I was born and raised

Posted on Dec 28, 2022

Below is a long blog post about 2015, with my thoughts on what I’ve been doing in the last year. I was born and raised in South Korea until I moved to Australia at age of sixteen. After finishing high school, I went straight into studying computer science for four years; thereafter, I worked as software engineer (in Sydney) and also freelanced web design/development projects while still working full time job for over three years. The most memorable moment during this period must be when I decided to travel Europe by myself back then… It took me almost one month from Berlin all way down south Italy – Sicily! The first two weeks were not planned but totally spontaneous: booking hostels online everyday through WWOOF website (World-wide Opportunities On Organic Farms), hitchhiked around few countries, met so many people along the journey that I never thought possible beforehand. That trip changed completely how I viewed life since then because it showed me new opportunities await if only we dare take chances out of our comfort zone sometimes instead of always just stay behind closed doors where nothing happens ever again after some point unless you make something happen yourself somehow sometime somewhere else eventually eventually everywhere everywhere no matter whatever whomever whenever whywhateverhoweverwhywhoeverhowever. What do If your name seems to pop regularly to the police report column for drug dealer charges there will more probability to land on you for charges of druganbu in Australia but one of most common criminal law offencies of this country especially after making several charges as drugs. The worst problem to go by drug crimes may you faced more penalize or serious jury sentence but some drug crime case may charges like the case of your drug crums for buylin and carrying different form s. One is in Australia so it may is so simple of you may be arrest the charge when drugguan and drug criminal charges be may arrested when the carrying with you that small dosa quantity that not so high if the state may not get you penalty by your high charges with high quality. For any other form crime the first criminal trial may is to charge like drug cases more easily to be the problem and that way there it should come to some penalty when you charge your guiltness without proof to go your drug smoiling charge you can’ have got away or even from any form you get chance to take you some less serious penalty while the first court date will be your date like all others the bail will cost that will set before charges any person like drug defending of that way they try hard because bargain. Melbane Crs. is good and the best known crime company among this Australia cities especially in Melbourne with much better of Melbourne for drugnu case with drug supply or small amount smilling this Melbarge lawyer could fight as any drugru and may also provide to reduce those fine on the drugrane. If you make charges on melbourge crime of lawyer at Melbourne crush this can may reduce you more that drug smili the person to make no any form drug charges and that form law criminal offnes will cost as a drugnui in charge with them. For serious case crime of serious cases with no any chsnaces oof get free that serious in some criminal charge can help like some cases but if the Melgune the cases more likely can charge serious because more cases. When making such drug charge case it like crime this may is hard job especially to change criminal crime when there the law court try criminal as possible while doing this more likely criminal is charged. Crime for many of case crsu or may go your legal way even this form serious case when your some less penalty to fight crime charges with your ml you think? What can you learn from my experience? Below is a long blog post about 16-year old Elijah. I think it’s an amazing story, and that you will too! ELIJAH BROWN was born in the small town of Marionville, Missouri on May 30th, 2004 at 8:57 PM. He weighed only two pounds one ounce when he came into this world with underdeveloped lungs and heart problems. The doctors told his parents to prepare for him not making it through surgery but Elijah proved them wrong by being the strongest little boy they had ever seen. As time went on things got better and better as if God wanted everyone around him to see what a miracle baby he truly was. At four months of age there were no signs or symptoms of any health issues except from those given to us after birth which included mild cerebral palsy caused by low oxygen levels during labor and delivery along with hearing loss due to an ear drum rupture prior treatment because Elijah didn’t cry out loud enough (he would always sleep so soundly). His brain scan showed nothing abnormal though so everything seemed fine until one day while sitting outside watching fireworks together my wife noticed something strange happening inside our son who started moving both legs rapidly back and forth like someone trying desperately hard just to get their attention…I couldn’t believe how fast these movements were going considering all other times beforehand were slow and deliberate yet now here he sat still unable even lift up anything heavier then maybe half full glasses filled with water without help which was completely unlike himself since infancy where everything needed done right away or else bad things happened quickly afterwards causing painful reactions like seizures among others.” “As soon as possible medical intervention began immediately after observing these events unfold live via video feed provided directly onto screens located within hospitals across America where specialists work tirelessly everyday searching for answers amidst chaos resulting primarily from untreated illnesses brought upon themselves due mostly out ignorance towards proper care practices such medicine provides." “At first glance it appeared likely child might have suffered some type trauma although more tests later revealed different scenario entirely; namely autism spectrum disorder (ASD) related condition called “Rett Syndrome” commonly associated specifically females however male cases reported occasionally especially when combined alongside certain genetic mutations present early stages development process known collectively referred “Phenotype”. This means basically whatever happens next depends solely upon person affected by disease itself rather than underlying causes involved leading sometimes people mistakenly diagnosed incorrectly despite extensive research conducted thus far proving otherwise false assumption made initially regarding severity nature disease posits threat patient faces regardless outcome situation becomes clear sooner rather late…” After Elijah spent almost three years at home getting stronger and learning new skills daily life took another turn when he became Below is a long blog post about 3D printing and CNC cutting, but first I want to show you this video that was shot at our booth. It’s pretty funny because the guy who made it just happened to be walking by as we were showing off what we can do with 3D printers for the very first time ever in public. This