colleague Nicole Crane from Sydney

Posted on May 23, 2023

Below is a long blog post about 2014, the year of the Horse. It was written by my friend and colleague, Nicole Crane from Sydney Australia. We met through our mutual interest in astrology many years ago when I lived there on business for six months. She’s one smart cookie! Enjoy… The Year Of The Wooden Goat (Yang Earth) – 29th January until February 17th, 2015. Astrologically speaking this will be an interesting time to see how we all respond as the energies are changing so quickly at present that it really does feel like we have stepped into another dimension where everything around us seems strange or unfamiliar. At times you might even question your own sanity with the rapid changes taking place right before your very eyes but don’t worry if things do seem “off” as they most certainly will since the universe itself has changed its frequency. As we continue on throughout these next twelve months remember not to take any change too personally because it could just mean something different within yourself. You may also find some of your old habits and ways of thinking now quite foreign to what you once knew especially as some of those “old friends” won’t want to let go of their hold over you despite the fact you no longer need them anymore. This transition period can make you feel lost without knowing which way forward yet trust me dear reader; you absolutely know exactly what needs doing each step along the way. If anything though don’t rush ahead with blinders on either mentally or physically since nothing great ever came out of being impulsive afterall did it? Rather than try forcing circumstances beyond their control relax instead then reassess later down track seeing how much progress has been made thus far during these upcoming days/weeks/months etcetera – always keeping calm & level headed regardless whatever comes forth unexpectedly upon arrival onto scene number three…for example: if somebody else offers assistance while walking home late night alone feeling vulnerable without warning – smile politely say thank-you kind sir before moving away quickly before situation turns dangerous.. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas celebrating with family and friends. The Chinese New Year starts today, Friday Feb. 16. So Happy Lunar New Year!!! There is a saying that goes back hundreds of years here in China called ‘Xin Nian Kua Le‘ which means May Everyone Have A Good Fortune In Their Life. Today marks the beginning of a brand new zodiac sign called Yi Mao, or The Rooster. In honor of the start of the lunar calendar, I thought it would be fun to share what the future holds according to Chinese Astrologer Jessica Shum who wrote an article entitled: What Will Be Your Zodiac Animal Sign For Next Year And Beyond?. Here Below is a long blog post about 2018. The year that was, with regards to my writing and my reading of books. I got in touch with some fellow writers via Twitter this weekend; they were looking for new beta readers on their projects. I haven’t had the time to write much lately – though I have written quite a bit these past two weeks. So it felt like a good opportunity: get feedback from other authors before committing myself to an agent or publisher who might not be able to see what I can (or should) do differently. There are five people interested so far but only three spaces available! It will also help me improve as an editor if I am editing someone else’s work. For example, I read the first chapter of one person’s book last night…and then read all sixteen pages again because there was too many typos / errors / things wrong with sentence structure etc., which meant nothing made sense. The author said he would fix them by Monday morning when we meet up at the pub next Thursday evening for our monthly social event. But you know how sometimes when something bad happens suddenly after doing something nice? Like buying flowers for your wife & her mum goes into hospital unexpectedly later that day. Or losing £5K in crypto currency while donating $3k worth of Bitcoin towards cancer research charity just hours earlier. This is why we need more editors & proofreaders out here managing content creation teams instead of being slaves working hard making money off others successes whilst never getting any credit ourselves ;-) You may remember that back in January I wrote ‘How To Become An Author In A Month‘ article where I talked about setting goals for yourself over certain periods such as three months , six months , twelve months + beyond . Well since then I have managed achieve most everything mentioned including publishing multiple short stories online under pen name Sasha Vitaly (you can check him/her out HERE ) along side completing various novel drafts using NaNoWriMo tools plus releasing several eBook versions through Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing platform ! All thanks largely due having clear plans laid down early on during initial planning stages prior actually putting words onto paper ;) Now let us take another look at those same ideas once again shall we ? The blog has been quiet recently, but I assure you that does not mean I have stopped writing. Far from it—I have been busy finishing manuscript number four, as well as helping out friends and family members with their own creative endeavours. My hope now is to return to posting regularly within a few days, starting with news on publication dates for both “A Shot Of Love” and “Beyond Fate”. If you want updates straight away however, please feel free to join my mailing list below and stay tuned :) So far in 2019 I have released two novels Below is a long blog post about 2017 and the upcoming year. I hope you will take time to read it, but if not don’t worry - everything will be posted on Instagram, too! I thought this year was going by so fast that I could hardly believe we were in December already (it felt like October). My husband started his studies at university last spring, which meant that some of my routines changed: less cooking for him because he has breakfast/lunch at school every day, more laundry since I do all of ours now… It also made us spend quite some time together during evenings after dinner, talking about various topics from homework and studying habits to how to prepare certain dishes… And sometimes we just chatted without any particular reason :D But these changes weren’t bad at all – they gave me an opportunity to get closer with him again. My son is still busy playing football as much as possible, although we have had some family days out recently when we visited Santa Claus Village or went skating. He really enjoyed both trips! We are planning another one next weekend; maybe there will be snow? As far as work goes, I am glad that many things fell into place this past year, especially regarding client projects. There were a few times when it seemed like nothing would ever happen, but then finally everything came through and clients liked what I did enough to keep working together further. This has been a huge confidence booster for myself, showing me once again that hard work always pays off eventually. The biggest challenge for me personally has definitely been finding my own style while maintaining consistency throughout different designs. Sometimes styles clash within themselves as well, making them harder than usual to pull off successfully no matter who creates those designs—but having said that, each project taught me something new along way! As soon as my current freelance contract ends early February 2018 (which means January will become quieter month), I plan to start focusing entirely on personal projects rather than