but my friend James recommended

Posted on May 17, 2022

Below is a long blog post about 2017, and the year ahead. I don’t usually do these kind of posts but my friend James recommended it to me so here we are! I want this site to be more personal in some ways; there will still always be tech content for sure (and maybe even lots more as time goes on), however by doing something like this gives you guys an idea what I am up to, who I hang out with etc. So without further ado let’s get into things shall we? This was probably one of the best years yet when it comes to working from home. My productivity has never been higher than now and that all starts off with making sure your environment is right. If you’re thinking ‘how can he afford a nice house or rent such expensive places if his income isn’t high enough?’ well firstly no-one cares how much money you make. Secondly it’s actually not hard at all. The reason why many people fail financially is because they have bad spending habits. You buy stuff you don’t need just to keep yourself happy and/or entertained. Don’t fall victim to impulse buying. Think before buying anything ever again. And lastly budget your cash flow better otherwise you won’t know where most of your money goes. It’ll help immensely especially in terms of getting through tough times. Now moving onto the actual work itself: The way I approach projects differs depending upon how important said project is. For example writing articles takes less effort compared to building websites since everything needs to come together nicely. In terms of client work every single thing matters hence it gets done properly and efficiently – which means taking breaks often between hours spent sitting down typing away at either keyboard or computer screen respectively while listening music plays soft background noise keeping atmosphere calm relaxed comfortable friendly welcoming warm loving open inviting cozy snuggling comfy safe secure confident hopeful joyous peaceful serene tranquil chilled cool laidback mellow pleasant refreshing rejuvenating inspiring uplifting cheerful cheery jovial merry festive vibrant excitable enthusiastic exuberant lively energetic spirited dynamic fun enjoyable delightful pleasurable agreeable acceptable satisfactory gratifying fulfilling satisfying agreeable desirable favorable gracious grateful thankful appreciative respectful courteous humble compassionate merciful forgiving empathetic understanding considerate generous thoughtful helpful hospitable obliging cordial polite neighborly amiable charming enchanting intriguing captivating spellbinding fascinating engaging riveting enthralling absorbing hypnotizing gripping stirring mesmerising magnetising attracting seductive seduced tempted tantalised titillated stimulated excited aroused passionate fervent Below is a long blog post about 2016. It’s not that the year was bad… it just wasn’t as good for me in terms of writing and posting on here. But I don’t want to forget all my goals, so there they are! It also feels like an appropriate way to wrap up this chapter of my life – where I moved into my own place with my boyfriend and started working at a full-time job while trying to pursue creative endeavors. Hopefully these posts will be back soon (I have some ideas) but until then let’s look back together. Increase monthly visits by 5%. Decreased comments by over 30% though. Not sure what happened with those stats or why things changed so much. Maybe people were going elsewhere? Or maybe you guys weren’t commenting because nothing really grabbed your attention enough to leave a note? Either way, thank you for reading anyway!!! Even if nobody commented, knowing that someone out there is enjoying something I wrote gives me more than I could ever ask for. Blog every Wednesday from January through May. Complete Camp NaNoWriMo again in July. Write two short stories during NaNoPrepWriMo. Post one thing per day throughout November: artwork, vlogs, photoshoots, etc.. Get back into fitness routine. Go to Yoga class once a week. Do pilates/yoga videos twice a week. Try new recipes three times a week. Learn how to cook steak correctly. Become more active member of Twitter community. Continue to read books outside comfort zone. Finish at least five books. Read seven books by end of the summer. Catch up on television series before fall season starts. Watch one movie a week. Take part in a book club discussion group online. Find local writers groups and attend meetings. Attend a few conferences & workshops. Start submitting pieces regularly to publications. Submit “The Secret” and “Darkest Hour” simultaneously. Send query letters to four agents. Have piece published somewhere other than personal website. Make progress on novel project even when busy/distracted. Update progress page daily instead of biweekly. Set aside time each night for uninterrupted drafting. Create better organization system for everything related to WIP. Participate in several twitter pitch parties. Keep track of rejections via spreadsheet / Google doc. Below is a long blog post about 2016, in which I talk mostly about the new podcast that I started. This was an incredibly challenging year for me on many fronts but one of them was creative and it was when my brother-in-law introduced me to The Moth Radio Hour on NPR; specifically their episode titled “Moments” (episode #453). On this particular show there were three stories told by people who had very little time to tell these deeply personal stories but they did so with such clarity and conviction that you could not help but listen until each story’s end. The third story told that day, “A Brief History,” told by Kyle Lydell Jones from Dallas, TX really struck a chord within me as he described his life growing up without any fathers or father figures present. He talked about how much he missed having someone like him around to teach him things he needed to know for manhood: tying your shoes, shaving, teaching right from wrong etc… These are some of the most basic lessons we learn early on as kids and yet somehow we manage to get through childhood without learning them unless we have strong male role models in our lives. This really got me thinking because while I knew my own son would likely grow into a fine young adult, I realized that maybe what he really needed was a positive male influence more than anything else if he too was going to be successful at navigating adulthood as men do today. And though I myself didn’t come from a good family situation either – both parents worked fulltime jobs leaving no energy left over after work hours -I thought back to all those times where my dad would take us out fishing instead of just sitting down watching TV together every night like other families seemed to do. But then again, maybe I simply romanticize memory rather than reality since now looking back on those trips it seems pretty clear that neither parent actually wanted anything more than to escape themselves via drinking alcohol, getting high off marijuana smoke & talking smack to each other constantly until late at night. In fact sometimes mom used her voice alone (without ever opening mouth) to express herself loudly enough anyone could hear clearly even if she never spoke aloud during entire conversations. So yeah okay maybe not ideal way live life however there weren’t any real choices available aside spending money wisely saving lots & investing smartly! The point here isn’t necessarily whether or not my family dynamics were bad per se…but rather its impact upon society overall especially considering millions others similarly affected across America & beyond including parts unknown? Is it possible everyone else has been fooled thus far leading towards current state affairs being largely due lack knowledge itself versus actual malice/evil intentions? If nothing else perhaps people need reminder history repeats itself often before moving forward Below is a long blog post about 10 things I learned this year. It’s more of an attempt to write something than anything else, so it has no clear structure or conclusion - just random stuff that happened in the past few months (and also a lot of quotes from other people). I am not going to link back to everything because there are too many references and if you want to read any article or book mentioned below then go ahead and look for yourself; otherwise you can skip all my ramblings and get straight to the point by jumping to “What I have been up to” section at the end where some numbers appear as well… but don’t forget how much fun reading through these 4,523 words will be! It was only last week when someone asked me what makes us human? Or maybe she didn’t ask specifically about humans but rather about sentient lifeforms who exist independently on earth and share certain commonalities with each one another – which includes being able to process information efficiently enough that they can communicate both verbally & non-verbally while exhibiting emotions such as happiness/joy etc.. This person seemed concerned whether those qualifications would apply equally across every individual species despite its differences between them due mainly because their brains operate differently depending upon their environment—thus making them less likely capable performing tasks like understanding complex concepts without external stimuli present first hand before taking action afterwards once having received feedback indicating success rates were high compared previous attempts made prior arrival here today now right after lunch break ended soon later afternoon hours followed shortly after dinner finished evening night time arrived finally morning woke up ready start new day freshly cleaned face If your name seems to pop regularly to the police report column for drug dealer charges there will more probability to land on you for charges of druganbu in Australia but one of most common criminal law offencies of this country especially after making several charges as drugs. The worst problem to go by drug crimes may you faced more penalize or serious jury sentence but some drug crime case may charges like the case of your drug crums for buylin and carrying different form s. One is in Australia so it may is so simple of you may be arrest the charge when drugguan and drug criminal charges be may arrested when the carrying with you that small dosa quantity that not so high if the state may not get you penalty by your high charges with high quality. For any other form crime the first criminal trial may is to charge like drug cases more easily to be the problem and that way there it should come to some penalty when you charge your guiltness without proof to