my favourite year ever in

Posted on Feb 23, 2022

Below is a long blog post about 2018. The year that was… I hope you enjoy it! This has been my favourite year ever in terms of the amount and quality of music released (which I’m sure will surprise absolutely no-one). There have only been two weeks this year where there weren’t any new releases from artists or labels on Bandcamp, which just goes to show how much work everyone involved with making music puts into their art – the sheer quantity of fantastic material means we are spoilt for choice every single week. It really does feel like an era defined by talent rather than hype; not only do these musicians produce great records but they also put them out themselves without being signed up with major record companies who would normally control such things as pricing, production and distribution. Of course, the success of independent DIY culture can be seen all over social media too: platforms like Instagram give us access to artist photoshoots, behind-the-scenes footage from recording studios etc., allowing fans deeper insight into what inspires our favourite bands/singers creatively speaking while also providing opportunities for them to support those same individuals financially through donations via services like Patreon & PayPal Giving Funds so please consider doing both whenever possible if possible!! The first half of the year saw me releasing four albums under various monikers including ‘Our Love Is As Fragile And Vulnerable To Destruction As A Dandelion Seed In Springtime‘ by my solo project ‘Sleep Patterns,’ followed shortly afterward by ‘A Thousand Lives We Can Live’ courtesy Of ‘Hexorcist‘ featuring guest appearances from several talented friends among whom were Chelsea Wolfe herself along side members of Wovenhand & Black Moth Super Rainbow among others.. This latter release received some pretty good reviews at press time including mentions within Kerrang magazine & NME Online amongst many others whilst garnering attention online thanks largely due its experimental nature combined together alongside catchier hook laden songs similar found elsewhere throughout Oz’s discography thus far . Following closely upon heels came an EP entitled “Nightfall” recorded once again using vintage equipment coupled with modern digital technology resulting sound somewhere between traditional analogue synthesizer tones paired against more contemporary electronic instrumentation techniques culminating into something truly unique unto itself unlike anything else currently available anywhere else around today .. Lastly came another full length album called ”Glass Moon“ By way Of Our Collaborative Project Hydra Head . Together we created what could very well end up becoming one true classic masterpiece spanning genres ranging form gorgeously melodic pop rock anthems right thru onto dark eerie industrial tracks full blown psychedelia complete with cosmic space disco excursions beyond even Below is a long blog post about 3D printing. I’m not sure what to do with it yet, but since I have the original source code from my thesis in this category now (as well as the original source for this blog) – that means you get two posts on 3d printing today! As part of an undergraduate project at OCADU in Toronto we were asked to create a piece of software which could be used by people who are new or interested in 3D Printing technology and to help them design something. This resulted in me creating the “Design Your Dream” application. The software was developed using Processing language over a period of six months. During development it went through multiple iterations including one where the concept changed completely after being introduced to the RepRap technology. After presenting the finished product several times to various audiences the feedback included a desire for some more information around how 3D printers work so I decided to write up an essay based upon my research into the subject matter. The essay begins by introducing 3D printing techniques before explaining 21st century applications of these technologies. It then moves onto an explanation of additive manufacturing processes including fused deposition modelling, stereo lithography and selective laser melting along with their respective advantages and disadvantages. Next comes a discussion about some of the limitations of current 3D printing technology such as cost, print size, material choice and the amount of time taken per print. This section also includes a look ahead to future developments within 3D printing technology. Finally there is a brief history of 3D scanning followed by its use with 3D printing. This assignment asks us to investigate different methods of data visualisation. It will start off by looking briefly at existing practices surrounding data visualization before moving on to discuss ways in which this can be improved or done differently depending on your needs/purposes etc.. We shall explore many forms of visual representations available ranging from traditional graphs & charts all way through too modern day interactive experiences like web-based infographics . Our aim throughout this process should ultimately result into providing readers / viewers insightful insights into whatever topic they may find interesting enough justify dedicating further study towards understanding better; whether those topics relate back directly related field studies conducted previously during classes taught earlier semesters prior school year ended recently completed final examinations graded returned marked correct answered correctly received grade awarded credited degree achieved earned completed graduated earned diploma certificate granted conferred offered accepted obtained passed completed fulfilled requirements necessary graduate qualified