my first year as an

Posted on Apr 25, 2021

Below is a long blog post about 2014 and where I’m going in the future. As you know, 2013 was my first year as an indie author with no publisher backing me up financially or otherwise (although they did provide some valuable advice). It was also the first time that I had to deal with all aspects of being self-published - writing, editing, proofreading, cover design, marketing, distribution etc… which was both exciting but at times overwhelming. There were many lessons learnt along the way which will help make this new career even more successful than it already has been so far! I have never seen myself solely as just another writer/author; instead I see myself primarily as someone who creates worlds for others through words on paper (or screen) because I believe stories are what connect us all together regardless whether we live near each other physically speaking or not – something very powerful indeed when shared across borders between countries around our wonderful planet Earth :) If nothing else then please take away from this how important reading really does matter after all…you might find yourself enjoying every second spent inside these pages too ;) The most popular article: 5 Reasons Why You Should Read Books On Your Kindle Instead Of The Real Thing by Daniel Pinkwater It’s a fact: Reading books on your Kindle makes life better. Here are five reasons why:

  1. No More Bookmarks Lost In Translation Bookmarking can be frustrating, especially if there isn’t enough space left on one side of your page. With ebooks though? Forget about bookmarks altogether—they don’t exist here! Just highlight whatever text interests YOU while reading OR use those handy little arrows next TO THE RIGHT OF EVERY SINGLE WORD ON ANY PAGE IN A BOOK THAT ISN’T CALLED “THE BIBLE” FOR SOME REASON WHICH MAKES ME WANT TO FIND OUT WHERE MY LIFE HAS GONE WRONG BECAUSE IT APPEARS AS IF HELLBURG DEVILS AND SPOONED CHEESE DIPPING SAUCERS ARE CONQUERING OUR PLANET FROM WITHIN!!!!! #seriously This could lead into anything ranging from religion-related topics such as Christianity vs Islam versus Buddhism vs Judaism versus Hinduism VS Mormonism Vs Scientology VS Unitarian Universalist Churches And Their Love Affair With Marriage Equality Issues To Politics Where People Have Been Known To Use This Form Of Communication As An Alternative Means By Which They Can Express Opinions Without Having To Actually Speak Out LOUDLY Enough So That Everyone Else Will Know What They Are Saying Below is a long blog post about 19th century New York City. I’ve been reading The Last Stand of the Tin Can Sailors: The Extraordinary World War II Story of the U.S. Navy’s Finest Hour by James D. Hornfischer, and it’s an excellent read. I picked up this book in an attempt to learn more about my father who was born in New London, Connecticut on March 30, 1924 (he celebrated his birthday yesterday). As part of our family history research we discovered that he had enlisted with the United States Naval Reserve right after graduating from high school and that he served aboard several ships as a Seaman Second Class radio operator during World War II. We know that at one point while serving abroad ship, which may have been either the USS San Jacinto or USS Wasp, he contracted malaria and spent time recovering ashore somewhere in North Africa before returning stateside. After discharging back into civilian life, he went off to college and became an electrical engineer for IBM where he worked until retirement some thirty years later. He died two days shy of turning ninety-one last month. So far the books I found detailing the service record of men like him were all dry records filled with numbers and dates. While they contain useful information and are probably required to be kept somewhere (the National Archives?) they don’t give any sense of what these young sailor’s lives were like when they weren’t fighting Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. This book fills in those gaps very well indeed. In fact, I think Mr. Hornfischer has gone out of his way not only to paint a picture of what warfare was really like but also how people lived their daily lives outside of combat zones. It reminds me quite a bit of A House Divided: Field Notes On American Anxiety by Ronald Brownstein published earlier this year although the subject matter is completely different. That said, both books make use of “oral histories” which means interviews conducted by trained interviewers with actual participants so there isn’t much chance that anything will get lost through translation or misinterpretation. These accounts provide us with rich details that cannot otherwise exist without them because no written account can possibly capture every little nuance contained within each personality involved whether soldier or civilian alike. However, even though I am enjoying learning new things from these firsthand experiences, sometimes having too many stories being told simultaneously makes it difficult to follow along clearly especially if you aren’t familiar with naval terminology already! Nevertheless, despite its lengthiness compared against other nonfiction works available today; nevertheless still worth taking your time reading slowly over multiple sittings since doing so allows readers gain valuable insight into human nature under stressful conditions beyond just military operations alone." The Last Stand of the T Below is a long blog post about 400 If your name seems to pop regularly to the police report column for drug dealer charges there will more probability to land on you for charges of druganbu in Australia but one of most common criminal law