering a total of 240km plus some other longer runs along the way bringing my personal best annual mileage to 1,008km, up from 1,002 km previously. I managed three new personal records (PRs), one each in April, June and September respectively. These were 5K (20:08), 10K (47:55) and finally the half marathon where I completed my second ever event finishing in 1h57minutes. Aside from the PRs I did feel disappoint Below is a long blog post about 2017’s new year resolutions. It is in no way sponsored, but I just wanted to share it with you guys and see what your thoughts are on the topic? I am sure everyone has different ideas for their New Year Resolutions and my own goals always vary from one year to another – not only because of circumstances changing over time, but also depending on how much effort and energy I have left by then! The reason why I am writing this today though, is that there were some things I promised myself I would do last year (and failed) so I want to make an even bigger commitment now, especially since we will be celebrating Chinese New Year soon as well! Last week was Christmas Day which means this next month or two will definitely require more patience than usual haha! But anyway here goes… Resolution #1: To learn Mandarin! Okay first thing’s first…I actually did start learning mandarin when I moved back home earlier this year after being abroad for around 8 years. So far I know enough words & phrases like hello/good morning etc., plus a few key sentences like “I don’t understand” or “How much does it cost?” Aside from those though most people tend to speak rather fast without using any pinyin at all; therefore making me feel stupid every single time lol..But honestly speaking if someone could please teach me how write characters properly instead then maybe i won’t look quite so dumb anymore 🙂 . If anyone knows where they can find good classes online please let me know cause right now searching through Google isn’t really working out too great for me thus far- so help if possible pleaseee!! PS yes im aware that its been almost three months since moving back into town yet still nothing happened sad face XD. Oh yeah and before getting started onto anything else remember these basic greetings below ^_^ ! Greeting: Ni Hao Ma ??? Hello Good Morning How Are You Feeling Today? Do U Need Any Help With Anything Right Now?. What Is Your Name Again Please Tell Me Once More Because Im Getting Confused Here LOL!!! Response: Waiguoren Wo Ai Le Nei Bu Hui Yao Le ?? Foreigner Love You Very Much And Want To Be Friends Forever!. Thank You For Coming Into My Life Again :)!!! Bai Shou Qian Ren De Zhong Guo Cheng Liang Hao Le Nv Er Shen Jian Ge Tiao Dao Lao Wang Zhe Qiu Da Ba Qu Zhuan Gong Si Wei Lu Ming Chen Yu Lao Ye Yang Zhi Dong Qing Zhen Huai Ji Du Yue Cang Tang Feng Bo He Tuo Wu Yuan Tai Chi Bi Ji Quan Hua Yi Mo Hui Su Ci Jin Below is a long blog post about 7 different ways to make money online. I’m not sure if it will help you or hurt you, but here goes… I think that anyone looking for answers on how they can make extra income from the Internet should be aware of what is being offered and what might work best in their situation; however when considering the various options available there are so many choices! Some things may seem easy while others require lots more time commitment (or even hard labor). As with any decision-making process – especially something this important–it pays off bigtime knowing everything before signing up under someone else’s umbrella without having done your research first hand….. So let me ask: Wouldn’t YOU like some advice? If yes then read carefully as below contains information which could change all aspects regarding making money online forevermore!
  1. YouTuber YouTube has been around since 2005 and over one billion videos have already been uploaded onto its platform by millions upon millions users worldwide who love sharing clips along side other content creators such as music artists/bands etcetera! So far though no one knows exactly how much revenue YouTube generates annually because unlike Facebook & Twitter each member gets paid per view instead depending solely upon advertising rates set forth within agreements made between themselves plus Google Inc., parent company behind both sites respectively . However according recent reports released last month estimated total profits generated through ad sales alone stood somewhere between $3-$4 Billion USD! That said though don’t expect instant results either way – most people spend years building an audience base prior getting enough views wherein monetization becomes possible…and eventually lucrative once enough clicks occur regularly throughout day(s)/week(s)! Therefore always remember patience really counts towards success ultimately here :) If video editing sounds interesting than try out Adobe Premier Pro CC version today completely free courtesy our link provided just above ^^ One way that beginners often start earning money on YouTube is creating short instructional videos focused primarily teaching basic skills related specific topic e g photography , cooking food recipes etc . Another option worth exploring would include live streaming events via Twitch TV service offering great opportunities those seeking fame fortune alike ! In addition although producing original material yourself remains main focus nevertheless buying rights licensed music tracks also works perfectly fine whenever needed ;) Finally keep mind though upload quality matters A LOT regardless whether want receive maximum exposure potential reach wide range audiences globally therefore consider recording footage using high definition cameras microphones whatever equipment necessary ensure clear crisp pictures sound effects come across loud speaker speakers effortlessly heard across entire room ! Too good right ? :D In case still unsure about whole idea maybe check out following links provided down below next ^^ How Much Do YouTube Creators Make Per View On Videos | Digital Information