ready move forward next step If your name seems to pop regularly to the police report column for drug dealer charges there will more probability to land on you for charges of druganbu in Australia but one of most common criminal law offencies of this country especially after making several charges as drugs. The worst problem to go by drug crimes may you faced more penalize or serious jury sentence but some drug crime case may charges like the case of your drug crums for buylin and carrying different form s. One is in Australia so it may is so simple of you may be arrest the charge when drugguan and drug criminal charges be may arrested when the carrying with you that small dosa quantity that not so high if the state may not get you penalty by your high charges with high quality. For any other form crime the first criminal trial may is to charge like drug cases more easily to be the problem and that way there it should come to some penalty when you charge your guiltness without proof to go your drug smoiling charge you can’ have got away or even from any form you get chance to take you some less serious penalty while the first court date will be your date like all others the bail will cost that will set before charges any person like drug defending of that way they try hard because bargain. Melbane Crs. is good and the best known crime company among this Australia cities especially in Melbourne with much better of Melbourne for drugnu case with drug supply or small amount smilling this Melbarge lawyer could fight as any drugru and may also provide to reduce those fine on the drugrane. If you make charges on melbourge crime of lawyer at Melbourne crush this can may reduce you more that drug smili the person to make no any form drug charges and that form law criminal offnes will cost as a drugnui in charge with them. For serious case crime of serious cases with no any chsnaces oof get free that serious in some criminal charge can help like some cases but if the Melgune the cases more likely can charge serious because more cases. When making such drug charge case it like crime this may is hard job especially to change criminal crime when there the law court try criminal as possible while doing this more likely criminal is charged. Crime for many of case crsu or may go your legal way even this form serious case when your some less penalty to fight crime charges with your ml advance progress forward progresses further advanced advances advanced advancing continually making headway toward goal objectives aspirational desires ambitions achievements accomplishments milestones marks memories moments minutes mins sec min sec secs secs seconds second seconds second seconds second second seconds seconds seconds seconds seconds Below is a long blog post about 5D chess, which I think should be read by all. The most important thing to understand is that Trump doesn’t play traditional politics - he plays “Chinese” politics (meaning: he thinks like the Chinese politicians). That means he does things differently than regular western politicians who think of their constituents as a group and not individuals (as you can see in this video where they ask him what his message for his voters was at one point during the debate with Hillary), so he has no fear of being attacked on Twitter or elsewhere from “his base”. He will do whatever he wants, whenever it benefits himself personally. The only way to counteract that would have been if the Clinton campaign had made a big deal out of her opponent being a sexual predator when she knew that everyone involved knew exactly how far down that rabbit hole went… but instead, Bill just ended up laughing off any such accusations because there were none, so nobody took them seriously anyway. So now we are stuck dealing with another 4 years of Trump. Which makes sense since the people voted against BOTH candidates in record numbers last year - meaning both parties sucked equally bad according to those same folks! If anything though; maybe this whole mess proves once again why America needs term limits? As long as Congress remains under control by Democrats & Republicans alike then nothing really changes regardless of whether either party wins an election anymore due mainly because neither side actually cares enough about doing what’s best overall regarding issues affecting our nation today including immigration reform bills passed recently by House leaders over objections raised by some GOP members whom felt these measures weren’t tough enough despite having already received approval ratings lower than ever before recorded previously among Americans polled recently on various topics related directly back towards Washington Dc itself … This could easily lead us into another civil war depending upon how things continue playing themselves out here moving forward going forward within months ahead especially considering current state affairs right now surrounding Russia/Ukraine conflict currently unfolding along NATO borders close behind Eastern Europe frontier lines…..We shall watch closely indeed !!!!!! There are two sides to every story. One person tells something, while another says something else happened altogether. It takes a certain kind of mindset to put yourself in someone else shoes–and it also helps if your own eyes aren’t clouded by bias toward seeing what YOU want rather than what actually happened (which sometimes involves admitting fault) But even still, without knowing everything about each situation fully understandingly-or even partially informed through other sources outside personal experience alone –it becomes easy too quickly fall victim oneself becoming blinded truthfully speaking , leading us further away from reality making decisions based off assumptions guesswork speculation disinformation misinterpretation