to write and I hope

Posted on Sep 2, 2020

Below is a long blog post about 2013, from my perspective. It’s not for everybody but it sure was fun to write and I hope you enjoy reading. I wanted this year to be different than the last few years of my life because so much has happened in those years that it would take volumes to capture all of them! So here we go….. The first thing I did on January 1st was to spend time with Jesus Christ as He leads me into another year of being His disciple – 56th straight year since becoming one at age five when I repented of sin (rebellion) against God by asking Him to forgive me. In case there are any doubters out there who do not believe that God loves us enough to save us if we ask Him for forgiveness, let me assure you that I am living proof that He does. Yes indeed, He DOES love each person more than he/she can imagine or understand even though some people think they know better than God what should happen to everyone else (including themselves). I’ve seen the fruit of someone who is truly born again through salvation: They have no malice toward anyone; instead they show compassion to others including their enemies. That describes me perfectly every day whether other people like it or not!! Hallelujah!!! And Amen!!! I got up early today before dawn to spend an hour alone with God just talking about everything going on around me right now which includes praying for our country during these difficult times where evil seems rampant everywhere especially within Washington D C itself unfortunately . But don’t worry -– God knows exactly how things will end up eventually ,even tho sometimes bad guys seem very powerful until they get defeated later somehow miraculously often unexpectedly suddenly due perhaps simply because human leaders make mistakes leading ultimately towards defeat rather quickly maybe even soon after making said mistake(s)! We must always remember that history repeats itself over & over again throughout millennia past present future eternity beyond comprehension really without fail consistently forevermore unquestionably absolutely undeniable 🙂 ! Thank You Lord For Everything Always Everyday All The Time Forever More Eternally Everlastingly Eternally Yours & Mine … AMEN & ALLELUJAH !!!!! In conclusion ,let us never forget Who Is In Charge Of Our Lives At ALL Times Regardless What Happens Because No Matter How Bad Things Get Here On Earth When Death Comes Calling ; Only Then Will We Reach Heaven As Well 😉 Enjoy Life Now While Still Living Here Under God Almighty Father Son Holy Spirit Ruler Over Creation Universe Universes Galaxies Star Systems Planets Moons Asteroids Meteorites Etc etc etc .. This New Year started off well for me personally with good health and lots Below is a long blog post about 2015, and I know you don’t want to read it. But if you do then here are some bullet points: I made $483K in freelance income last year (and only work part time). I started with nothing at the beginning of this journey. Now I am my own boss working from home while traveling whenever possible. I live off dividend income now! It has been an amazingly exciting ride so far and things just keep getting better every month. My life is so much more fulfilling because I get to be self-employed instead of chained down by someone else. This was a great year for growth on this site as well. In terms of traffic I had over half million visitors come through this website which is up ~67% compared to 2014. The number of people who visit daily keeps increasing and that tells me we have something special going here. With this increase also came increased revenue via advertising and affiliate sales. This all helps pay for running this site. I’m super grateful to each and everyone one of you readers out there. Without your support none of what happens around here would happen. Thanks again! My goal for 2016 will continue being to share knowledge and help other people take control of their finances. If you can help one person make smarter financial decisions or reach FIRE sooner than they normally would then everything worth doing makes itself obvious. So let’s focus our attention where its needed most right? Hopefully this community grows even larger next year so that we collectively can spread the word further still. There should never be any shame associated w/ living below your means + saving money towards retirement. Those who shun others for not having enough wealth usually end up regretting those choices later once reality sets back into place after spending too much today… As always feel free to comment below if anything mentioned above resonates w/ u specifically!! We gotta stick together ; ) . The first quarter ended March 31st, marking the start of fiscal year 2015 (FY15) for many companies. According to the latest available data, U.S.