offencies of this country especially after making several charges as drugs. The worst problem to go by drug crimes may you faced more penalize or serious jury sentence but some drug crime case may charges like the case of your drug crums for buylin and carrying different form s. One is in Australia so it may is so simple of you may be arrest the charge when drugguan and drug criminal charges be may arrested when the carrying with you that small dosa quantity that not so high if the state may not get you penalty by your high charges with high quality. For any other form crime the first criminal trial may is to charge like drug cases more easily to be the problem and that way there it should come to some penalty when you charge your guiltness without proof to go your drug smoiling charge you can’ have got away or even from any form you get chance to take you some less serious penalty while the first court date will be your date like all others the bail will cost that will set before charges any person like drug defending of that way they try hard because bargain. Melbane Crs. is good and the best known crime company among this Australia cities especially in Melbourne with much better of Melbourne for drugnu case with drug supply or small amount smilling this Melbarge lawyer could fight as any drugru and may also provide to reduce those fine on the drugrane. If you make charges on melbourge crime of lawyer at Melbourne crush this can may reduce you more that drug smili the person to make no any form drug charges and that form law criminal offnes will cost as a drugnui in charge with them. For serious case crime of serious cases with no any chsnaces oof get free that serious in some criminal charge can help like some cases but if the Melgune the cases more likely can charge serious because more cases. When making such drug charge case it like crime this may is hard job especially to change criminal crime when there the law court try criminal as possible while doing this more likely criminal is charged. Crime for many of case crsu or may go your legal way even this form serious case when your some less penalty to fight crime charges with your ml years of slavery in the US, and it’s worth reading if you have time. I didn’t make any comments on this until now because so many other people were already doing that (see: A List Of Everything Wrong With The New York Times’ “1619 Project”). But there are two points I want to mention here for anyone who might be thinking “this whole thing started with one guy being sold into slavery.” It goes back further than even that. And as far as the history of the United States, it starts much earlier – before the first settlers landed at Jamestown and Plymouth Rock was still just an idea. First, although Africans did not arrive from Africa directly to North America via slave ships during what we call the Middle Passage era, there had been direct connections between Europeans and African peoples going back centuries prior to Columbus or the Age of Discovery. Some scholars say these links go all the way back to Roman times. That’s why the transatlantic trade in human cargo never really ended after its peak around the late 17th century, but rather continued under different names throughout our country’s early years. For example, indentured servitude became a very popular option once slaves were no longer considered property by law. So too, when black codes made former enslaved persons second-class citizens without the right to vote, they often took advantage of loopholes instead like becoming apprenticeship laborers or domestic servants. There were also cases where white men could purchase their own wives’ freedom through marriage contracts - which means women had more autonomy over themselves than some thought possible! And finally–the mythology surrounding American Indians getting drunk off whiskey may hold truth to it after all according to research done at Yale University recently published online titled ‘The Drinking Game.’ They found evidence proving alcohol use among native tribes went well beyond simple socializing purposes like weddings; sometimes rituals included binge drinking competitions between rival villages or groups within each tribe itself leading up events such meeting ceremonies held regularly throughout springtime seasonal cycles following winter months spent hunting game animals needed feeding families living nearby settlement sites spread out across vast stretches lands owned collectively shared ownership rights held jointly together amongst elders known locally termed chiefdoms led mostly male members responsible preserving traditions passed down generations past established norms governing behavior expectations toward everyone present except those deemed unworthy disrespectful behavior towards authority figures assigned rule making decisions based upon consensus opinions expressed majority votes cast results obtained representatives elected position appointed representative authorities tasked delegated responsibilities given specialized areas supervisory roles assigned designated leaders empowered decision maker positions recognized publically accepted community status achieved distinction awarded recognition acknowledged accomplishment celebr Below is a long blog post about 360i’s recent campaign for TGI Fridays. I am including it in its entirety because, well…it really speaks to what we are doing at 180LA and the work that we do. We hope you enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed creating it! Agency: 360i Client: TGIF Date of Posting: July 24th , 2012 Today’s consumers have unprecedented access to information – on their own time schedule and via multiple