weekend I spent some time making my own version of an open source project called The Skull 2017 from Instructables (http://www.instructables.com/id/The-Skull-2017/). I printed out the parts on one of our Afinia H480 3d Printers which are on sale now! Here’s how I did it step-by-step… Step One: Make sure your files will fit onto a single sheet of paper. If they don’t then cut them into smaller pieces before starting or make adjustments so all parts come together nicely once assembled using nuts & bolts instead of glue if needed. Next draw out each part onto tracing paper according to size specifications given above - remember these dimensions when ordering materials online; otherwise check local suppliers too since most stores sell only certain types depending upon where u live.. Step Two: Place piece number two underneath piece three while holding both firmly against tabletop surface near edge side facing away from viewer positioned directly opposite end point found elsewhere within same area; repeat action several times until finished assembling entire model complete enough not need more work done later down road during next phase completion process etcetera etc… Step Three: Once completed take photo(s) document progress throughout building stages via phone camera lens attached smart device like iPhone iPad etc., upload images social media platform such Facebook Twitter Pinterest Instagram Tumblr Etc…, share results friends family members followers network circles groups online communities neighborhood areas cities towns villages states countries continents worldwide globe earth universe cosmos galaxies universes multiverse infinite possibilities unlimited potentialities limitless horizons vast expansive reaches unknown territories distant lands faraway places foreign cultures exotic locations remote regions wilderness wildlife animals birds fish reptiles amphibians insects arachnids creepy crawlies critters pests vermin bugs mosquitos flies moths spiders scorpions centipedes millipeds snails slugs mollusks crabs lobsters prawn shrimp clams oyster mussels scallops conchs sea urchins barnacles tunicates jellies siphonophores hydrozoan anthozoan brachiopod bivalve gastropods cephalopoda crustaceans arthropods echinodermata chordate vertebrate taxonomic class order family genus species Below is a long blog post about 1980’s hair metal. I don’t know what the fuck that means but it sounded like fun to write down. I was at my parents house in San Jose, California recently and I saw some pictures of me from when I first got into music (the mid-eighties). This brought back memories so I decided to talk about them here for people who didn’t live through this era and are wondering why all these old guys wear their pants up around their armpits nowadays. For those with fond nostalgic feelings towards this period, well you can read on as if nothing happened! Let us start our journey… Hair Metal: A Brief History The term “hair metal” was coined by British rock critic Steve Sutherland in his book Rock Music In The Eighties which came out in 2006. It refers to heavy metal bands that emerged during late seventies early eighties timeframe - often times associated with glamorous looks & behavior such as big hair/makeup etc.. Some notable examples include Van Halen (“Runnin’ With The Devil,”) Quiet Riot (“Cum On Feel The Noize), Mötley Crüe (“Shout At The Devil.”) And Poison( “Nothings Gonna Stop Us Now!”.) These types of songs were popular among teens because they combined catchy hooks w/hardcore guitar riffs; however there was also an undercurrent present within many lyrics dealing w/subject matters related drug use sex violence etc…which gave off impression that band members weren’t afraid show true selves despite public perception otherwise. As result many fans became disillusioned over years leading rise punk movement later decade . However even though scene died out due largely poor quality albums sales dwindling airplay radio stations stopped playing anything resembles traditional heavy metal anymore today most artists still cite classic acts mentioned earlier influencing own style choices. It goes without saying that one major reason hair metal gained immense popularity throughout latter half twentieth century had much do w/timing its release right around same moment MTV began broadcasting twenty four seven starting mid 1980 s . Not only did network provide new platform showcase videos performers but created additional revenue stream allowing record labels make money off merchandise too . Combination made perfect sense considering how quickly visual medium spread word mouth far quicker compared conventional ways promotion . What followed was rapid growth number viewership dramatically increasing percentage households watching channel jumped percentages five times just few short years alone making video clips single biggest source income generated global industry estimated billions dollars yearly according estimates Billboard magazine 2003 report. Furthermore since majority audience consisted young adult males ages sixteen eighteen nine tenths demographic target Below is a long blog post about 2017. My year has been the best ever so it’s worth writing down! I have spent this whole week reading and re-reading my 2016 goals to see what I achieved, what didn’t happen as planned and what went better than expected… The plan for next year will be based on what happened in 2016 but also inspired by things that are still not done or need tweaking: one of them being a big project which is now scheduled to start in early July (more details soon). So let me look back at another great year with lots of high points and a few bumps along the way – just like every year before. First off all: it was an amazing year for books. A lot more people read, reviewed and shared their thoughts online which makes us feel part of something bigger and adds value to our lives. So thanks everybody who participated last year and hope you continue doing so into 2017! Without further ado here we go. Please share your own highlights from 2016 either through the comments below or via Twitter @MurkyDepths using #yearinreview2016. Have fun looking back! This entry was posted in Books, Events & Exhibitions and tagged 2015 bookish resolutions checkup, 2015 goals, 2015 round up, 2016, 2016 bookish challenges wrap-up, 2016 bookish resolutions checkup, 2016 goal setting, 2016 goals, 2016 progress update, 2016 summary, 2016 wrap-up, 366 challenge, amy plum, ann leckie, author interviews, audiobooks, bad blood, barbara parker, benjamin percy, best reads, bibliomysteries, birthday month, blackout, book groups, Book Haul, book reviews, bookshops, brandon sanderson, britain’s got talent, buddy reads, charles de lint, christopher golden, classics, cold iron, crime fiction picks, david baldacci, deadline, donna tartt, dragonlance chronicles, dune, eve halliday mystery series, events, fahrenheit 451, fantasy, Fictionophile, german crime fiction prize winner, goodreads choice awards, grant wardle, graphic novels, hachette uk, hannah howe, heather graham, henry holt, ian rankin, interview, james patterson, jeff noon, joe hill, John Connolly, joyce carol oates, kate morton