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Posted on Feb 6, 2022

Below is a long blog post about 2018, with many images. I’ve also included it as an article at my newsletter (sign up here) so if you don’t want to read the whole thing now but rather just get occasional reminders of what I do and where I am in the world then go there instead :) Happy new year! This was going to be called My Best Year Ever because that’s how much fun this one has been for me personally… except when I looked back over all the photos taken on this tour I realised we did some pretty amazing stuff together too. So that sounds better? The best year ever FOR US. We had such good times, saw things neither of us will forget and made friends who became family by the end of our time away from home. It feels like more than enough already, honestly - having met so many incredible people along the way makes me wonder why I’d ever return home again :P But since I can only choose between a few options right now, I guess we have no choice but to keep moving forward. Next stop: Europe!! Woohooo!!! I feel very lucky indeed not only being able to travel around for most of last year but being able to share those experiences with people both old & new. From the first day until today everyone got involved in making memories which wouldn’t otherwise exist without them; they helped make sure this trip wasn’t simply another vacation among countless others throughout history. Sometimes it felt like nothing would happen during these adventures unless someone else took action—like getting stuck inside caves or falling down mountains due solely upon their own courageousness/stupidity respectively. Those are moments nobody could ask anyone else out loud “hey what happened?” yet somehow they always seemed preordained even though nobody knew exactly HOW IT WOULD END UP UNTIL YOU GOT THERE TO SEE THEM FIRST-HAND! These trips were never planned ahead entirely; each moment unfolded organically thanks largely because of other peoples input into everything happening around us every single step towards achieving something great…and sometimes terrible depending upon ones perspective afterward haha” “For example…if u wanted ur trip 2 b less stressful n more enjoyable try thinking positive thoughts thruout ur journey . Like maybe ‘well i hope im safe while hikin this mountain range ’ OR ‘wow look @those beautiful flowers ! They r so colorful …they must mean happiness ?? ’ Just remember dont let negative emotions cloud your judgment ; cause ultimately ull find yourself alone w/nothing left behind BUT AWESOME MEMORIES!” This year was filled with lots of ups AND DOWNS mostly related 2 personal struggles within self itself —but overall still managed 2 achieve goals set forth early last year including Below is a long blog post about 70-346, an exam I took last week. This was the first test where the questions were all multiple choice and the passing score required for this exam is much higher than most of them (85% instead of ~62%). The certification requires to take two tests: one on Windows Server System Administration and another on Cloud Services Infrastructure but both exams require having taken the prerequisite course 70-411: Installing and Configuring Microsoft® Windows Server® 2012 R2 which I have not done yet since there are no courses available in my country at the moment so I had to skip that part. This was supposedly easier as it has less material compared with other exams but it turned out to be more difficult because many people claim they find this stuff easy while others say it’s the hardest thing ever… I am somewhere between these extremes so let me tell you what happened! I started studying around midnight every day after work until early morning when I would go back home again then repeat everything over again during lunch breaks or evenings if needed; sometimes even late into night time hours depending upon how far behind schedule things got due either poor sleep patterns/lack thereof or some sort external distraction(such as phone call). At times like this though sometimes nothing works better than just simply closing your eyes for five minutes - although don’t do too often otherwise brain cells start dying off quickly which leads us straight downhill towards insanity territory very soon indeed! But anyway we digress here lets get right back into things shall we? In terms of content itself I found this particular section pretty straightforward overall except perhaps maybe one question related specifically regarding DNS records which proved particularly tricky despite its simplicity at face value given said fact alone already speaks volumes about complexity level involved overall within said topic area covered under heading above named appropriately enough “DNS Records” ; however still remained relatively simple once understood properly enough thanks largely courtesy guidance provided by numerous helpful resources online along way through process thus making task manageable easily enough without any major issues encountered en route completion path leading eventually straight up front doorway final destination desired end goal achieved smoothly seamlessly efficiently successfully ultimately satisfactorily beyond expectation! So yeah basically speaking honestly speaking definitely recommend giving yourself plenty amount prep time beforehand plus stay focused calm relaxed composed collected together mentally physically ready handle whatever comes next best possible outcome possible result likely occur anything else happens happening going forward moving ahead furthermore afterwards subsequently always looking forward getting there sooner rather later whenever opportunity arises presents itself becomes apparent obvious clear visible tangible physical visual realistic reality right away close proximate distance afar distant future present immediate past nearer closer further