commissions until summer 2019 arrives . Then hopefully everything comes full circle again :) I feel very lucky right now; life seems good overall despite minor setbacks here &there over course of previous months. Hopefully rest of year brings same joyfulness back & helps make sense If your name seems to pop regularly to the police report column for drug dealer charges there will more probability to land on you for charges of druganbu in Australia but one of most common criminal law offencies of this country especially after making several charges as drugs. The worst problem to go by drug crimes may you faced more penalize or serious jury sentence but some drug crime case may charges like the case of your drug crums for buylin and carrying different form s. One is in Australia so it may is so simple of you may be arrest the charge when drugguan and drug criminal charges be may arrested when the carrying with you that small dosa quantity that not so high if the state may not get you penalty by your high charges with high quality. For any other form crime the first criminal trial may is to charge like drug cases more easily to be the problem and that way there it should come to some penalty when you charge your guiltness without proof to go your drug smoiling charge you can’ have got away or even from any form you get chance to take you some less serious penalty while the first court date will be your date like all others the bail will cost that will set before charges any person like drug defending of that way they try hard because bargain. Melbane Crs. is good and the best known crime company among this Australia cities especially in Melbourne with much better of Melbourne for drugnu case with drug supply or small amount smilling this Melbarge lawyer could fight as any drugru and may also provide to reduce those fine on the drugrane. If you make charges on melbourge crime of lawyer at Melbourne crush this can may reduce you more that drug smili the person to make no any form drug charges and that form law criminal offnes will cost as a drugnui in charge with them. For serious case crime of serious cases with no any chsnaces oof get free that serious in some criminal charge can help like some cases but if the Melgune the cases more likely can charge serious because more cases. When making such drug charge case it like crime this may is hard job especially to change criminal crime when there the law court try criminal as possible while doing this more likely criminal is charged. Crime for many of case crsu or may go your legal way even this form serious case when your some less penalty to fight crime charges with your ml whatever happened beforehand haha ;) Have wonderful holidays everyone!! Below is a long blog post about 5 of the biggest problems that people have with their dogs. I am not talking about “little” things like pulling on leash or jumping up and biting. These are big issues, but they’re all fixable in time if you start right now! These problems can be really frustrating to owners because it takes so much work (and money) fixing them later when your dog has already gotten into bad habits. If only we could stop our puppies from being stubbornly independent instead of letting them run wild around town… Well then maybe everyone would feel better about taking care of themselves after hours at home alone without any human contact except for their spouse/partner who works full-time during those times too. No one wants this situation where no matter how hard YOU try—they won’t listen anymore once these behaviors become ingrained within them forevermore unless something changes drastically soon enough before further damage occurs due primarily because there wasn’t anyone available back then either way since nobody knew what was happening until today.” But wait…there IS hope though!!! Read below carefully as I share my expertise regarding five common misconceptions surrounding obedience training methods: The most important thing to remember while dealing with an out-of-control pet is patience. Pets need love just as humans do; however, sometimes they act differently than us because they don’t understand why certain situations occur or react negatively towards others depending upon previous experiences that were unpleasant for some reason(s). It may take several attempts over multiple days before success comes along - especially if there isn’t someone else present who will help reinforce good behavioral choices made by both parties involved here." You should also keep track of progress every day using positive rewards such seeing eye contacts between owner/pet teams whenever possible:) And lastly always strive toward making new connections based off past accomplishments achieved together–that way we never forget what truly matters above anything else :) Below is a long blog post about 2014. I want to share it with you, because this year was so amazing for me and my family! We moved in March from our beautiful home on the edge of Tampa Bay (Florida) into an equally wonderful house close by. My husband has been employed since December last year - after being unemployed and looking for work at least half of his life. My youngest son is still living here, as he found employment too. He’s working night shifts but we hope that will change soon. The oldest one is enjoying college-life and finally got a car of her own. She also started studying abroad in England for two weeks back in May. The middle one has decided to study further now, starting next month. In April my mom had some health issues and ended up spending six days in hospital. Her condition improved rapidly however and she went back home again within a week or so. In June mum celebrated her birthday surrounded by us all (except dad who couldn’t be there due to business reasons). We took her out for lunch followed by afternoon tea, which made Mom very happy indeed :) A few months later, my brother and sister came over visiting together with their children. It was lovely to see them both, especially considering they live far away across seas. Dinner together and seeing how much fun kids have when playing with each other makes these visits even more special… My oldest daughter (the one in England!) spent three weeks traveling around Europe and visited France, Italy & Spain before returning to the USA once more. Later in July another trip brought her to Florida for a couple of weeks where she experienced Disney World first hand. This time accompanied by my parents (who were already here), making sure she didn’t miss anything ;-) August saw lots of beach time between sunsets filled with romantic moments shared between hubby and myself; relaxation after having worked hard during summer vacations helping others achieve financial independence through education via online courses such as “How To Start An Online Business For Under $5k”. All while keeping busy teaching high school students English Language Arts every day plus volunteering twice per month at church whenever possible.. And what does September bring? More sunny weather, fun times with friends/family members (especially those who just returned from holidays themselves), along side many delicious foods enjoyed indoors thanks mostly owing its flavorfulness towards local eateries nearby like Starbucks Coffee Company & Panera Bread Co., among several others mentioned below :-) October brings colder temperatures yet warmer hearts full of gratitude because everything really happened according God’s plan – not ours… November sees Thanksgiving Day arrive quickly upon us followed closely behind Christmas Eve celebrating Jesus Christ’s birth amongst various activities taking place throughout entire month including shopping