Radio Alaska In June 2016

Posted on Aug 6, 2023

Below is a long blog post about 1980s music that I’ve written for the website of my local radio station, Radio Alaska. In June 2016 (the summer after I graduated from college), I was working as an intern at KUAC-FM in Fairbanks and they asked me to write something on their website called “Alaskan Music Month”. The idea was to interview musicians who have been influenced by our state or are currently living here now, but it didn’t really pan out because most of them had moved away years ago so there weren’t many stories left untold—but not all! There were still plenty more songs waiting beneath surface waters like sea cucumbers: just wait until you hear what else lies hidden underneath this big ole ballin’ globe earth planet sun moon solar system universe! You might also want to check out some other posts we wrote while researching this series including one dedicated solely towards discussing why these particular artists deserve attention right now instead another artist whose name rhymes with “Lady Gaga” because she has yet release any new material since her debut album came out back when George W Bush was president…I mean seriously? Does anyone remember anything about him except maybe how much he loved cowboy boots which led us into war based off misinformation given by people who probably shouldn’t even be allowed near computers let alone making decisions affect millions upon millions lives around world…yeah ok fine whatever lets talk politics later though cause today topic revolves entirely around greatness found within songwriting craftsmanship displayed through lyrics delivered over beat produced by man named Prince Paul which sounds kinda funny considering everything mentioned thus far doesn’t seem particularly related subject matter at hand unless perhaps listener happens happen stumble across certain line containing word “lady gagaaahhhh!!!” Then again maybe wouldn’t mind hearing little bit longer version story involving said individual especially if includes description surrounding events occurring during period time frame between late eighties early nineties where things started getting weird once again thanks largely influence exerted onto culture mainstream pop via likes Madonna Cyndi Lauper Paula Abdul Janet Jackson et al however don’t worry dear reader rest assured will end soon enough because next sentence contains words: “So without further ado let present episode focusing exclusively on talented individuals responsible bringing forth sounds known collective term rap.” And then it goes on talking about rappers, specifically Eminem (who I am totally okay with being included). So yeah I guess technically speaking did mention lady gagaaahhhhh earlier too?? But anyway moving swiftly forward shall continue doing same thing going forward unless otherwise stated otherwise somewhere along path which hopefully takes place very shortly indeed since conclusion seems pretty obvious already despite having only scratched surface deep dark recesses heart soul minds creative processes musical geniuses Below is a long blog post about 2014. Mostly, I want to write down some of my accomplishments this year, and reflect on the things that went well for me (and not so well) in terms of healthy eating habits, cooking skills, time management etc., as well as record how many books I read throughout the year. If you are interested, you can also have a look at what happened last year here: 2013 - A Year In Review! So without further ado…here’s my list of achievements from 2014:

  1. Completed a Master’s degree in Environmental Science with Honours - yay!! :) This has been one of the biggest goals I set myself when starting university, and it feels awesome to cross it off my list. The thesis was titled “Food security through urban agriculture” which looks into the benefits of growing your own food within cities and towns – both environmental/social aspects, but mostly focussed on food production and sustainability issues related to large-scale industrial farming practices. It took up most of my academic career, leaving little or no room left over for other activities such as sport or socialising outside uni hours! However, now that all assessment tasks are complete and final submission submitted, the feeling of relief is enormous!!! ;)
  2. Became an ambassador for the Australian Food Sovereignty Alliance - along with two others who share similar interests to mine regarding localised and regionalised food systems. Our main aim is to increase awareness around food and nutrition policy matters, as well as advocate for better options available to people living in rural areas. We recently held our first meeting together and discussed several key issues we hope to focus attention towards during next year. So exciting times ahead! :D You can follow us via Facebook if you wish by clicking HERE.