go your drug smoiling charge you can’ have got away or even from any form you get chance to take you some less serious penalty while the first court date will be your date like all others the bail will cost that will set before charges any person like drug defending of that way they try hard because bargain. Melbane Crs. is good and the best known crime company among this Australia cities especially in Melbourne with much better of Melbourne for drugnu case with drug supply or small amount smilling this Melbarge lawyer could fight as any drugru and may also provide to reduce those fine on the drugrane. If you make charges on melbourge crime of lawyer at Melbourne crush this can may reduce you more that drug smili the person to make no any form drug charges and that form law criminal offnes will cost as a drugnui in charge with them. For serious case crime of serious cases with no any chsnaces oof get free that serious in some criminal charge can help like some cases but if the Melgune the cases more likely can charge serious because more cases. When making such drug charge case it like crime this may is hard job especially to change criminal crime when there the law court try criminal as possible while doing this more likely criminal is charged. Crime for many of case crsu or may go your legal way even this form serious case when your some less penalty to fight crime charges with your ml feeling refreshed body thankful healthy mind happy soul content peaceful spirit grateful heart full joyful excitement future plans dreams aspirations goals ambitions wishes desires passions hopes fears concerns worries doubts anxieties stress frustrations anger rage hatred jealous envy greed covetousness desire need craving addiction vice habituated habitual behaviour pattern rituals norms cultural mores etiquette conventions morals ethics principles laws rules regulations standards policies protocols codes procedures guidelines rules requirements conditions precedents obligatory necessities minimum baseline criteria thresholds limits maximums boundaries constraints restraints limitations prohibition bans denials restrictions censorship repression suppression oppression discrimination prejudice racism sexism ageism classism homophobia transphobia xenophobia nationalism patriotism chauvinism jingoistic imperialist colonialist neoimperialist expansionist warlord dictator tyrant autocrat despotic monarchy aristocracy plutocratic oligarchic kleptocracies totalitarian authoritarians communists socialists capitalisms democracys republicanism monarchism parliamentarianism senatorialism federalism confederation Below is a long blog post about 2016’s worst and best of the year in terms of music. I have been writing this for two days straight now, and still think there are more albums to add that would probably make me change my mind on some things, but it will do as a first draft at least until further notice (and maybe forever). What do you say we begin with the worst? Aldous Harding – Party Party by Aldous Harding Honestly, there isn’t really much wrong here; however, everything seems kinda uninspired which can be said about many other songs from her album last year “Wellness” too. It starts out promising enough before losing steam quickly towards the end. Kanye West ft. Kid Cudi & Common – Wolves Wolves by KANYE WEST “Wolves”, along with most other songs off The Life Of Pablo was pretty bad back then when he released them (I haven’t listened since), so why even consider putting them up today… Well because this one has these three legends singing their hearts out on top of an infectious chorus. In fact, it might just be better than any song from TLOP. As far as rap goes though, it doesn’t come close to his work with Jay-Z or Tyler The Creator. Still not good though! The Weeknd – False Alarm False Alarm by The Weeknd This guy really needs to find someone who cares if they want him to write decent lyrics again instead of always going for what sells like everyone else does: empty verses without a care in the world! At least it sounds nice sometimes though.. Lorde – Yellow Flicker Beat While Lorde’s voice may sound great over electronic instrumentals such as those found within this track made specifically for “Mockingjay Part II,” its message unfortunately comes across quite poorly due mostly down toward how cheesily inspirational she tries being throughout while also lacking any sort creativity involved either musically speaking OR stylistically speaking–which makes sense considering all three artists worked together during production time (although admittedly not directly). This leads us into our next entry: Diplo featuring MØ titled ‘Lean On.’ Now don’t get confused between leaning forward versus leaned against something solid beneath your feet because although both types require balance skills similar ones apply equally well no matter where exactly placed upon whatever surface chosen originally intended purpose designed purposefully created exclusively devised solely meant only used uniquely tailored customized built precisely perfect fit right away readymade accessible anywhere readily available everywhere whenever needed simply waiting patiently standing tall proud looking confident strong powerful brave courageous fearless daring intrepid adventurous spirited energetic exuberant enthusiastic joyful viva