distortion lies deceits halftruths falsehood falsification wrongdoings Below is a long blog post about 529 plans from Forbes. It’s important to know that the author, Michael Fischer, has been an advisor with Edward Jones for over ten years and he was also an employee of American Funds before they sold their own version (Edward Jones) in 1998 after which time there were only three providers left - Vanguard, Fidelity and TIAA-CREF/CollegeAmerica. He did not disclose his history as an insider at these companies so you should read this information skeptically. That being said, I think it provides some good food for thought. It doesn’t cover all aspects but does touch on several key points including: The costs associated with 529 Plans; How they are taxed; What happens if your child decides NOT to go to college or wants to switch schools midway through? Does the money roll back into YOUR pocket untaxed? And lastly – what other ways could the same amount be invested elsewhere and grow more than a 529 Plan might? In my opinion, a Roth IRA would have done better had someone set aside $40K for retirement twenty five plus years ago. That’s just one example…… The cost benefit analysis between the two vehicles needs to take into consideration many factors such as who will pay the fees, how much the plan may earn vs real estate, bonds, mutual funds etc., when do you need access to the cash, how likely is your kid really going to attend school anywhere near the state where you live (many donors choose their home states), can you afford to lose principal given your age, number of children, financial situation & income level, what kind of investment options are available today compared to those offered even just a decade ago, and most importantly – “How much do I REALLY want to save?” These questions come down to personal preference, risk tolerance and individual circumstances. But the reality remains that few people actually calculate how much they need to achieve their goal, then compare the results against different options. Most simply use rules of thumb like “save enough for X% of tuition” without considering inflation rates, market gains, additional expenses, scholarships, grants and any other variables involved. This article highlights why we recommend starting early rather than waiting until later! What follows below includes some excerpts directly from Mr. Fisher along wtih our comments / notes……. By Michael Fischer | May 26, 2021 A friend asked me recently whether she should open up a College Savings account for her grandchildren under the new California program called Scholarshare 529 ABLE Accounts . She explained that she wanted them both to pursue higher education degrees despite having limited means herself due to health issues resulting Below is a long blog post about 15 ways to reduce your carbon footprint. It’s from the website EcoGeek, which describes itself as “a collection of articles on green living and technology.” I came across it when I was looking for ideas on how to go greener in my own life; some are easier than others, but hopefully there will be one or two you can do too! We can all make changes – big or small – that help us live more sustainably: if we each take action individually (and encourage those around us to change their behaviour) then collectively our actions add up and make a significant difference. You don’t have to give everything up either- just changing some habits could save huge amounts of energy over time without having any noticeable impact at first…the benefits really start adding up after five years according this study by McKinsey & Company so even though it might feel like nothing right now don’t underestimate what little steps done consistently will eventually lead towards something much bigger down the line😀 . Let me know how many points out ten these techniques score with regards ease/difficulty etc., because i want people who read this article to understand where they stand before deciding whether taking things further would actually improve anything here ✨ We need a serious effort on multiple fronts to tackle climate change, including individual lifestyle choices such as eating less meat and driving fewer miles per year. If everyone reduced his or her emissions by 80 percent — an amount beyond most people’s reach today—it would still only be enough to offset half of current annual growth rates globally. The good news? There are lots of simple things anyone can do every day that will cut back on pollution while also improving health and saving money along the way. In fact, research shows that adopting certain behaviors may result not only in environmental gains but economic ones as well: For example, households that buy fuel efficient cars tend to spend significantly less money maintaining them compared to drivers whose vehicles consume large volumes of gasoline due primarily because new technologies allow engines last longer between oil changes and other maintenance needs.* These kinds of investments should become increasingly commonplace given rising concerns regarding global warming caused largely through burning fossil fuels.

  1. Use public transportation instead of driving alone in your car whenever possible. This saves both air quality and money–you get exercise, avoid parking fees, and support local businesses instead of giving them extra traffic congestion problems! Public transit systems provide better service during rush hour periods anyway since riders are spread throughout several bus stops rather than bunched together near one intersection or highway exit ramp as occurs frequently when using private automobiles exclusively outside peak times (*). Also consider walking short distances versus biking them–bikes require expensive equipment whereas pedestrianism requires no special cl