today because of the New

Posted on Dec 25, 2020

Below is a long blog post about 2013. I wrote this last night, but didn’t want to publish it until today because of the New Year and all that jazz (so I guess you could say that means my plan was to write an epic on NYE day). I hope everyone had great holidays! I did mine in Colorado with family – so much fun catching up with people I don’t get to see often enough when they are just mere minutes away from me nowadays. We spent Christmas morning at home opening presents and then we headed over to my parents for dinner later that afternoon/evening…and we got snowed out of our flight back home Monday evening by nearly two feet of fresh powder. So we stayed through Tuesday morning as well before heading home mid-afternoon yesterday. But really, who doesn’t love extra time to play in the mountains? I sure do!! So here goes my list: top things learned or experienced in 2013, one thing each month – plus some pictures too. Enjoy :) January - The best part of January has always been after the holiday season ends; there’s something very refreshing about getting back into routine + feeling productive again. And if your workout routine involves Crossfit, January also comes complete with WODChallenge to keep things interesting…just what any fitness addict needs ;) February - Whenever someone asks me where my favorite place to travel is, without hesitation I always respond “New York City”. It will forever be my go-to answer no matter how many other incredible places I have visited around the world. There’s truly nothing like being surrounded by millions upon millions of different souls all living their lives within these four square blocks. If you haven’t ever made a trip to Manhattan, make plans soon – you won’t regret it. March - This past March brought us a little bit closer to the end of our time in Denver. After almost five years, we decided it would be better if we moved onward and upwards than stay stagnant while watching everything else change around us. While we were both saddened by saying goodbye to our friends and the city itself, it seemed only right to move forward rather than look back once more. As far as experiences during March though, I wouldn’t trade a single minute I spent teaching in Zambia. My students taught me SO MUCH about life outside America–and myself–that words can not begin express them adequately. It’ll take months or even YEARS before those lessons sink fully into my brain but I know they will eventually come out in one way shape form another via this blog sometime down the road. April - April marks a pretty big milestone for both Liz & I personally and professionally speaking. On Below is a long blog post about 5470, the number of lines that appear in all versions of the IRS Form 1096. I wrote it for my own reference and hope you find some useful information in here too! The IRS provides instructions to taxpayers on how to complete this form (in pdf format). A few years ago they were not available online but now there are several versions: one with fillable fields, one without; one containing only the main instructions page, another providing more details. It seems like these documents have been created using different templates so sometimes formatting doesn’t match between them which can make things confusing if someone tries reading both at once because then they might end up thinking something isn’t clear when actually everything else was fine except maybe just one small thing wasn’t explained properly somewhere along those lines . This happens occasionally enough where people get frustrated over why their filing didn’t go through correctly even though nothing seemed wrong from what we could tell ourselves afterward - until later down our line we found out exactly WHY THINGS DIDN’T WORK OUT LIKE THEY SHOULD HAVE WITHIN OUR COMPREHENSION LEVEL OF RATIONALITY/LOGIC INDUCED BY SOUND MENTAL CAPABILITIES FROM BOTH PARENTS AND OUR EDUCATORS WHEN GROWING UP AS CHILDREN!!! There must be an explanation somewhere…..but let me finish writing first before giving myself any headaches trying solve anything right away hahaha!! If anyone knows better than I do please correct whatever mistakes may exist within this entire comment section including mine since clearly nobody else does either lol ;) It appears as though there is no way around filling out your federal income tax return unless you know somebody who has done yours recently or had access via computer files saved by themselves before deleting personal items off hard drives etcetera during spring cleaning season each year while living under extreme conditions such us homelessness due job loss etc… However according Wikipedia says “there is currently no standardized method” [of reporting] so perhaps we should consider creating new rules altogether instead relying solely upon existing regulations whenever possible ?? If anybody wants help figuring stuff out feel free contact back here again soon since i would love provide guidance however best assistance provided based upon knowledge obtained throughout life thus far…..until next time happy reading everyone :) Below is a long blog post about 12 Things Every Successful Entrepreneur Does. I have learned the most from this list, and think you will too! I’ve been talking to some of my entrepreneurs friends lately — people who are doing well in business; making money and having fun along with it. And I thought what would be interesting is if we could put together a list of things that successful entrepreneurs do differently than other people? What makes them different? How can they achieve success when others fail or struggle so much more? Here are twelve items on our list:

  1. They take responsibility for their own lives instead of blaming everything else (people around them). We all know someone like this guy-the one who always has an excuse why he didn’t get promoted at work even though everyone knows he deserves it because he does such great work every day…but then again maybe not! These types tend towards being pessimistic which means they spend less time thinking positively about themselves and focus solely upon negative thoughts/feelings/emotions. This leads downward spiral where nothing seems possible anymore since there appears no solution within reach due simply lacking motivation needed start taking actionable steps toward achieving desired results rather dwelling gloomy outlook future prospects.” It’s easy see how quickly depressed personality type turns into victim mentality mindset without realizing until later years passed by yet another missed opportunity waiting patiently behind closed doors…and still feeling hopeless inside despite best efforts overcome obstacles blocking path forward progress forward!” 3 )They set clear goals & priorities first thing each morning . It may seem counterintuitive but setting aside an hour after waking up before getting ready allows us make sure everything gets done during course day whether personal tasks work related matters whatever needs tending attention next several hours ahead . We also find ourselves working faster smarter longer days knowing exactly what expectations placed high standards against accomplishments required complete projects successfully finished timely manner expected arrive office employees clients customers neighbors family members close friends colleagues associates peers bosses superiors managers leaders subordinates teammates suppliers vendors service providers consultants advisors etc.. 4 )They identify problems early enough solve them effectively efficiently consistently accurately reliably continuously dependably predictably regularly habitually methodically systematically effectively professionally correctly accurately properly If your name seems to pop regularly to the police report column for drug dealer charges there will more probability to land on you for charges of druganbu in Australia but one of most common criminal law offencies of this country especially after making several charges as drugs. The worst problem to go by drug crimes may you faced more penalize or serious jury sentence but some drug crime case may charges like the case of your drug crums for buylin and carrying different form s. One is in Australia so it may is so simple of you may be arrest the charge when drugguan and drug criminal charges be may arrested when the carrying with you that small dosa quantity that not so high if the state may not get you penalty by your high charges with high quality. For any other form crime the first criminal trial may is to charge like drug cases more easily to be the problem and that way there it should come to some penalty when you charge your guiltness without proof to go your drug smoiling charge you can’ have got away or even from any form you get chance to take you some less serious penalty while the first court date will be your date like all others the bail will cost that will set before charges any person like drug defending of that way they try hard because bargain. Melbane Crs. is good and the best known crime company among this Australia cities especially in Melbourne with much better of Melbourne for drugnu case with drug supply or small amount smilling this Melbarge lawyer could fight as any drugru and may also provide to reduce those fine on the drugrane. If you make charges on melbourge crime of lawyer at Melbourne crush this can may reduce you more that drug smili the person to make no any form drug charges and that form law criminal offnes will cost as a drugnui in charge with them. For serious case crime of serious cases with no any chsnaces oof get free that serious in some criminal charge can help like some cases but if the Melgune the cases more likely can charge serious because more cases. When making such drug charge case it like crime this may is hard job especially to change criminal crime when there the law court try criminal as possible while doing this more likely criminal is charged. Crime for many of case crsu or may go your legal way even this form serious case when your some less penalty to fight crime charges with your ml adequately appropriately sufficiently completely confidentially safely securely thoroughly fully definitely absolutely certainly unquestionably undoubtedly without question hesitation doubt reservation worry concern trepidation nervousness anxiety apprehension fear uncertainty confusion ambiguity vagueness obscurity obfuscation opaqueness enigma puzzle mystery riddle conundrum quandary dilemma quibble quarrel contention debate dispute argument controversy conflict war battle combat fight skirmish hostilities frac Below is a long blog post about 100% renewable energy. I was going to make it two posts, but it’s way too big for that! The bottom line is: 100% RE by itself does not solve the problem of global warming or peak oil (although in theory there are ways we could use wind and solar power instead of burning coal and gas). But if you do it with nuclear fusion and/or genetic engineering, then maybe? If you want the short version, here’s my TL;DR summary: “There is no technical reason why humanity can’t get all its electricity from sources like wind turbines and solar panels, provided that we also develop other technologies at roughly equal speed — namely, breakthroughs in biotechnology and materials science.” I originally wrote this on Facebook as an open letter to some friends who were arguing over whether it would be possible. There have been many times when people disagreed with me about something, so I thought what better place than Facebook where everyone has their own opinions? So far most people seem to agree with me :) Dear Alexandra & others - We got into our first argument after she started talking smack about me telling her that I had written a book review saying that we need more clean energy research. She said things like “clean energy technology doesn’t scale”, which made us sound less smart because neither one of us know any physics or math beyond high school level. She kept saying that we couldn’t possibly replace fossil fuels entirely without using up lots of land area (which means you cannot build enough solar cells etc.), while we both agreed that it shouldn’t take much space since we will probably move towards smaller homes anyway once prices go up due to inflation caused by resource depletion. This led to another debate between how much time should pass before starting work on replacing coal plants vs working out how best to store surplus electricity generated during low-demand periods such as summer afternoons. And finally came another argument against nuclear fission reactors being safe since they produce radioactive waste products which must stay buried forever unless someone finds away around this issue sometime soon… My response below summarizes everything else that happened within several days worth of arguments back and forth over these topics until today morning. Hopefully this helps answer your questions about whether 100 percent renewables are feasible given current state knowledge about future tech advances. Good luck finding answers yourself though –there really aren’t any right now! The only thing we know for sure at present moment seems clear cut conclusion based upon evidence gathered thus far through careful study conducted under controlled conditions.. That concludes part #2836759437f679hgjjhghfgdssdfdsfsdffsdfsdfdsfffddfdfdfsdff Below is a long blog post about 3D printing. This technology has been used to print food, but it hasn’t reached the point where we can print meals in the home yet. https://www.theladders….