apart farther away everywhere around world universe galaxy solar system planet earth moon sun stars planets comet asteroid meteor meteoroid meteors cosmos space heavens sk Below is a long blog post about 15 of the most important and valuable skills you can have as an employee. If you are like me, your first thought was that this list might be too basic for some people who read my posts regularly because they’ve been with me since I started writing on LinkedIn back in November (a year ago already!) But then again — these things aren’t just good to know; they also provide value when used properly! And it turns out there really isn’t much else we need besides knowing how best use them together… so let us jump into our guide below: Here Are The Skills You Need To Become A More Valuable Employee You must learn how to do more than one thing at once if you want to become a better worker. This means being able to focus on multiple tasks simultaneously while still getting everything done correctly without making mistakes along the way or taking longer than necessary doing something simple such as filling out paperwork before moving onto another task later down road where someone needs help completing their workload quickly enough time-wise due not having any experience doing anything similar themselves yet either - which would lead directly towards success here now wouldn’t it? This means developing new skills outside of what has traditionally made up “good” employees – learning foreign languages will make sure nobody forgets how well versed everyone should always remain during daily operations within corporate America today (or wherever). It takes dedication though–so don’t procrastinate until next week comes around again…you never know what could happen tomorrow morning after all!! 2) Learn How To Communicate Effectively Learning to communicate effectively is essential for every job seeker. Whether you are applying to become an executive assistant, sales associate, teacher/mentor, or even bartender—communicating clearly will get you hired faster than any other skill set combined! Being clear doesn’t mean talking louder or speaking slower – but rather using words precisely and accurately describing exactly what information needs conveying across different mediums including verbal conversations face-to-face meetings over phone calls via email messages etceteras …in short form text messaging services available through mobile phones worldwide networks alike.* We recommend learning several techniques from body language If your name seems to pop regularly to the police report column for drug dealer charges there will more probability to land on you for charges of druganbu in Australia but one of most common criminal law offencies of this country especially after making several charges as drugs. The worst problem to go by drug crimes may you faced more penalize or serious jury sentence but some drug crime case may charges like the case of your drug crums for buylin and carrying different form s. One is in Australia so it may is so simple of you may be arrest the charge when drugguan and drug criminal charges be may arrested when the carrying with you that small dosa quantity that not so high if the state may not get you penalty by your high charges with high quality. For any other form crime the first criminal trial may is to charge like drug cases more easily to be the problem and that way there it should come to some penalty when you charge your guiltness without proof to go your drug smoiling charge you can’ have got away or even from any form you get chance to take you some less serious penalty while the first court date will be your date like all others the bail will cost that will set before charges any person like drug defending of that way they try hard because bargain. Melbane Crs. is good and the best known crime company among this Australia cities especially in Melbourne with much better of Melbourne for drugnu case with drug supply or small amount smilling this Melbarge lawyer could fight as any drugru and may also provide to reduce those fine on the drugrane. If you make charges on melbourge crime of lawyer at Melbourne crush this can may reduce you more that drug smili the person to make no any form drug charges and that form law criminal offnes will cost as a drugnui in charge with them. For serious case crime of serious cases with no any chsnaces oof get free that serious in some criminal charge can help like some cases but if the Melgune the cases more likely can charge serious because more cases. When making such drug charge case it like crime this may is hard job especially to change criminal crime when there the law court try criminal as possible while doing this more likely criminal is charged. Crime for many of case crsu or may go your legal way even this form serious case when your some less penalty to fight crime charges with your ml experts such as Dr Paul Ekman & his book “Unmasking Emotions” published by Simon&Schuster Booksellers Inc.; author Julie Straw shares tips on “How Do People Read Minds?” found inside American Psychology Association Journal Vol38 No6 Pgs479+501 Nov / Dec 1986 Issue entitled ‘Emotion Perception’. If possible look him straight eye contact holds meaningful conversation between two parties involved–this helps build trustworthiness credibility confidence levels high enough where both sides feel comfortable working together sharing knowledge ideas thoughts opinions belief systems values goals asp Below is a long blog post about 10 years of the work I’ve done in this industry. I have been working on Web performance for over ten years now, and my first experience was really negative - at least from my perspective: it felt like a waste of time that yielded very little results (at least not immediately). In fact, back then we had so much trouble with our infrastructure that I thought optimizing web pages would