-based firms reported profits totaling nearly $1 trillion dollars during Q1 alone – making them among some of America’s biggest businesses ever recorded! For comparison purposes; consider how much money these corporations generated throughout ALL OF LAST YEAR ($1.5 TRILLION)! You could say they were quite successful—but wait until you hear why… In addition to recording such impressive figures across various industries including technology manufacturing services healthcare etc., another interesting fact regarding FY15 stands out when looking closer at specific sectors within American enterprise: namely energy production transportation communication telecommunications consumer products apparel food Below is a long blog post about 6 reasons why you should read the Bible. I wrote this article because most people are not reading their bibles as much anymore and I believe that’s one of the major reason we have so many problems in our lives today, especially when it comes to Christianity… In my opinion there would be no need for any other religion if all Christians were regularly studying God’s word and applying what they learn into their daily life… Many times over the years I’ve heard non-Christians say “the only time I ever hear from them (referring to Churches) is during Easter or Christmas”… Even some believers will tell me how they don’t understand why they never get anything out of church? They always walk away feeling like something was missing! And then someone asks “Why do you go?” If they answer with something along these lines: To spend quality time with Jesus Christ" Or ‘because I feel convicted by Him", then I know exactly where they are coming from! But often they just show up at church every Sunday morning and leave afterward without thinking twice about whether they learned ANYTHING while they were there … Reading The Holy Scriptures Is A Must For Any True Follower Of Christ & Here Are Six Reasons Why You Should Do It Regularly As Well.. 1.) So That We Might Know Our Lord Better – Whenever anyone studies His Word he/she gains an understanding on who He really IS… Not just knowing facts about HIM but also learning more about how HE works within us individually which can lead towards growing spiritually closer together than before . Also ,it gives insight onto various topics such as salvation through faith alone ; sin vs righteousness etc … 2.) In Order To Have Strong Faith - Having strong faith means having confidence that everything happens according plan even though sometimes things may seem difficult too tough handle ! Reading scripture helps build up strength inside oneself allowing them deal better challenges ahead instead being paralyzed fear uncertainty failure success etc .. This makes sense right ? Yes definitely !! Because whenever u study scriptures ur mind becomes filled wisdom knowledge truthfulness courage determination hope joy peace patience kindness love compassion mercy justice forgiveness humility obedience faithfulness honesty integrity purity temperance chastity self control contentment charity generosity hospitality brotherhood sisterhood fidelity loyalty reverence worship praise honor glory thanksgiving gratitude prayer fast abstinence asceticism contemplative meditation silence solitude stillness simplicity poverty penury sparseness modest restraint moderate restriction curb discipline denial vow renunciations surrender immolation martyrdom heroic virtue magnanimity magnificent grandeur splendor sublimity nobility greatness loftiness elevated summit eminent towering high majestic glorious Below is a long blog post about 2015, my first year as the sole director of Adoption Matters. It has been quite an adventure! I have loved every minute and want to share with you what this past year meant for me personally and professionally. In January we welcomed our third daughter into our family through adoption from China. Her name in Chinese means “happy” so she really fits her name well – Happy! She was also known as “Dora’s Friend”, which refers to Dora the Explorer because when we were waiting at the airport to meet her flight (which had been delayed) two little boys ran over to us yelling “Its Doras Friends!” They made it official: Everyone loves happy! We love how God brings people together that are all connected by one common thread- Himself. He gave us the opportunity to welcome another child into our home, and we could not be more thankful or blessed! We began working on our 3rd book project. This time around there will be five families featured including our own story! The book will feature three different types of adoptions within North America; domestic infant, international special needs/medical, and foster care adoptions. With each type of adoption comes unique challenges, but we believe these stories can inspire others who may be considering adopting themselves or know someone else who might benefit from their experiences. In June we did some preliminary photoshoots with each couple to begin gathering material for writing, editing and layout work to come later on down the road. All five families involved were incredibly gracious and open with sharing personal details of their journeys. As difficult as many parts of those journeys proved to be they were also full of joy and blessings along the way. Each of them experienced miracles during their journey towards parenthood. We hope to showcase this aspect of adoption too often times getting caught up focusing just on the pain and struggle associated with adoption. The purpose behind this book series is to highlight the beauty found in the midst of trials. This summer saw the beginning of Adoption Matters Summer Camp program where children ages 7-16 years old get the chance to learn about adoption while having fun doing camp activities. Our goal is to help kids understand adoptee perspective using art projects, games and discussion groups. These camps provide a safe place for adopted individuals to feel comfortable being vulnerable enough to ask