  3. Spent three weeks travelling across Europe with my boyfriend after finishing uni exams early December. Visited Belgium (Brussels), Germany (Frankfurt & Munich), Austria (Vienna), Hungary (Budapest) and finally Switzerland (Zurich). Had a wonderful trip filled with lots of delicious food including authentic German sausages, Swiss fondue made right before dinner, Austrian schnitzel served with fries and kartoffeln and much more besides!! I will definitely be writing separate posts about each destination later…but just wanted to mention this important milestone for now. Thanks everyone for following along with my journey on Instagram (@green_talk)! xxoo
  4. Won second place out of five nominees in NSW University Student Government Elections earlier this month. I am extremely humbled because there were four amazing candidates running against me; however, being selected as vice president for campus Below is a long blog post about 3D printing and its impact on the world. I’ve posted it here to keep our website more current, but if you prefer not reading through all of this info then scroll down for a short summary at the end! For those who don’t know what exactly a 3D printer does or how they work, let me explain first. A 3d Printer works by taking digital files in .stl format (a file extension) that represent an object from a CAD model program like Solidworks, Autocad etc., and creating physical objects layer-by-layer using melted material which can be plastic(used most commonly), metals such as aluminum and titanium alloys, cement etc.. It will take each layer and build up until complete depending on your specific machine. The final product is almost always a working version of whatever design was originally created with a few exceptions where only parts are made rather than whole pieces for testing purposes before going into mass production or prototyping new ideas/designs. The technology behind these machines has been around since 1984 when Chuck Hull invented stereolithography also known as SLA; however commercial use didn’t start happening until later due mostly because materials were expensive back then so there wasn’t much interest among businesses wanting them unless absolutely necessary – although some companies did experiment early on including NASA who used one during space shuttle launch preparations! However now thanks largely in part due recent advances we see many different types available today ranging anywhere between $50-$2 million dollars based primarily off size limitations imposed upon usability capabilities along side other factors such price point per unit time frame required completion cycles needed versus desired quality output ratio sought after goal reached successfully achieved ultimate outcome expected result experienced overall satisfaction level felt by user throughout entire process. As mentioned above though perhaps biggest factor preventing wider adoption thus far seems stemming mainly financial constraints combined lack awareness knowledge surrounding 3D Printing technology itself leading consumers remain uninformed regarding their options thus continue purchasing products online instead locally manufactured alternatives thus making money elsewhere causing supply chain problems resulting reduced competition driving prices even higher still leaving little room savings passed onto consumer ultimately hurting economy overall effecting everyone involved negatively regardless situation. While true statement may seem somewhat dramatic nonetheless certainly accurate especially considering potential ramifications associated increased accessibility lower cost barriers entry points within given industry sector marketplace allowing small entrepreneurs compete against larger competitors thereby increasing efficiency reducing costs while simultaneously improving service delivery outcomes benefiting both sides equally well provided right conditions exist meaning environment remains conducive towards collaboration efforts cooperation amongst various parties involved creating win-win scenario everybody happy ending! So if interested definitely worthwhile exploring possibilities further researching topic thoroughly understanding pros cons implications risks rewards benefits advantages disadvantages draw Below is a long blog post about 2015. Here’s the short version: 2016 will be my first year of professional writing, and it will also mark six years since I moved to London for university. As such, in order to celebrate both milestones (and as well as making some plans), this summer has seen me putting together my own website – here you are! But don’t worry; I haven’t abandoned Twitter or Instagram just yet… I had a great time at the Women’s Equality Party campaign launch on Tuesday night. It was especially good seeing so many people from across different parties coming out in support of gender equality. The party manifesto really does have something important to say, and I think there could definitely be more events like these happening all over the country if we want real change within our political system. This month saw us head back down south after spending Christmas with family up north. We stayed in Brighton before heading off into Sussex countryside, which felt very peaceful despite its proximity to urban areas. There were lots of lovely walks around old English villages where everything seemed slow-paced compared with London life – except when cows crossed your path along narrow lanes that lead nowhere else but straight past them anyway. This area reminded me why living near nature can make city dwellers feel much less stressed than those who live far away from green spaces and fresh air. After several days spent exploring local pubs by foot instead driving everywhere due lack public transport options available nearby though still managed find plenty interesting things happen during stay including meeting friendly locals while walking through town centre one morning only finding ourselves surrounded group young children playing football outside library later same day before finally getting chance try few drinks inside bar close friend owned restaurant next door afterwards even though didn’t end up eating anything until returning home late afternoon thanks largely because couldn’t decide