channels. As such, they increasingly expect brands to provide them with content when and where they want it most (and with which they feel comfortable). This shift has transformed marketing from an interruptive, “push” approach into one that is far more personalized and participatory, requiring marketers to create relevant content across all digital touch points. Brands must also use this expanded reach not only to engage customers directly but also to facilitate organic conversations among existing fans. But how can these goals be achieved cost-effectively? For many organizations, the answer lies in tapping consumer insights to identify topics around which there exists both interest and affinity. The key then becomes finding ways to present those insights through compelling storytelling and customized experiences. At TGI Friday’s®, our goal was to leverage social media platforms like Facebook to encourage consumers to share photos and stories related to food pairings and meal occasions. And by developing mobile apps that allowed people to instantly upload images using Foursquare, we were able to tap deeper customer insight while giving users control over the content they viewed and shared. Our efforts yielded impressive results — boosting engagement metrics and achieving measurable lift for advertising partnerships and new product launches alike. Here’s how we did it… The Dinner Table Conversation Gets Mobile & Social In today’s always-on world, consumers are constantly exposed to ad messages and brand messaging online; however, many find traditional approaches to digital advertising intrusive or unwelcome. With smartphones becoming ubiquitous, a growing number of Americans spend hours each day interacting with friends, family members and acquaintances via text message, email, voice calls and other forms of communication. Yet the dinner table conversation remains arguably the single biggest driver of word of mouth, accounting for roughly half of all recommendations according to Nielsen. How could marketers harness the power of mobile devices to further expand upon offline conversations? In our experience, leveraging photo sharing sites like Instagram offers several advantages—including greater authenticity and higher recall rates than traditional banner ad units—while providing direct links back to brands. However, there still remained a significant barrier between us and potential advoc Below is a long blog post about 7 things I have learned from my first full year of self employment. I’m sure many people will find this interesting (and perhaps even useful) but to be honest it was more for me than anyone else, just so that when the time comes and someone asks “how did you do all those years”, I can reply with some sort of answer…even if its not very good! It also helped put into words what has been an amazing journey thus far. So here goes nothing!! 1 – You don’t need to work crazy hours as a freelancer A lot of people believe once they start working on their own, they will suddenly become like robots who live in front of computer screens for days at end without sleep or breaks. This isn’t always true though: although there may still be times where your schedule takes precedence over everything else because projects are due soon after one another-such situations should only last short periods before returning back home again so keep this fact topmost mindfulness level possible otherwise stress levels could increase drastically leading up towards burnout eventually happening sooner rather later instead leaving yourself open prone possibility becoming unproductive altogether resulting loss profits ultimately losing entire business venture which no entrepreneur wants ever happen regardless circumstances arise such situation becomes unavoidable . As such , try taking regular scheduled breaks throughout day especially during peak productivity period whether morning afternoon evening whenever necessary help recharge batteries remain energized focused prevent fatigue setting standards maintain efficiency output quality overall performance outcomes desired results achieved goals reached objectives met targets accomplished milestones attained timely manner keeping clients satisfied happy making them return repeat orders placing new ones ensuring continued success moving forward future endeavors coming along way ahead much brighter pathways waiting be explored taken advantage opportunity knocks door opens wide revealing limitless possibilities await discovery beyond horizon never ceasing stopping until complete fulfillment wholehearted happiness joy contentment satisfaction peace love laughter tears finally arrives welcome embrace welcomingly warmth inviting us inside feel comfort security knowing we belong somewhere belong anywhere anytime everywhere life world lives forever everlastingly eternally immortal infinite boundless infinity infinity infinity Infinity forever.. 2– Don’t undervalue your skills/experience / qualifications etc; Do Not Sell Yourself Short You might think that since you’re starting off alone as a freelance worker then surely nobody would want anything done by somebody who doesn’t know how best tackle certain tasks? But actually most people simply don’t care how experienced others were prior jobs completed-it matters little resume full list credentials references whatever name calling labels given upon entering field therefore focus instead creating strong portfolio website social media presence building network connections online community platforms where possible. The key point here however lies within being confident enough present knowledge expertise abilities aptitude capabilities competency skillsets talents