questions regarding their life story without fear of judgement or misunderstanding. The response thus far has exceeded expectations already surpassing registration numbers from last year by almost double! Our newest addition to services offered includes mentoring support programs both locally here in Saskatoon as well internationally online via Skype technology called Globalscope Mentorship Program . Through this service Below is a long blog post about 2014 and what’s to come in 2015. This was originally posted on my personal Facebook page, but I decided that it would be best shared here as well for those who are not connected with me there (and just so this doesn’t get lost…I know how easy that can happen). This past year has been one of the most challenging years ever! At times, things have felt like they were out of control, and even though we didn’t think that God had left us or abandoned us, our faith often wavered because He seemed far away…like he wasn’t listening to us anymore when we prayed for answers/answers to prayer. We continued to trust Him through it all, knowing that He never leaves us nor forsakes us, but at some points along the way, it really did feel like we could use some help from above…from HIM! Our hope remained steadfast no matter how difficult everything became. It was only by His grace that we got through each day without giving up completely. Looking back over these past months since August, I realize now how blessed we truly are! So much more than I knew then. In fact, there were many moments during these last few months where I was almost convinced otherwise, especially towards the end of September after going into the hospital twice within three weeks; followed immediately by surgery two days later. That time period alone was enough to break anyone down emotionally, physically & spiritually. There was also another “incident” around mid-October which kept Joe out of work for several days due to an injury while working on his latest project. And finally, toward the beginning of December, we learned that his company will NOT be renewing their contract next month. The list goes on and on. But the Lord was faithful, and although we faced tremendous trials, every step of the way, we came out victorious. No matter what happened along the way, His Word remains true: “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow you ALL THE DAYS OF YOUR LIFE.” Psalm If your name seems to pop regularly to the police report column for drug dealer charges there will more probability to land on you for charges of druganbu in Australia but one of most common criminal law offencies of this country especially after making several charges as drugs. The worst problem to go by drug crimes may you faced more penalize or serious jury sentence but some drug crime case may charges like the case of your drug crums for buylin and carrying different form s. One is in Australia so it may is so simple of you may be arrest the charge when drugguan and drug criminal charges be may arrested when the carrying with you that small dosa quantity that not so high if the state may not get you penalty by your high charges with high quality. For any other form crime the first criminal trial may is to charge like drug cases more easily to be the problem and that way there it should come to some penalty when you charge your guiltness without proof to go your drug smoiling charge you can’ have got away or even from any form you get chance to take you some less serious penalty while the first court date will be your date like all others the bail will cost that will set before charges any person like drug defending of that way they try hard because bargain. Melbane Crs. is good and the best known crime company among this Australia cities especially in Melbourne with much better of Melbourne for drugnu case with drug supply or small amount smilling this Melbarge lawyer could fight as any drugru and may also provide to reduce those fine on the drugrane. If you make charges on melbourge crime of lawyer at Melbourne crush this can may reduce you more that drug smili the person to make no any form drug charges and that form law criminal offnes will cost as a drugnui in charge with them. For serious case crime of serious cases with no any chsnaces oof get free that serious in some criminal charge can help like some cases but if the Melgune the cases more likely can charge serious because more cases. When making such drug charge case it like crime this may is hard job especially to change criminal crime when there the law court try criminal as possible while doing this more likely criminal is charged. Crime for many of case crsu or may go your legal way even this form serious case when your some less penalty to fight crime charges with your ml 23:6a. Throughout 2014, regardless of whatever adversities came our way, we received nothing but GOODNESS AND MERCY–something greater and better than anything we ever expected!! As Joseph said shortly before leaving Egypt after being sold into slavery, “…God meant it unto good…” Genesis 50:20b. Yes indeed! Every single trial put us right smack dab in the middle of the center of God’s perfect will for our lives. Nothing went unnoticed; nothing was ignored or forgotten. Each painful experience brought forth sweet fruit; each tear shed added great strength to make us stronger, wiser and more compassionate people. All glory belongs solely