between chips n gravy pizza cheese burger sandwich soup salad taco nachos sushi curry kebab shawarma quiche baklava crepes gelato icecream sorbet yoghurt frozen custard milkshake smoothie frappe latte mocha macchiato coffee tea etc.,etc.. The WEP event made an excellent start towards achieving their aim of having ‘a women’s party’ rather than simply being another single issue campaigning organisation focused solely upon issues relating specifically towards female empowerment If your name seems to pop regularly to the police report column for drug dealer charges there will more probability to land on you for charges of druganbu in Australia but one of most common criminal law offencies of this country especially after making several charges as drugs. The worst problem to go by drug crimes may you faced more penalize or serious jury sentence but some drug crime case may charges like the case of your drug crums for buylin and carrying different form s. One is in Australia so it may is so simple of you may be arrest the charge when drugguan and drug criminal charges be may arrested when the carrying with you that small dosa quantity that not so high if the state may not get you penalty by your high charges with high quality. For any other form crime the first criminal trial may is to charge like drug cases more easily to be the problem and that way there it should come to some penalty when you charge your guiltness without proof to go your drug smoiling charge you can’ have got away or even from any form you get chance to take you some less serious penalty while the first court date will be your date like all others the bail will cost that will set before charges any person like drug defending of that way they try hard because bargain. Melbane Crs. is good and the best known crime company among this Australia cities especially in Melbourne with much better of Melbourne for drugnu case with drug supply or small amount smilling this Melbarge lawyer could fight as any drugru and may also provide to reduce those fine on the drugrane. If you make charges on melbourge crime of lawyer at Melbourne crush this can may reduce you more that drug smili the person to make no any form drug charges and that form law criminal offnes will cost as a drugnui in charge with them. For serious case crime of serious cases with no any chsnaces oof get free that serious in some criminal charge can help like some cases but if the Melgune the cases more likely can charge serious because more cases. When making such drug charge case it like crime this may is hard job especially to change criminal crime when there the law court try criminal as possible while doing this more likely criminal is charged. Crime for many of case crsu or may go your legal way even this form serious case when your some less penalty to fight crime charges with your ml & equality matters alone–this means not forgetting other social justice causes either – although admittedly sometimes easier said then done given current political climate surrounding Brexit referendum result last June followed closely behind shock election victory US President Donald Trump earlier November leaving many feeling disillusioned frustrated angry confused sad disappointed etceteras…In conclusion however I believe wholeheartedly strongly recommend attending future Below is a long blog post about 2014 and I thought it might be too much to read in one sitting. So here are some bullet points (and my comments) for those of you who don’t want the full meal deal! – I had surgery on both wrists which were causing severe pain and numbness; this was followed by three weeks of healing time, then six months rehab where I learned how to walk again without using a cane or crutches…but now that part is behind me! -I spent most days working at home as a writer but also did freelance work when needed so there wasn’t always enough money coming through each month—which meant less stress overall because we didn’t have bills piling up all over us like usual.” “My husband went back into the hospital after being diagnosed with congestive heart failure last year (he has been fighting this disease since childhood). This means our finances took another hit due largely from medical expenses related specifically towards his health care needs including medication costs etcetera”. He is still recovering today though slowly progresses forward every day despite what doctors predicted would happen otherwise if nothing changed within him physically speaking – meaning no improvement would take place until further downstream occurred first off course before anything else could occur naturally without any human interference involved anywhere along these lines.” The first half of this article is more personal than professional, although I will cover some business topics later in the piece. The second half focuses entirely on productivity techniques: what they are and why you should use them yourself! Here goes… We spend a lot of time talking about goals and how important they are for success, but not nearly enough attention gets given toward what actually happens once your goal is achieved? What does winning feel like? How often do people celebrate their victories even just small ones? If something good comes out of an achievement doesn’t mean everything ends right away - sometimes there may need another level added onto top yet somehow manageable under specific conditions set forth previously mentioned above." It seems counterproductive sometimes but trust me when I say “It’ll payoff big-time eventually” (unless ur stuck doing laundry forever)! Most successful entrepreneurs know what works best for them when making decisions regarding projects/ventures/business ideas–this includes taking risks outside comfort zones occasionally even knowing failure rates tend higher riskier venture type situations compared others less likely occurrences involving lower levels impacts negatively affecting bottom line profit margins significantly decreasing chances getting started moving ahead quickly efficiently securing new clients partnerships investors suppliers vendors customers whatever you call ’em…you get idea ;) Here is a list of things I accomplished during 2014: Completed two draft novels for my series “Ascension” which included writing