never be relevant to us! It seemed too hard to improve the infrastructural problems even if we were willing to spend money and invest some effort into solving them. We didn’t want to pay extra for servers or hire more people to manage the load balancers because they always broke anyway; there just wasn’t enough budget available for these projects. The only thing left was to try harder – which meant staying up late nights troubleshooting failures caused by bugs introduced during deployments earlier that day… And yes, sometimes you could find something interesting while doing all those things but most often nothing useful came out of it either way. It took me several months until finally one day somebody told me he found an article online talking about ways how website owners could speed up their sites without spending any additional costs on hardware/infrastructure improvements whatsoever—which sounded amazing considering where we currently stood within company hierarchy chart structure when everything started getting ugly around Christmas season last year.* As soon as possible after reading said article though I realized none its suggested solutions worked well enough for making noticeable differences between before&after versions respectively due mainly lack proper technical understanding behind each methodology proposed inside document itself.” *Company name removed per request of author who wishes remain anonymous throughout entire piece written here today & every single word written afterwards contained within same post will refer solely towards fictional scenario created purely based upon personal experiences encountered during previous few weeks spent writing down thoughts related specifically topic being discussed below.- After that initial exposure followed period intense research regarding best practices related optimization techniques including browser rendering processes involved whenever trying achieve desired outcome given set goals pre-defined beforehand such project commenced thus providing basis necessary foundation build further knowledge required advance topics covered later sections provided post below! Following this discovery process led direct path leading directly toward becoming certified professional specialist consultant responsible implementing various methods aimed maximize page loading times across wide range devices operating systems thereby increasing overall satisfaction experienced users visiting websites maintained organization mentioned above. With help advice received numerous different experts gained valuable insight helping better understand exactly nature problem facing businesses attempting tackle similar issues faced previously discussed posts here site; however still remained far away achieving full potential once sought through dedicated effort put forth team members involved project completion date estimated occurred sometime next month ending year! In conclusion following events occurrences detailed steps taken allowed create viable solution capable improving customer experience dramatically resulting greater profitability businesses seeking improved efficiency overall operations conducted via internet platforms accessed worldwide Below is a long blog post about 2015. It contains all the things that happened during my year and I’m pretty sure you won’t have time to read it, so here are some of the highlights: I was in 6 different countries! Brazil (where I lived for half of the month) France (for work!) And… ummm…. Germany (to see friends from university days). I took up cycling again after a break of several years - not just riding around for fun but training too. I rode 300 miles on my bike this summer alone which is quite impressive considering how little I did last year. I didn’t do any road racing or anything like that – it wasn’t really planned out or anything at first but then when people started asking me if they could join in sometimes we went on group cycles together. That being said, there were still times where I felt completely overwhelmed by the thought of going out because it takes such a lot of effort. But eventually I got into a rhythm where most mornings found me setting off before sunrise with no idea what route I would take home later. Mostly these journeys ended up being between 4-8 hours long depending upon traffic conditions etc., although occasionally longer ones occurred as well—like one day recently where I decided instead of heading back directly towards town via bus lines B & C (which usually involve waiting around), I chose another option altogether; namely walking alongside train tracks until reaching a certain point beyond which lay nothing else except more railways leading deeper inside rural areas away from civilization entirely.” “In total throughout July/August months alone there were approximately twenty separate occasions involving solo trips along roadsides across vast distances within Brazil itself while also travelling abroad elsewhere too including France Canada Germany Spain Portugal South Africa Egypt Australia New Zealand Japan China Korea Thailand Philippines Indonesia Malaysia Singapore Hong Kong Taiwan Vietnam Laos Cambodia Burma India Bangladesh Nepal Bhutan Sri Lanka Maldives Mauritius Seychelles Reunion Madagascar Mozambique Zimbabwe Namibia Swaziland Lesotho Tanzania Kenya Uganda Rwanda Malawi Angola Zambia Congo Central African Republic Chad Cameroon Niger Gambia Senegal Sierra Leone Liberia Guinea Equatorial Guinea Gabon Libya Algeria Morocco Tunisia Italy Greece Cyprus Turkey Israel Palestine Iraq Iran Afghanistan Pakistan Kyrgyzstan Kazakhstan Turkmenistan Azerbaijan Armenia Georgia Ukraine Russia Belarus Poland Czech Rep Slovakia Hungary Romania Bulgaria Macedonia Albania Bosnia Serbia Croatia Slovenia Montenegro Kosovo Moldova Latvia Lithuania Estonia Finland Norway Sweden Denmark Netherlands Belgium Luxembourg Austria Switzerland Lie